
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Has anyone found themselves over-encumbered with completely useful items, or valuables that they just wont drop, and have fast travelled to the nearest town to sell, and has to wait like 5-minutes just to make it to the shop?

I do this regularly.

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Has anyone found themselves over-encumbered with completely useful items, or valuables that they just wont drop, and have fast travelled to the nearest town to sell, and has to wait like 5-minutes just to make it to the shop?

I do this regularly.

If you never get that, you're playing it wrong.

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I filled my slut with weapons until she couldn't take any more, then accidentally killed her in the heat of battle. Luckily I died too so I reloaded with her still alive. No way I'd be able to carry all that stuff myself.

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That's pretty much all I keep my companions around for, other than the occasional troll. Although I can drop a troll in three swings now. Perks and Orcish Warhammer ftw.

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I haven't run into any Elven weapons yet. I only have the armor because I ran into a trio of Thalmor guys carting a Stormcloak off to Whiterun and decided to liberate my comrade.

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A stormcloak...

Being a Redguard I don't really know which side to take. At the moment i've remained pretty neutral, but the assholes in Windhelm are starting to make me hate the nords.

Who did you follow in Helgen?

I ran a couple of characters through Helgen just so I would be through the tutorial when I wanted to start a new character. My Redguard is Imperial, but for everyone else, I went Stormcloak. I just can't see any reason to join the Empire, they're a bunch of assholes.

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I'm an empirecloak. As in, they're all fucking idiots. My dude is a Nord, cause I only like whites. 56 hours in at the moment, that is all. *goes back into Skyrim coma*

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A stormcloak...

Being a Redguard I don't really know which side to take. At the moment i've remained pretty neutral, but the assholes in Windhelm are starting to make me hate the nords.

Who did you follow in Helgen?

I ran a couple of characters through Helgen just so I would be through the tutorial when I wanted to start a new character. My Redguard is Imperial, but for everyone else, I went Stormcloak. I just can't see any reason to join the Empire, they're a bunch of assholes.

I think I ran toward the stormcloak to attack him and realised I had unintentionally taken sides in a civil war, and the wrong side at that. But I have the choice to join either side, I just think Ulfric is an asshole.

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Argh. I'm trying to do the quest in Morthal to remove my stupid vampire curse or whatever it is I have, but every time I go near the town, everyone attacks me! Any help guys? >_<. Fucking doing my head in now. Just went on a killing and robbing spree seeing as they're gonna attack me either way.

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Guest Marney1

Argh. I'm trying to do the quest in Morthal to remove my stupid vampire curse or whatever it is I have, but every time I go near the town, everyone attacks me! Any help guys? >_<. Fucking doing my head in now. Just went on a killing and robbing spree seeing as they're gonna attack me either way.

I'm finding it hilarious that you hate being this vampire thing, been moaning since last night about it. :P

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The guy I need to speak to as part of the quest to cure me keeps trying to kill me. Fucking spastic. Luckily I can't actually kill him, so I just keep letting him attack me and block it. Already raised my block level by like 5 :D

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Basically means nothing regenerates during the day, which is a mighty pain in the arse. Other than that, and the fact you can "feed" on sleeping people, I don't think it gives you much. There's a magic spell you can cast to make you invisible at night or something but nothint special.

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In oblivion you would lose health from the sun, but otherwise I think it increased your speed and strength or something. Sounds a bit shit in skyrim. Werewolf gives you immunity to disease, only downside is you don't get the 10% XP increase from being well rested.

And everyone tells you that you smell of wet dog.

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Figured out I need to feed on someone to reset my vampire level. They all hate me because I'm a level 4 vampire or something. If I feed I'll go back to 1 and be able to start the quest to cure myself. But it's a right pain trying to feed on someone when as soon as someone sees me, they wanna kill me. Been trying for nearly 2 hours to feed on one sleeping person!!!!?1?!?!/1

Hooray! I'm finally cured. Never getting that disease again >_<.

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Fucking awesome:

I knew what that'd be before I clicked, lol. I remember videos from Oblivion, doing the same to the annoying fanboy at the Arena.

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I've been doing a lot of rimming over the weekend and I'm level 22 now. Been building up my restoration and archery skills quite a bit. I need to find a bow with soul trap built in because it's a pain in the arse needing to cast a spell on something before I kill it to fill up my soul gems.

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This thread sucks.

I have so many great stories, but this thread is dead. I imagine you slouches get to play all day long and only get on the computer to watch porn and spam the asylum. Luckily, my job affords me the time to post about my adventures and get excited about playing after work. I'm really enjoying this game, more than I have any other game in a long time. It's almost been two years since I first got into Fallout 3; which I thought was incredible. Even with the frustrating sewer/tunnel system, I really enjoyed the new approach to a role playing game - but it was NOTHING compared to what I am experiencing with Skyrim. I haven't even thought about playing another game since I received it in the mail.

