
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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What about giants? Around what level is it easy to fight them? I was beating one up pretty good (I'm only level 19) but then he stepped on me and I was about the height of a modern jetliner.

if u can use distance, like a mage or archer U can probably beat them a bit earlier cause U stay away from their attacks. Probably around lvl 20 or earlier if your patient and keep running away and pick at him. but with a close quarters fighter probably level 35. make sure u have good armour and a lot of healing potions. as long as he cant kill you in one hit you should be able to beat them.

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Mages can take down giants easily, just freeze them with ice spike or some other frost spell and they can't run, they shuffle along while you blast more ice their way.

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My buddy brought his kinect over the other day and I've been using it with Skyrim, makes the game epic as fuck. For some reason screaming FUS RO DAH! in the middle of battle really gets you pumped

I tried it and hated it.

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Level 20 Nord and don't know how many hours in. It's getting pretty repetitive at this point (for me anyway). God damn Winterhold College quests are neverending. Am I through with Winterhold College quests after entering the Labyrinthian?...or not even close?

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on my new character I got to the part where you need to trap the dragon. dude said the war had to be over and go arrange a truce. I immediately joined the imperial legion lol.

fuck a truce

did the storm cloaks quests on my last character.

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yea, my next lengthy character will join the imperials too... i am gonna focus more on the civil war early instead of the main story... i completely ignored the war until after i completed the main quest, so i had to form a truce...

i am eagerly wanting to play skyrim again, but they haven't mentioned a damn thing about the PC/PS3 DLC release at all... it's not looking like it's coming out a month after the 360 at all... it is sounding more like later next month, or even in september... boooo....

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Level 20 Nord and don't know how many hours in. It's getting pretty repetitive at this point (for me anyway). God damn Winterhold College quests are neverending. Am I through with Winterhold College quests after entering the Labyrinthian?...or not even close?

Almost at the end. I think 1 or 2 quests and then its over.(Completed it long time ago.)

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I'm on my first character (Nord). I did the war first on the imperial side, my next character will be on the storm cloaks if I decide to do another. I just did the quest also where you trap the dragon. I'll tell you when I went to Sovngarde I was blown away at the detail on how it looked. The sky was amazing (it was where the heavens were).

When i fist started playing I never got into it, stopped playing around level 11. Then earlier this month I started to play and now I'm basically addicted to it at level 28. When I do most of the quests I'll buy Dawnguard.

I'm almost done with the thieves guild as well but I want to keep the skeleton key for now so until I return that I can't finish the thieves quest line. I'll be doing the College of Winterhold since I just started that and the dark brotherhood.

I hope they release a DLC where you can go back to Sovngard.

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You chose a Nord but sided with the Imperials? Is there a meme generator for that?

There are nord NPCs that are in the imperial legion....

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I eventually want to do a series of enchanted alchemy items, to make a fortify enchanting potion, which will make me stronger enchanted alchemy items and so on. then make a fortify smiting enchantment and potion and see how strong i can get an iron dagger.


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I did a lot of smithing experiments when i was proper into this game. I think my favorite combination was dual legendary daedric daggers. Can't remember what enchantment stats i had though, but the combination was epic.

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Yes, it's easy to get game breaking weapons and armour.

Yeah, it does make the game rather dull, but still fun to have the option.

I'm considering getting Skyrim on PC, i fancy doing some modding of my own.

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Yes, it's easy to get game breaking weapons and armour.

Yeah, it does make the game rather dull, but still fun to have the option.

I'm considering getting Skyrim on PC, i fancy doing some modding of my own.

I was considering it too, but I'm not a fan of playing with the keyboard like I used to be

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