
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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The whole point of this game is being able to explore and handle situations however you want. If you're playing, and you're enjoying yourself, then you're doing it right.

Because this game is made by Bethesda, if you're playing, and you're not enjoying yourself, you're doing it very, very wrong, and you are fucking retarded.

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Like bOnEs, i too enjoy exploring and doing things the hard way. I'm only level 30 and I've clocked many hours, just wondering the world map collecting shit and stocking it up in my house for a rainy day. It's essentially a role-playing game, so you may as well take on the role, is how i see it.

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Yeah i'm okay with my levelling. I'm level 51 with maybe 120 hours. But, i'm really crap at trying to do quests, I spend far too long just doing my own thing. But I enjoy it, so whatever.

I'm quite the completionist as well, so I want to get to like level 83 or whatever the limit is, and complete EVERY quest possible. I don't know if the latter is possible though, not with radiant quests but all the general quests.

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You just seem to be doing as much as possible in whatever area you're in before moving on, regardless of the amount of xp you get doing it.

not completely true... while i am just outside the gates of windhelm, and i still haven't been to dawnstar, winterhold or fark-something, the southwestern town, i am still getting side-tracked with quests that take me over here, then back over there, then up there and over yonder... i am not doing everything either, but i do spend a lot of time planning my next set of moves, or spend hours hunting in the whiterun reach, filling soul gems :D...

i do waste a lot of time doing petty shit, but if i pass a cave or location, i tend to clear it before i move on, unless i know it's related to a quest i am holding on to...

like massacre and dupzor said, if your not role playing and doing it the way you want to, you're doing it wrong...

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How often do you fast travel?

a quick way i was leveling my stats and just buying a fuck load of leather and making leather Armour and shit. blacksmiths always have leather armour stock. i just make a crap load and sell it. also when i kill someone i always take their armour. usually its imperials and their light armour. take those, upgrade them at a work bench and you level it up pretty good when you doing to to 10 armour suits at a time after each quest. that and you turn a profit.

You're doing extremely well for not having Fallout experience like most of us. You picked that shit up quick.

*Raises a tankard of mead to D-O*


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My womans role is that she wants to know all about who she is, how she is dragonborn. She thrives for knowledge and no morals stop her.

She will steal, lie and kill to gain knowledge.

I do enjoy it so i guess im doing ok, i worry i make it harder for myself by not upgradin things.

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@D-O - i fast travel a lot... but you have to discover the location first of course... but it's easy to get side-tracked on your journey to said location, every cave i pass is too intriquiging to ignore :D...

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@D-O - i fast travel a lot... but you have to discover the location first of course... but it's easy to get side-tracked on your journey to said location, every cave i pass is too intriquiging to ignore :D...

I run past them usually cause i figure eventually there will be a quest in them, or a least a bounty mission.

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look at that photo and take it all in... is this not a funny glitch??

i leave the kynsegrove inn, just south of windhelm, and there's a sound like someone knocked something over... i turn and look, but i see nothing out of the ordinary until i walk around this giant brown bush against the wall and see the sharpening wheel... then i see the mammoth :lol:...

too bad it wasn't still alive, i would of trapped it's grand soul...

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fuck you!! i am waiting to turn over to the next level so i can take the ebony smithing perk too :angry:... i still don't fucking understand why i am so fucking slow compared to everyone else... i have an enchanting level of 73 though, maybe i got you there :D...

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@Merc' Try starting over again like I did, you'll be back to where you were before in no time but will understand it all better. No long ass quest lists for me anymore, I just pick up a few at a time now.

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Not as slow as me...think im gunna trade skyrim..cant be bothered with it. *waits to be slaughtered*

I told you it wasn't for girls.

GTFO, noob.

In other news, I have a marathon gaming session planned this evening. Not sure if I am going to play this or wrap up the MW3 campaign.

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Haven't played this for almost a week now. The glitchin on it is starting to really piss me off, but its the playstation that got the problem right? Not the game. I switch it on and after about hour half or when i get near either a big city or a big waterfall the ps3 just can't keep up with everything it has to load.

Was never a fan of Obvivion, thought it was shit personally and i stuck to Fallout but Skyrim has got to be one of my all time favorites after the MGS's. I just hope the next one will be on the ps4 or whatever it'll be called.

Hmm don't have work till 6, might go play for abit.

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Finally beat the Civil War quest. Why couldn't I kill Ulfric and just take over Skyrim for myself? No one can touch me.

