
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I dont wanna ruin anything for you. Are you talking about alduin? That dragon? He is the 'leader' of the dragons.

Im at this temple beginning with s, i got a "lift" there lol those people who have done it will know what i mean. Am i close to the end of the main quests now?

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yea, i knew he was the leader, i just thought i slayed him in whiterun... but is someone else pulling the strings?? me thinks so, i got a mystery to unravel... i guess i wasn't paying attention at the time back in whiterun... but yea, i think it's time to rock out the main quest... are you way way past that part, cortez?? that could also add to your file size being bigger than mine...

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Guest Marney1

I whacked a talking dragon with Delphine last night, I think it was talking but I was quite tired when I was playing.

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did you whack the talking one, or the ressurected one?? if i recall, the talking one spoke a strange language, then a skeleton dragon emerged from a burial site... it was actually pretty fucking sweet... then he flew off and i had to fight a named dragon that i couldn't remember the name of...

wow, me and marney are at the same spot in the story... i guess i have been moving way to slow through the story if marney is at the same spot...

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Guest Marney1

did you whack the talking one, or the ressurected one?? if i recall, the talking one spoke a strange language, then a skeleton dragon emerged from a burial site... it was actually pretty fucking sweet... then he flew off and i had to fight a named dragon that i couldn't remember the name of...

wow, me and marney are at the same spot in the story... i guess i have been moving way to slow through the story if marney is at the same spot...

I'm only level 15 and have over a hundred locations (unexplored - but found) so I can fast travel almost anywhere but my head's like a basket of squirrels atm as I'm not following any set storyline, just doing random quests here and there. I need to find time where I can give 100% concentration to the game because I'm thinking about work a lot so tbh I haven't got a clue what's going on.

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does anyone know how to put weapons and armor on the display racks?? i would like to use them, but i can't figure out how... basically the only thing i have put on display in my house in some butterfly in a jar, and i can't get it to stand upright... and i have no idea how i got that jar by the way...

what's the point of a the butterfly in the jar??

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does anyone know how to put weapons and armor on the display racks?? i would like to use them, but i can't figure out how... basically the only thing i have put on display in my house in some butterfly in a jar, and i can't get it to stand upright... and i have no idea how i got that jar by the way... what's the point of a the butterfly in the jar??

For weapon racks you need to equip the weapon in your right hand and then activate the rack.

For armour you need to activate the mannequin and give the armour to it (by pressing X on 360, so I figure it'll be Square on PS3).

Houses come with random shit. I don't know if the butterfly jar has a purpose, it might just be clutter like cooking pots and pans.

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i'll try it later today... i could of swore i tried equipping a weapon and using the rack, but the rack doesn't resgister as something to make an action with... what about those crests that you see above beds, like the bed in whiterun?? i can remove items from it, but i can't add anything to it... perhaps they are set up like the weapon racks and i have to have them equipped and ready to use...

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yea, i'm lost... cicero was in oblivion?! he's with the dark brotherhood?! how come he didn't offer me a spot with them when i helped him out?? either way, i still like him :D... i hope i can recruit him as a companion, but i don't think the dark brotherhood is the route for me anyways...

It'll make sense when you do the Dark Brotherhood quests. Whenever you end up doing them.

I'd apologize for the spoilers, but, well, all the "mother" dialogue made it kind of obvious, if you've finished the DB quests in Oblivion (and you should have), or at least know any of the DB lore.

