
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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the thieves guild armor offered the best enchantments i think... i haven't seen the DB armor yet, but the thieves guild offered carrying capacity, pickpocketing, lockpicking, and archery i think...

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hmm... a lot of the DB gear is quite beneficial... i might be wearing that instead of the nightingale armor... but the nightingale armor is still better looking :D...

EDIT: in other news, a new patch is on it's way today for consoles...

i am kinda curious to see the new kill cams...

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I've been using the nightingale armour since I got it, which was ages ago. I have much stronger armours, but I don't really need them as an archer, so I just stuck with the nightingales, because it looks so cool.

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New patch is out; only thing i've noticed so far is the underwater texturing has changed, before you could have the camera angled under the water line but still see clear sky ahead and also to the ocean floor, it was a good exploit for checking out wrecks and things before actually venturing down. Seems they've fixed that now as you get a blurred effect when under the water line regardless of whether your character's underwater or not.

Also the destruction spell cinematic kills, they seem rather pointless as it's just a slowed down version of your character flaming the enemy and them collapsing to the floor. No fancy animation or anything, sometimes it's just a slow mo shot of the enemy keeling over.

Just read this:

Didn't seem to affect me though.

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the arrow kill cam is a nice touch... i guess i installed the patch without knowing last night because i got the arrow kill cam a couple of times... i have a tendency to start the PS3, and press X periodically over the next few minutes while doing something else, just so the game is launched and ready to go when i switch the TV over... i must of installed the patch when doing that :lol:...

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guess not, because i got the ranged kill cams... and last night, i noticed that it looks a lot better underwater now too :D... it looks quite impressive actually, it feels murky and blurry, and there's something with the filter they used on the graphics that just makes it feel right... i am actually going to explore the water more often now... i gotta find an underwater enchantment somewhere, i can't believe i haven't found one... on my first file i think it was the first enchantment i learned...

ohh, i finally joined the DB last night, i was busy the last couple of nights finishing up the thieves guild stuff so i could become the guild master... and i like the guild master armor over the nightingale armor because the enchantments are just more beneficial to me... but the DB armor does offer some nice perks too, i think i am gonna bring both armors with me, i've got plenty of inventory space... one for assassinations and one for thieving... and combine both when cave exploring :D...

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and last night, i noticed that it looks a lot better underwater now too :D... it looks quite impressive actually, it feels murky and blurry, and there's something with the filter they used on the graphics that just makes it feel right... i am actually going to explore the water more often now... i gotta find an underwater enchantment somewhere, i can't believe i haven't found one... on my first file i think it was the first enchantment i learned...

Yeah but before I could use the exploit I mentioned to see where barnacles and slaughterfish eggs were, and shoals of fish to harvest (not salmon though, only alchemy ingredients.) Now I can't do that.

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Every character i've played as i've still collected every ingredient I come across, I can't resist it. Making potions is good income, epsecially blue butterfly wings and blue mountain flower, even without the giant's toe it still sells for a lot.

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yea, that is a good one... i actually occasionally make that poison because it fetches about 100 septims every time for me... i am only selling stuff on this file for improving the speech skill... i create dwarven bows while smithing, then enchant them with stamina damage, then sell it to vendors for speech... it's a vicious cycle, but i only really do it when i am a few points from gaining a level these days...

alchemy (and perhaps illusion too, that's an assassin thing) is gonna have to be my new thing since leveling is getting harder approaching 40... and i am planning on using more poisons and paralyzing potions with the arrows anyways... i need some ranged fun because sneak killing is the same ol same ol... and with the new DB gauntlets, it's almost game breaking for me... i am pretty much certain that nothing will ever take more than one hit while sneaking with a dagger... 30x damage is completely over the top, lol :lol:... the bow still isn't a killer yet, but it's getting there...


EDIT: lol i too also collect every ingredient i come across, because they barely take up any space... you'll laugh at this one and i think everyone will too, but i once chased a butterfly off a cliff to my doom :lol:... i also hunted down some torchbugs once, only to be mauled from behind by a sabre cat...

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I find the ingredients I carry usually equate to over two thirds of my haul. As my thief I had a carrying capacity of 520 odd and I was near the limit. I emptied my stash of ingredients into a chest in my house and my weight went down to 150 or so. I had about 200 snowberries, 100 each of the mountain flowers, a couple hundred thistles plus all the other odd bits.

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god damn, did you never store your ingredients or do you routinely go out on berry picking adventures?? i might only have 50 of each said ingredient, and that's accumulated over a span of several dozen hours... i don't go out of my way to pick flowers, but when i pass them, i take them...

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I don't look for flowers, they are easy to find. Some of the rarer ingredients I will search for though; just been doing a canis root and giant lichen gathering session around Morthal. I was actually thinking of writing a guide showing where ingredients can be found, but since this isn't a Skyrim fansite I decided not to.

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all flowers can be found around the roadside or just off the paths... i merely only grab them if my character walks through them and i see the option of picking it... i am gonna travel to morthal though to collect canis roots, they are a key ingredient in paralyzing potions... any tips on finding swamp fungus pods??

also, you probably know this one, but the area around eldergleam sanctuary is loaded with the supposedly "rare" jazbay grapes... i've got dozens of those... rare my ass...

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Yeah Jazbay is common around that area. There's loads of it, not just around the Eldergleam Sanctuary.

Swamp fungal pods are easy to see, big white bulbous things littering the ground everywhere around the swamps in the area. Giant lichen are the bastards to see, if you want to find those check in Morthal, there's one by the lake outside of the Moorside Inn, near the nirnroot and a blue mountain flower. It'll give you an idea of what to look for; huge brown pancakes that are exactly the same colour as the ground, (best tip for seeing them is to put your camera top down over your character and slowly pace around until you see them, you can easily miss them in the long grass.) Canis root is also quite hard to spot around there, but it's where they are most common (they are also frequently found around The Rift.) They look like twiggy splayed hands coming up out of the ground.

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Got this running on my new PC on a temporary GPU (6850, 580 gets here Wed or Thurs) and I'm shocked to say it runs on ultra with the 6850. Loaded up with some mods and a good ENB, I'm still in shock while I play it. It feels so good to run around and feel so much more immersed in the game than I have before. I love it. I can't wait to install this when the new graphics card comes... then I'll be the one coming!

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I don't look for flowers, they are easy to find. Some of the rarer ingredients I will search for though; just been doing a canis root and giant lichen gathering session around Morthal. I was actually thinking of writing a guide showing where ingredients can be found, but since this isn't a Skyrim fansite I decided not to.

I've got quite a collection of ingredients. I usually just go and buy a store out and save all the shit in my apothecary satchel in Whiterun. It's much easier than searching for useless ones. The one thing I hunt for however is Sabre cat eye, for fortify smithing.

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I had this game since November and played maybe 3 hours I got pissed at the start because I couldn't find my way to those three guys on the mountains

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I had this game since November and played maybe 3 hours I got pissed at the start because I couldn't find my way to those three guys on the mountains

I frequently give up on games because I can't be bothered to do the missions in them or they are too difficult. In GTA IV I had to drive Roman somewhere but some prat had put a fucking wall in the way! I spent several hours ramming the car into it but it just wouldn't budge so in the end I gave up and cried. I wish they would make these games easier.


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