
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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The only thing that really damages me are the ice shards, they fuckin hurt, and every other mage decides to use it as their primary attack.

This, I get FUCKED UP by ice shards. Only thing that kills me, but their like a one-shot kill everytime.

Last night I had my first wizardly showdown with a frost dragon in Winterhold. I came out of the Jarl's house and the music kicked in - DRAGON! During his first couple of circlings, I hit him with a few fireballs and the guards were attacking him as well. The dragon killed three of the four guards, which is more than I've seen before - usually only one or two will fall; so there were no more distractions. He landed on the road at the edge of Winterhold (opposite the closet) and I equipped a couple of staffs (fire and one that does damage to magic/stamina) and went at him full steam. His icy blasts didn't phase me too much, but when they did - BOOM! Healing spell and back to the fireballs. I did a fully charged blast which stunned him (think it's one of my perks) and then I FUS RO DAH'd his ass over the cliff. Fucking dead.

Now I got to figure out how to get to the bottom to get his bones/scales/gold/penis.

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Ok i've debated all I can and I decided to give this game a try. I won't understand what the fuck's going on but i'll give it a go. Just hope it doesn't FUBAR my PS3.

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Guest Marney1

I only just noticed that Marney jumped onto the wagon early. The misses let you have it early?

I told her about Duff finding that £22:49 deal at Gaystation and said give me your card, I'm getting it early and that was that.

Can't be bothered going too deep into my adventure's just yet but I'm only on level 6, wandering round in circles like a headless chicken, getting lost in stupid cunty caves, don't know how to enchant weapons, don't know how to dual wield, don't know who to sell stuff etc.

Started the game, after a 30 minute update, then I had to delete loads of shit from the PS3 to make room and then it froze on me 2 minutes in. It's froze a couple of times and lagged a little (very minor) and is basically fucking me off. I just need to time to learn things so I can start to experience what it has to offer.

That's my first update, hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <_<

P.S. I'm shit at this game, in all honesty my mind just isn't on the game as much as it needs to be because I've got some real life tasks swirling round my head while I'm trying to concentrate.

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I defeated my first dragon priest last night after getting slapped on a previous file, think I'm going to stick with this file now. After about a dozen restarts with various race/class combinations I am back to playing a basic Nord warrior character but am progressing fairly well. I have been playing the story quests a few at a time along with the companion quests and wandering/dragon slaying inbetween to level up and make money. I completed Hircine's quest for the second time yesterday as my character is a werewolf and also completed Clavicus Vile's quest.

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I defeated my first dragon priest last night after getting slapped on a previous file, think I'm going to stick with this file now. After about a dozen restarts with various race/class combinations I am back to playing a basic Nord warrior character but am progressing fairly well. I have been playing the story quests a few at a time along with the companion quests and wandering/dragon slaying inbetween to level up and make money. I completed Hircine's quest for the second time yesterday as my character is a werewolf and also completed Clavicus Vile's quest.

Me too! Took 3 shots from my trusty Daedric Bow :D.

I have over 200,000 gold now and I'm level 58. Been working through the thieves guild quests. Archery is level 91 and lockpicking is 87. Those take AGES to level up. Wanna get 100 so I can get my unbreakable lockpick. Enjoying the thieves guild quests and characters though. Suppose it's because all I did at the start of the game was pickpocketing, but I enjoy their missions. And I just had my first encounter with the Dark Brotherhood and I'm looking forward to those quests too. Decided I'm a bit of a rebel and would rather rob and kill people than be a nice guy :D. Bit like in real life I suppose :o

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Guest Marney1

I think im gunna buy this game when it gets really cheap, im still unsure if i will like it.

It's only £22 at Gamestation.

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Thats not that bad actually, but game station is a bitch to get to, used have one but it closed. Will wait for a pre owned copy in game. I dont like 1st person games and from the looks of it 3rd person is pretty much the same as 1st, im also not a fan of those japanese cartoon games where u read shit off the screen so i hope its not like that.

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This thread is making me want the game. Is there dlc coming? Should I wait till an all inclusive package comes out? I'm in no rush. I can wait ages to play any game except gta. And there's a huge backlog of games I want to play. Uncharted 3, Assasins Creed Revelations, Batman Arkham City, Rage, Battlefield 3, etc.