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nope... like i said, once i was set free to go wherever in oblivion, i didn't even touch the story... i think the farthest i got was when i took the heir to the throne to the temple of the nine or something to hide him for the time being... i closed maybe 2 or 3 oblivion gates, then the world out-leveled me and i died at every turn because i decided to be a stupid elf archer...

thank god that isn't the case with skyrim... this feels more like fallout's leveling system... plus now i am playing as the character build i am good at when i play these kinds of games; a brute dual-wielding fearless warrior :D...

i think i literally just started the brotherhood when i gave up on the game... i killed someone to start the quest, snuck into some inn and killed a guy... but i didn't read any books, or learn of the history of the land... in skyrim, i am reading bits and pieces here and there... i've actually been collecting books with stuff on the history of the land to read when i feel like it... i am trying, but i am a noob when it comes to the history of tamriel...

i've read some good books, like the one about a vampire hunter, who ended up being hunted in the end by the narrator :lol:... that was a good read... i read the book of dragonborn, perhaps i should read it again... and i don't know anything about the deadric princes (i have a book on them though), i just remember that they came from the oblivion gates, which has since been sealed... i did run into one of the princes though, he was the jokester one named sam that sent me on a long detective quest where i had to figure out what i did the night before... i liked it, it's the best quest so far...

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ohh... all the more reason to start plowing through the main quest then... i think i've done enough exploring to know that i should probably get back to the task at hand... the world seems to be in amazement that another dragon attacked kynesgrove, even though i had slayed another dozen before it that went unnoticed... then i went to a cave i got tasked with early in the game and it was a piece of cake... i remember feeling not ready for it back then, but it was nothing... i should probably make my way to solitude then, that's where the story is taking me... i might hit up a cave on the way though, it's on my map, i have to see what it is that i forgot about in there...

ohh, and duffman... i can't put items on the racks... my game is busted... ohh well, i just wanted to try it, i could care less about my house in skyrim to be honest... a safehouse means so much more in fallout, but it skyrim, houses are everywhere... in fallout, shelter was more important than other things... the people of skyrim have no idea how privileged they are... plus, all i do is collect junk, there's no point in grabbing magical swords or armor anymore, i've got dozens of them already... money seems to be a non factor too... i rarely find anything outside of ore or ingots worth buying....

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in fallout, shelter was more important than other things... the people of skyrim have no idea how privileged they are...

Safe, walled-in cities filled with sturdy stone houses, clean buildings and streets, fresh, healthy food, cool, clean lakes and rivers, but the occasional dragon attack.

Decaying ruins, filth everywhere, the choice of 200-year-old pork and beans or some kind of vegetable that barely grew out of the dry soil it was planted in, irradiated water, and a never-ending horde of mutated monsters or psychotic raiders that want nothing more than to rip you to shreds.

Those Nords are a bunch of pussies.

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Help!!!!! please.

Right i'm finally doing the main storyline and i've got to the bit where you have to go back to riverwood and talk to delphine about some thalmor people. And everytime i go into the Inn where she's at, her and her mate start attacking for no reason what so ever, so i go to kill her but the bitch won't die. At no point have i attacked her first, so is it part of the game or is it just fucked? And has anyone got a suggestion on what i can do please. Cos there's no way in hell i'm starting the game again after i've goten to level 30 and spent 45 hours on the bloody thing.

Just got the jabbawocci stick thing aswell from the daedric of madness, it's so cool. (Oooooh nooo, a big scairy mammoth.......Ka Blaooooww........Now you're a cute lil bunny, arhh)

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Tried that already, even dropped everything before going in and she still attacks. At the moment the only thing i can think of is that i've already killed loads of Thalmor when you see them with prisonars wandering around. And if the next part of the game has to do with them then maybe it's fucked it???

Maybe i'll give it a few days (game time) Bitch might be on her period. lol.

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Guest Marney1

I had a glitch where my bow was already in the pulled back-open position and couldn't use it so I had to run away from some bandits while half frozen which was a fucker.

