
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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if i clear a couple of rooms, i save on my 2nd file... i only ever replace the original if i am satisfied with the progress, which is 99% of the time... there was a couple times where i went back an hour or less... but that's where the autosave comes in handy, when dealing with the politics of skyrim... battle saves are usually justified, but sometimes you might say the wrong thing and didn't mean for it to break down like that... and you feel ecstatic that it saved before you entered the room...

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I just save every 15 minutes or so, alternating between my two save files. (Given that I have four separate games running that's eight save files.) And as this is my fourth playthrough I know where the danger points are and exactly where and when to save. I do forget from time to time and regret it afterwards when i'm jumped by something that kills me and I lose an hour or so's progress. Since this is my thief character he's relatively weak in open combat and this makes it even more vital to save regularly... I'm only level 21 at the moment but he's still having trouble with even sabre cats doing major damage.

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My game keeps fucking freezing. gotta figure out which mod I installed to fuck it up.


if u gonna install mods, do it one at a time. install it and test it for awhile before getting another. fuck lol

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You've been going pretty heavy on the mods, haven't you? I noticed in your last pic you were rocking those fur hoods from the Nexus. Forgot the file name.

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I can't believe I haven't played this yet....

My Penis, Your Ass

Is there a specific reason? Do you not like fantasy? You seem the type who would love fantasy games for some reason.

I like reality better, Its so much more twisted.

Anyway, no, i havn't played it because i've been busy playing shitty games like "Motorstorm Apocolypse"

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I like reality better, Its so much more twisted.

So sig'd

Anyway played yesterday for the first time in months, I'm a wood-elf archer. Not really much else to say except anyone know where I can get some wood elf blood, other than killing faendal....?

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I haven't done that quest yet, does it have to be a named member of that race, or just anyone? The archers in bandit groups are almost always wood elves.

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You've been going pretty heavy on the mods, haven't you? I noticed in your last pic you were rocking those fur hoods from the Nexus. Forgot the file name.

yah the hood are sick.

I really dont know whats causing the freezing. i think it might be an autosaving freeze. but i cant remember if it was autosaving on previous crashed. I can think what mod would be causing it out of no where.



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I really dont know whats causing the freezing. i think it might be an autosaving freeze. but i cant remember if it was autosaving on previous crashed. I can think what mod would be causing it out of no where.

I'm always fucking around with mods, I've got hundreds between Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Still haven't tried to make one, though. Screen cap your data file and post it here, I'll see if I recognize any problematic mods.

Of course, if you've been downloading prostitution mods and don't want anyone to know, I'll understand.

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about time...

i am still trying to get to level 50... i should start using alternative skills right now, or just buy up a bunch of skills...there's only 3 daedric artifacts left for me to find, and i am already partially through one of them... they're all located in or near falkreath, so that's where i am going next time i play... visited dawnstar for the first time today, i guess it's time to visit falkreath for the first time too, lol...

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My Khajiit character is taking shape, just forged my glass weaponry, which I think i'll stick with for him. It's powerful enough with the 15x sneak bonus, it's not as if i'm going to be doing the main storyline and encountering Draugr Deathlords or i'd be in trouble.

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My one followers mod corrupted one of my save files I believe. Thats why when i uninstalled it it was still freezing. got rid of it and reverted to an old save and my game works.

brought me back down to level 76 but yesterday I got to 77. Losing leveling progress sucks. I leveled my restoration a bit and that was fucking boring and now i might have to do it again. gonna say that one for last.

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i am just a few skills away from reaching level 50... i gained two levels at an imperial camp yesterday when i equipped light armor, a shield, the fast heal spell and started some shit... for 20 minutes i managed to improve light armor and block to 50, and restoration to 40-something... i spammed the hell out of those skills... and before that i was using the bound battleaxe for a while too, which improved two-handed drastically too... so my character is now well rounded in all phases of physical combat... i don't think i will work on his magic all that much, despite conjuration being at 50 and destruction at 40, because i am ready to create a new character...

all i have left is the companion questline and the final daedric artifact, which ties into the werewolf stuff anyways...

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My game froze again. so what i did made it better but not got rid of it? its like maybe once im hitting a certian level it starts freezing. fuck idk. might just give up

i am just a few skills away from reaching level 50... i gained two levels at an imperial camp yesterday when i equipped light armor, a shield, the fast heal spell and started some shit... for 20 minutes i managed to improve light armor and block to 50, and restoration to 40-something... i spammed the hell out of those skills... and before that i was using the bound battleaxe for a while too, which improved two-handed drastically too... so my character is now well rounded in all phases of physical combat... i don't think i will work on his magic all that much, despite conjuration being at 50 and destruction at 40, because i am ready to create a new character...

all i have left is the companion questline and the final daedric artifact, which ties into the werewolf stuff anyways...

good idea. ive read that the higher level you get, the bigger your save file gets and the more it glitches. FUCK

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i like fallout more too, but i still had a blast playing this game... and speaking of which, here's the final numbers on my file... the total hours for my level 50 breton warrior reached 271 hours... my most extensive fallout new vegas file, including playing through all the DLC's, clocked in at 253 hours... damn this game is huge, and there's still probably a few dozen locations i have yet to find or explore... and probably a good dozen or more major quests...

i also started my new character last night, i created a female wood elf assassin named, "Alionna"... so far i am off to a great start, sneak killing with the bow and sword, and working on smithing and speech... i just reached whiterun with a dragon tablet... after that, i am heading to riften to join the thieves guild...

and since i have to wait all damn day for the appliances to be delivered, i am up already so i might as well pick up where i left off last night... ohh goodie :D...

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I don't know how you guys play through a game twice, i tried with fallout new vegas and i still havent made it out of Primm....

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