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Im like that, i am gettin assassins creed for xmas and i only bought uncharted coz it was 24.99 in game and i had other games to trade, otherwise would have rented it. There are 2 games i have to buy the day they come out. GTA and tomb raider. I might buy max payne the day it comes out tho coz i really liked the other ones. I think i will buy skyrim after xmas, when people have got it as a present and have finished it. Best time for preowned games.

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Guest Marney1

Thats not that bad actually, but game station is a bitch to get to, used have one but it closed. Will wait for a pre owned copy in game. I dont like 1st person games and from the looks of it 3rd person is pretty much the same as 1st, im also not a fan of those japanese cartoon games where u read shit off the screen so i hope its not like that.

Get your card out and click here - you'll have it by Wednesday. If you like open-world games where you can do whatever you like when you like and at your own pace then Skyrim is the game you need.

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I dont buy games online, i dunno why tbh just never have. Exept some ps1 games on ebay and a commodore 64 game once (old school ) might have to do that later.

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Did you have enough magica for that fight or did you use potions?

I really didn't take too much damage; but I am pretty sure I used potions (I usually throw in a fortify light armor potion and health regenerative potion just for the hell of it). Most of my magicka was spent on fireballs, so I resorted to potions. Potions are easier to access than the healing spell and then trying to use a healing spell during a dragon fight? Madness!

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Guest Marney1

After an hour of recreating my Nord character's features and giving him the name 'Boner' my wife gave me the controller....

So far I've only completed 6 quests because I've been exploring the humungous open world which is an absolute dream to roam around. I've climbed (hopped up) loads of mountains and stood atop one peak which I reckon - from doing a 360 degree scan is the 3rd highest in the land. During my adventures I've encountered lots of friendly people who've given me a shit load of things to do like hunt bandits down and collect things that aren't even there but most of that can wait because I'm enjoying battles against unarmed animals with my Imperial Bow of Burning and Steel Greatsword which I sharpened up on the old grindstone in some little encampment.

Every time I see movement I go into Sneak mode and get an immediate bead on the target as I switch to first person view but most of the time the fucker runs off and I end up wasting an arrow. I hate losing arrows and will go searching the area where I think it bounced off to but 9 times out of 10 I'm wasting my time, suppose I'm just a bit of a jew really but I don't like wasting them.

Took me a while to figure out that the giants are quite docile and will ignore you so long as you don't try putting a cheap arrow between their eyes but that's what trial and error is all about.

I did have Lydia by my side for quite a while but it looks like she's pissed off to shadow someone else, I don't remember telling her to wait anywhere, maybe she's still deciding whether or not to get her tits wet by crossing that river I last remember seeing her at. Fuck her anyway I got talking to this dog called Meeko who loves me now but thinks it's funny to bark at goats to tell them I'm in Sneak mode. Told him to piss off but he practically begged me to let him keep following me.

At the moment me and Meeko are doing a tour of the northern 'coastline' and have just come across a bear which has now ran off with an arrow sticking out of it's arse - hope I get it back.

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Guest Marney1

Got stuck between rocks and had to reload my last save. :mellow:

Anyone else got stuck or glitched into a mountainside?

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I was in a dungeon going to see the blacks about some black woman working in Whiterun, I was sneaking through a puddle in a narrow tunnel and just fell through the floor. It was the common falling through polygons with brief glimpses of the sky and then it dropped me right back in the same place. I freaked for a second, but as often as I save, no glitch is a game changer for me.

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Guest Marney1

Talking of saves, I've been alternating between two save files just in case one screws up plus I've been making sure I save after every discovery. When you die in Skyrim after forgetting to save the journey you have to repeat can be a long one.

I've read quite a few books so far and some of them remind me of The Brothers Grimm tales, I must have about 25-30 books now and intend to read through them all at some point. When I finally buy a house can I store anything in it?

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All houses have at least one place to store things, and you can buy furniture and decorations, which includes more storage.

In the case of book shelves, you can store books in them like any other container, but they're automatically organized on the shelf. It's nifty.

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Guest Marney1

All houses have at least one place to store things, and you can buy furniture and decorations, which includes more storage.

In the case of book shelves, you can store books in them like any other container, but they're automatically organized on the shelf. It's nifty.

I need another 8,500 gold for the empty house in Whiterun, unless anyone knows of a cheaper place.

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Get Lydia back, dump all your shit on her, then tell her to fuck off back to Whiterun. She will be your storage space.

Also, the house in Whiterun is the cheapest.

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