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...Cos there's no way in hell i'm starting the game again after i've goten to level 30 and spent 45 hours on the bloody thing...

damn, i am slow at playing games... he's where i just was, yet i am level 25 26 and 90 hours in, lol :lol:... i guess i spend too much time not doing anything... hell, i am typing this and i left the game running, the camera is spinning around...

i was gonna suggest that you look at your active spells to see if you've been turned into a vampire and your in a later stages of vampirism, but it's only happening when you enter her shop... perhaps you beat up on her when you were fighting that dragon and she has a grudge against you... if you could, i would go back a couple hours to a previous save...

that is, if you keep an extra save handy... i have the main one for use when i am happy with the progress, and i have one for when i am progressing... sometimes i contemplate having a 3rd save... but i bet waiting it out for a few days might work... go somewhere way away, go indoors, and wait it out, maybe try a week... otherwise, i don't know what else to say...

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I had that issue, well sort of. I tried pickpocketing delphine and she caught me, so then i tried to kill the bitch but she wouldnt die. I had to go to a let her kill me and then re load and it was fine. But if that happened and you saved it then u will probably as bones said have to use a previous save. Maybe an autosave if you dont have a different save file.

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i hope everything works out for him... i don't think i've ever dealt with the thalmor before the mission i am about to turn in... but i sure did kill a lot of them at the party... they gotta be over 7 feet tall, or breton's really are that short :P...

i went to the party, that was kinda interesting... maybe i need to stick to the main quest for a while, the missions sure are a lot more fun than looting another cave for someone... although, i was disapointed in the party itself, twas rather boring and not enough people there to talk to... i thought it was suppose to be a grand party for all the elite socialites of skyrim, but the only person i recognized was that bitch black-briar, who threatened to expose me :angry:... i wanna kill her when i get back to riften...

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Guest Marney1

Was aimlessly wondering round earlier tonight and absolutely shit myself.

I had the surround sound turned up loud and a bear roared from somewhere behind me, I forgot bears were even in Skyrim. :P

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yea, welcome to the open-worlds of bethesda... try walking past some trees, then being hit by the spit of a frost spider, only to turn around and realize one spawned right behind you... i wish i had mjoll with me, she might of attacked it before it attacked me... followers do tend to lag behind a bit...

or in fallout 3, vault 92... i make a slight sound and about 6 mirelurks come flying around the corridor corner!! that's actually my first instance of being scared to shit in a bethesda open world game... and i always play with the surround sound on, i hear it all :D... dragons get my heart rate pumping a bit too, especially when i hear them before i see them...

fuck me, i have no more space on the bookshelf, time to use the barrel underneath the staircase... or is it an angled ladder??

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...Cos there's no way in hell i'm starting the game again after i've goten to level 30 and spent 45 hours on the bloody thing...

i was gonna suggest that you look at your active spells to see if you've been turned into a vampire and your in a later stages of vampirism, but it's only happening when you enter her shop... perhaps you beat up on her when you were fighting that dragon and she has a grudge against you... if you could, i would go back a couple hours to a previous save...

that is, if you keep an extra save handy... i have the main one for use when i am happy with the progress, and i have one for when i am progressing... sometimes i contemplate having a 3rd save... but i bet waiting it out for a few days might work... go somewhere way away, go indoors, and wait it out, maybe try a week... otherwise, i don't know what else to say...

No Vampirism. And if i'd hit her while fighting the dragon she wouldn't of spoken to me afterwards. I don't know if anyone else noticed though that after you kill that dragon and Delphine fucks back off to Riverwood, if you go back to Whiterun first she stops off there in the Inn, only just remembered that. She was at the cooking pot and she just says she'll speak back in riverwood. I did steal a sword from her place while she wasn't looking and she didn't react at the time.

I have 3 save spots but went over the time before all that ages ago cos i save alot. It'll be such a fucking shame if i have to start again cos i hate games with glitches and i'd never finish it. fingers crossed some how the stupid game will unglitch it's self.

One last thing, thanks to whoever put that post on about getting the free house in Whiterun (can't be bothered to troll back to find out who it was). Let's just say it was you........yes're reading this arn't you??............thanks.

p.s. I've watched so much Family Guy in the last two weeks when ever i'm thinking the voice in my head sounds like Stewie. >_>

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