
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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yea, i haven't been able to put the controller down on my second file... i am having a blast being a sneak thief... it's refreshing to play through the game knowing what the world is about this time around... my first character was completely clueless of the world of tamriel and the nord traditions, and the conflicts of the world... i seriously didn't even realize i was riding with ulfred stormcloak in the opening scene the first time, lol...

anyways, the last thing i did last night was steal an unusual gem, which should lead me to riften and the thieves guild... that's where i will become the character i want her to be... but as of now, she's just a petty thief and skilled archer who just learned that she is dragonborn and now has shout powers, which i am actually going to use this time around... i rarely used them with my first character...

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Man one of my fav shouts if your playing with sneaking is throw voice.

used that when I was level sneaking...before i found the fast way to level sneaking

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the fastest way is to sneak around a room full of enemies for a few minutes... and then finishing them off with arrows form the shadows... the shout i did use a few times outside of the unrelenting force was the one that lit all the enemies on fire...

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yea, i don't think i tried any of those, lol... when the greybeards told me of previous dragonborns who abused their powers, i realized that i should be that kind of character this time... i am gonna abuse the dragon shouts...

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The only shouts I use are the obvious one and whirlwind spirit when i'm overloaded with gear and can't run. They are the only two I have favourited. I can't be arsed going into the magic menu and choosing a shout halfway through a battle. Most of 'em do the same job as spells anyway.

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..but they don't waste magic, for those of us with limited abilities in that department... i wish i knew that whirlwind sprint trick last night when i hauled 400 lbs of shit back to whiterun... it took about 15 minutes to walk it, could of cut that time in half, lol...

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Yeah, use it, wait an hour, use it again, wait an hour... repeat.

Gets a bit annoying hearing "WOLD.... NAH KAST!!!" Over and over again though.

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I meant wait an hour as in "use the wait function"...


I totally knew what you mean.

Bones, ur dumb.


but yah try call storm. it start raining and lighting hit enemies. good when ur out numbered

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Yeah next playthrough when I actually do the main storyline and recreate my Nord character I will try to use all the shouts at least once.

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i know what you meant, but it's much quicker to just wait a few seconds for the shout to restore... god you guys are both dumb... it takes like 5-10 seconds to use the wait function on the PS3...

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i know what you meant, but it's much quicker to just wait a few seconds for the shout to restore... god you guys are both dumb... it takes like 5-10 seconds to use the wait function on the PS3...

It takes 20 seconds for the base shout to charge but when using all three it takes 35, waiting only takes two seconds assuming you don't have autosave turned on as that freezes the game momentarily.

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yea, i still have auto save turned on... i figured it would be faster if i just walked slowly for a about 10 seconds, then did the sprint, rinse and repeat... thanks for the tip though, i never thought about trying that while over-encumbered...

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Autosave is a bastard game ruiner. I can never forgive it for how many times it's caused my game to crash and/or freeze. I had ten times more problems with it turned on, since I turned it off I can't remember the last time the game froze on me.

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it's not been an issue for me... the only hassle is how long it takes to save... but i am a patient person so it doesn't bother me... nope, i can only recall maybe a half a dozen freezes in the entire 275 hours i spent on my last character... compare that to the possible hundred freezes in fallout new vegas and this game is by far more stable...

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I wrapped up the Dark Brotherhood missions yesterday. I had my first "twist" in the game that kind of got me, although I should have seen it coming. I upgraded the dark sanctuary and saved my game in the torture chamber where I can spam all of my spellls and shit.

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no, being a thief and a member of the dark brotherhood didn't fit in with my noble warrior who saved skyrim... that's why i created a new character, someone who would fit in that kind of lifestyle... god dammit, this is a role playing game, i play roles... my last character wasn't a sneak-thief...

as a matter of fact, my last character didn't do hardly any missions in riften because they went against his beliefs... the only ones he did were the ones that helped out the poor folks who were being preyed on by the thieves...

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