
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I've got so much loot that I need to sell, the damn merchants just don't have enough money! I literally have 100 enchanted daggers, that's 20,000 worth of coin just lying there <_< and I refuse to invest any perks in speech, I like to keep them all for smithing/enchanting or combat. I also started off trying to improve my alchemy, but I just gave up in the end. I always collect ingredients though, so that I can increase the skill later on.

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That's where the speech perks come in useful. I can donate 500 gold to the shopkeeper, then from that point on they always have 500 more gold to barter with (every 48 hours). Plus I have the perk which gives them all 1000 extra gold, so pretty much every shop keeper has nearly 2k gold which I can get from them.

As for Alchemy, I followed some website to help me making potions. Got a few which are worth like 370 gold and the ingredients aren't that rare so I could just collect them and make loads of the same potion for $$$.

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I've got so much loot that I need to sell, the damn merchants just don't have enough money! I literally have 100 enchanted daggers, that's 20,000 worth of coin just lying there <_< and I refuse to invest any perks in speech, I like to keep them all for smithing/enchanting or combat. I also started off trying to improve my alchemy, but I just gave up in the end. I always collect ingredients though, so that I can increase the skill later on.

Are you with the Thieves Guild? If you restore it to it's former glory Tonilia goes up to 4000 Septims.

Any one taken on a Dragon Lord yet?

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The Dragon Priest I came across is Kronis - I looked him up on the wiki. He's at Shearpoint.

I knew there was a dragon there, I found him earlier and left before he saw me - I came back later and had an all out battle with the dragon, losing all my health potions in the process; but alas, I prevailed and killed the dragon. I went closer to check out the stone he was sitting on and all of a sudden Kronis jumped out of his coffin and lit me up with a few fireballs. I couldn't even open my inventory before I was dead.

I saved right before fighting the dragon, so I'll be going back to fuck them both up later tonight or early tomorrow - depending on my damn Thanksgiving plans.

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Few tricks with Lydia/other companions I've come across

Hold All My Shit, Bitch!

If you drop your items on the ground, then speak to Lydia and say you need her to do something, then click on the item, she'll pick it up. This doesn't count towards her weight limit, so you can make her carry an unlimited amount of stuff.

You're Never Leaving My Sight!

Find a quest where you need to find an item and return it to the person. When you find it, ask Lydia to pick it up. Because it's in her inventory, the blip for the quest objective will always be above her head and she'll even show up on the map. Then just don't bother completing the quest until you have to :).

Can't take credit for those finds, but I have tested them and they both work.

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Any one taken on a Dragon Lord yet?

Dragon Priest? I stumbled upon one accidentally. I got the shit fucked out of me very quickly.

Priest, yeah. :(

The Dragon Priest I came across is Kronis - I looked him up on the wiki. He's at Shearpoint.

I knew there was a dragon there, I found him earlier and left before he saw me - I came back later and had an all out battle with the dragon, losing all my health potions in the process; but alas, I prevailed and killed the dragon. I went closer to check out the stone he was sitting on and all of a sudden Kronis jumped out of his coffin and lit me up with a few fireballs. I couldn't even open my inventory before I was dead.

I saved right before fighting the dragon, so I'll be going back to fuck them both up later tonight or early tomorrow - depending on my damn Thanksgiving plans.

I wanna fight him and Volsung. :) I'm heading over to Shearpoint later once I've finished up some armor and enchanting to see if I can take him out.

Tip for fighting dragons btw - conjure an atronach. They know where the dragon is going and they knock a lot of health off them. My atronach took most of a dragon's health outside Riften last night and when he hit the ground my horse and the others from the stables got in on the fight too and one of them finished it off. My arrow's ended up in the usual places. Horse ass, city guard face and Jenassa's tits.

Few tricks with Lydia/other companions I've come across

Hold All My Shit, Bitch!

If you drop your items on the ground, then speak to Lydia and say you need her to do something, then click on the item, she'll pick it up. This doesn't count towards her weight limit, so you can make her carry an unlimited amount of stuff.