Anyway, enough gushing about the game. Here's some light griping and fun shit that I experienced this weekend.

I finally got my first house in Whiterun. I have it all decked out with all the furniture purchases - what a shithole it was before I invested in it. I can't believe I paid $5000 for that piece of shit. Atleast it looks nice now. I sold all the bowls, plates, cups and shit that come with the decorations and spent some time decorating with the random human and troll skulls I've picked up on my adventures. I tried piling them all up in the fire pit, but it appears to be a deep hole that items fall into. They're retrievable - but my hopes for a skull bbq is denied. I stashed a ton of pelts; wolf; snow wolf; snow fox; and sabretooth in a corner too. I tried to lay them out, but I keep kicking them around. I also put on display the different useless musical instruments I have found. It kills me that they can't be played. I know it's not pertinent to the story, but I really wanted to become a lute playing drunkard in a Nordish Screamo group...

Aside from the rhythm based minigames associated with playing musical instruments, the other glaring omission I noticed in the game was the ability to craft arrows. Fucking serious? I can make armor, weapons, jewelry, potions, magical weapons, BUT NO FUCKING ARROWS. I'm not having a shortage of arrows - I'm an incredible archer and usually retrieve my arrow from a kill if possible (I hate when I can see the arrow sticking out of their face, but it says there isn't one on their person and I can't just pick it up). Anyway, the fact that I can't craft an arrow blows my mind. I suppose Fallout 3 didn't incorporate ammo creation until The Pitt. Perhaps it will be in the DLC, but I'll probably have a million arrows by then. I guess it encourages using other weapons or magic, but what if you just wanted to be Robin Hood and shoot everything?

My first TRAGIC event happened this week. I was playing cleanup of my Miscellaneous tasks - random shit people have asked me to do. One of the first quests I was given was to bring Alvor in Riverwood an Iron Dagger. I've been playing for a while now and I don't even bother picking up weapons that aren't steel or better, so I sure as shit didn't have an iron dagger, but I figured I would go ahead and find one and bring it to Alvor to see what the hell he wanted. I found an Iron Dagger in his house, stole it and gave it to him. This opened up a series of tasks he asked me to do which basically served as a tutorial to sharpening weapons, crafting leather and creating armor; basically everything you need to know to become a blacksmith. I already knew how to do this - but I had missed this tutorial and it probably would have been really helpful at the beginning of my game. I finished creating some leather and went to give it to Alvor and my controller starts rumbling like crazy and the dramatic music kicks in... A FUCKING DRAGON! I leave Alvor behind at his house and run out into a field where a couple of the guards are already shooting at the dragon. I join the fight and get to work giving this dragon the business. The dragon is almost dead when he takes off again. I chase him across town where he lands - right next to Alvor's house. I'm running across the town and I see Alvor squaring off with the dragon - the dragon is lighting him up with some serious flames. I'm so close. I fall into the stream and get stuck under the bridge. I get out of the stream and hit the dragon with some flames of my own and a whack from my sword and he's dead. But it's too late - Alvor's dead too. The whole town comes over to look at him and his daughter is standing over her dad, crying. I try to talk to her and she says she'd rather not - too emotional. I got the pop-up that the quest I was on failed; but the biggest loss was Alvor - who just wanted to mentor me to become a better blacksmith. I'll continue to use his smithing equipment and probably check in on his wife and daughter from time to time (I looted his housekey off his body). I'm just glad that Stump the Dog is okay.

Another cool thing - I was walking along the river bank by Riverwood hunting deer or whatever (just trying to boost up my sneaking and archery) and I saw a Sabretooth across the river, I took a shot at him and he decided he was going to come across and get me. He hit the water close to where the waterfalls start and the current picks up and immediately was taken to the edge of the waterfall where he was wedged against the rock, but he was still trying to get at me. I came down close to the edge of the river and hopped over to a rock close to the one he was stuck on, but still across the main current of the waterfall. I lined up my next arrow right between his eyes and dropped him. The river snatched his body over the falls. Sabre cat eyes are important for any enchanter, so I followed his corpse over the falls. The current took his body much faster than I was going, but I still went after it. Over some more falls, and some more, I lost sight of the body. More falls. The current finally died down and I had gone quite a ways looking for this body; the trips over the falls was worth it. It was like the coolest lazy river. Anyway, the river started getting shallow and there by the side of the river was the corpse of the sabretooth. Motherfucker didn't even have an eye to loot.

I've also been in the river and seen random corpses (foxes) go floating by. Someone upstream must have had a fox problem.

I've got tons more, but I've got to do some work - I'll talk later about my first glitch; the treatment of black people in America vs. the treatment of catmen in Skyrim; and those motherfucking WispMotherFuckers.

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