Glad that bit of mass warfare is over. I should have used more destruction/conjuration magic when clearing all the forts/cities. I used my bow to clear out the archers on the towers of the fort/city and then charged in with my sword and just killed everyone in my way. I couldn't really tell the difference between soldiers when everyone was fighting. I should have just spammed the fuck out of fireballs. I have armor and jewelry that almost instantly recharges my magic after use and I wouldn't really have to worry about the splash damage from the fireballs.

I wish I could have had the option to clear the forts on my own for the last few forts, Stormcloak soldiers are useless and get in the way. I guess they did draw some attention from the soldiers, but if it was just me, they would have never known I was there until I stuck the shiv in their neck. Also, shivs are my new favorite close range weapon.

I'm at level 60, my smithing, sneaking, speech, enchanting are all at 100. I'm trying to plan my next few level up perks a little better. I originally went the light armor route, and now I am regretting not being able to craft daedric armor. I may just wait until my next character to be able to do so, but I just found a daedric helmet and it's awesome. If I start finding more weapons and such, I am going to be sad I cannot make them as epic or legendary as possible.

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Finally beat the Civil War quest. Why couldn't I kill Ulfric and just take over Skyrim for myself? No one can touch me.

Glad that bit of mass warfare is over. I should have used more destruction/conjuration magic when clearing all the forts/cities. I used my bow to clear out the archers on the towers of the fort/city and then charged in with my sword and just killed everyone in my way. I couldn't really tell the difference between soldiers when everyone was fighting. I should have just spammed the fuck out of fireballs. I have armor and jewelry that almost instantly recharges my magic after use and I wouldn't really have to worry about the splash damage from the fireballs.

I wish I could have had the option to clear the forts on my own for the last few forts, Stormcloak soldiers are useless and get in the way. I guess they did draw some attention from the soldiers, but if it was just me, they would have never known I was there until I stuck the shiv in their neck. Also, shivs are my new favorite close range weapon.

I'm at level 60, my smithing, sneaking, speech, enchanting are all at 100. I'm trying to plan my next few level up perks a little better. I originally went the light armor route, and now I am regretting not being able to craft daedric armor. I may just wait until my next character to be able to do so, but I just found a daedric helmet and it's awesome. If I start finding more weapons and such, I am going to be sad I cannot make them as epic or legendary as possible.

In terms of stats, armor rating is capped to 567 (which is 80% damage reduction). This is regardless of what armour you're wearing, and I know that light armour can reach that rating. So wearing heavy armour is just for the perks and appearance really.

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there's also a perk for heavy armor that makes the weight equal 0... i am working towards that one... but i plan on using light armor for my mage character...

finally got my ebony shit, my legendary ebony mace is BRUTAL!!! but now just about every city has significant lag when walking around or fast-traveling... it's starting to become extremely annoying... i thought there was suppose to be a new patch on the way?? i would love to see if it helps the situation because it's starting to reach game-breaking lag...

you having lag issues DiO??

@stoic - is the civil war a part of the main questline?? i am currently tasked with finding the elder scroll so i am thinking that once i do that, i will be working on the war of skyrim next... i haven't pledged to the stormcloaks or the imperials yet because i am not ready to pick a side, nor deal with the comments from both sides on where i stand...

am i the only getting annoyed walking around town?? everywhere i go, someone has to make some damn comment about dragons, me being a companion, or now that i am enrolled at the college, they make comments about that... NPC's are too eager to tell me something and it's getting fucking annoying...

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I only want the Daedric Armor for the perks. Like I said, probably next playthrough. I'm maxing out my enchanting and smithing perks next and I am just going to focus on the maximum I can get out of light armor and glass weapons.

There is also a perk in the Light Armor tree to make it weightless. I would like to get this for the dragon scale armor I have.

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is dragon armor heavy and light, or just lgiht armor?? i was looking forward to it, but if it's light then i guess i'll have to look forward to daedric armor then... but this ebony armor is fucking cool to be honest, i am in no rush...

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Dragon Armor is both heavy and light. Both require a shitton of scales. SAVE YOUR DRAGON SCALES. Dragon bones aren't as sparse, but you need the scales to upgrade both kinds of armor.

Kind of pissed there are no dragon weapons. I would like to stab someone to death with a dragon's penis.

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i've saved every dragon bone and scale form every dragon i've slayed... and i gotta be damn near 40 slayed dragons by now... i will have to look at my collection to see the official numbers, but i am actually more worried abouth having the daedric hearts for daedric weapons and armor... i think i only have maybe 3 hearts...

also, did you see my comment on the civil war?? is it a part of the main quest??

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