You're Never Leaving My Sight!

Find a quest where you need to find an item and return it to the person. When you find it, ask Lydia to pick it up. Because it's in her inventory, the blip for the quest objective will always be above her head and she'll even show up on the map. Then just don't bother completing the quest until you have to :).

Can't take credit for those finds, but I have tested them and they both work.

They're both awesome. I could've used the hold all my shit bitch one yesterday when I

broke into Calcelmo's museum and stole all his Dwarven artefacts to sell back to Tonilia. Don't forget to pick up the puzzle cube either, Delvin will give you a pretty penny for it.

I'm working 2:30pm-11pm this week so all my gaming is done between 12 and 5am. Sucks. :( 7-3 next week though, shyeah! :D

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I visited Eldersblood Peak and all I got was this lousy t-shirt had to use all my fucking health potions.


The ice troll did an okay job of keeping one of them busy, though, and those little covered platforms make for great cover.

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Too many quests, I didn't think being an adventurer would be so stressful :no:

Tell me about it, I'm balls-deep in quests at the moment. Dark Brotherhood are my priority at the minute though. Most entertaining.

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Too many quests, I didn't think being an adventurer would be so stressful :no:

Tell me about it, I'm balls-deep in quests at the moment. Dark Brotherhood are my priority at the minute though. Most entertaining.

Same, i have mainly just been wandering, collecting animal pelts, and ore from mining so i can create the next best armour for my elf. Trouble is, every new location i come across i end up speaking to the locals and adding many new quests to my ever growing list!

Leave it to Bethesda to make the first game where people bitch about having too many things to do. I'd say that's a milestone in gaming history.

Definitely! This game is so immensely rich in detail, there is never nothing to do!

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oh, that's how it happened... i thought perhaps it just deleted itself like my first fallout 3 file did... did you start a new character and save over the main guy?? i ALWAYS double check the save file on every single game i ever play... i've done that "saved over" move more than i can count in my gaming history, which is also a great way to remind you to back up your saves just in case this ever happens again...

nothing ruins an evening like that... i remember deciding to fuck around in megaton (fallout 3) and murder everyone... thought i could kill em all and just reload the autosave... only, i followed a kid into the bathrooms, not realizing that kids can't die, and i was about to override my autosave... oops, lost about 3 hours of progress...

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My mouse is a proud american. I was on the Save menu, then clicked 'Load,' but I guess I didn't click hard enough, so when I tried to load that file, I accidentally saved over it. Close to 50 hours, fucking gone.

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Ouch. :| I have 2 running saves of exactly the same thing and I'm only playing one character at the moment. I refuse to lose my progress.. Made Ebony armor this morning. *growls*

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Ouch. :| I have 2 running saves of exactly the same thing and I'm only playing one character at the moment. I refuse to lose my progress.. Made Ebony armor this morning. *growls*

Yeah i do that too. I save just before i enter a new location just in-case. And once I've made a little progress, i save over the second file, and cycle between them so i know that if i fuck up somewhere, i have a save which is less than an hour behind.

I somehow caught vampire aids last night without even realising, and have it on both save files... some things still slip through the net!

Mas, did you double check your auto-saves? just in case....

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Anyone know a good place to stock up on lockpicks? I've been running dangerously low since I started picking master and expert locks.

Most stores sell the odd lockpick. The fences at the thieves guild have plenty each time you meet them.

I've tried to cure my deases by going to a shrine statue and altar, it says all diseases removed, but I think the Vampirism has gotten too far. I keep getting weird comments from NPC's and i'm not liking it. Anyone know how to cure it fully?

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Yep, go back a few pages. I had it. You're on stage 3 vampirism or something. Stage 4 means EVERYONE tries to kill you. Make sure you keep feeding on people to stop yourself going that far. Easiest place is the temple in Whiterun. Just feed on the injured soldiers inside. Might get 25 bounty but it's worth it.

But yeah, need to go to Morthal and speak to some bloke who needs you to fill a black soul gem, then he does a ritual on you.

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