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I was wondering if anyone else here likes Game of Thrones besides me? Seeing as there is a lot of skyrimers on here, GoT fits the same category really. I've read the first book and am on the second book now, as am I watching the second series/season on HBO.

I must say, the only other book/film I've enjoyed in the medieval-setting fantasy genre before this is LotR, but that's a bit of a cliché, I just never really gave them a chance until GoT, and I really love the books now, as well as the TV series, which is very well representing the book so far.

Anyone else here read the books, or watched the TV series?

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I am a big fan of the book series, first read them many years ago and was really excited when book 5 came out last fall. George R. R. Martin has released excerpts from book 6, currently being written, on his website. A series this epic benefits from being read more than once, there is a lot going on.

I just rented the first four episodes of season one a couple of weeks ago, wondering how well they managed to adapt it for the screen, and really liked it so far. They've done an amazing job...the title sequence alone is stunning...costumes are gorgeous, locations work well, acting is solid, and the dialogue is true to the book. If you haven't read the books,but like the series, I highly recommend them. I'm glad they didn't shy away from the rather brutal medieval context. Look forward to watching more.

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read all of the books before.

thought the first season followed book pretty ok. seeing things on the second series that i dunno where the fuck they got it from.

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this looks interesting, but alas... everyone knows my situation... i don't really like or watch TV, nor do i pay for extra TV channels like HBO... i am kinda curious about this series and boardwalk empire though... HBO has the most interesting TV shows i think...

this series always reminded me of a video game for some reason... you just backed that thought up, dup :D...

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My mum watches it. I don't know much about it apart from there's a posh midget in it who enunciates every syllable clearly and concisely with much eloquence. It did remind me of Skyrim somewhat.

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Like the show haven't read the books because well..I can't be arsed.

Sex and violence is always a tasty combination.

I especially enjoyed the cameo by Roxanne Mckee.

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this looks interesting, but alas... everyone knows my situation... i don't really like or watch TV, nor do i pay for extra TV channels like HBO... i am kinda curious about this series and boardwalk empire though... HBO has the most interesting TV shows i think...

this series always reminded me of a video game for some reason... you just backed that thought up, dup :D...

who watches tv these days anyway? i download everything i want and just watch it when i have the time. it's not like these shows make it in portugal as soon as they come out in the US.

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Sex and violence is always a tasty combination.

They only put those in so blokes watch it. Like all those historical dramas, every other scene is a sex scene.

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Anybody who likes the show would enjoy the books, the violence and sex are described in far more richness and detail. There are some unforgettable characters.

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Weird. Literally just borrow the first book off someone tonight cos it reminded me of skyrim, and theres a topic on here the same night. Never seen any of the tv series, been told its good though. But as theres 6 books and i believe a 7th on the way, imma wait till they all come out even if it takes years.

Only just started reading the first but it already makes skyrim seem really small. Love it!

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Yah. very interesting character. I never know what to think of him as far as being a "good" guy or "bad" guy. He is against the Starks who I assume most are rooting for. But at the same time he seems to have his own agenda against Joffery who is obviously who we all want to see dead.


I hope he becomes King and lets the north free. That what I'm predicting anyways. But there are so many other motherfuckers after the crown. Most shows go 1 vs 1 in some kind of conflict. This show is starting to be more like a fatal four way. Its pretty awesome.

there, i added to the convo more than just I like the midget.

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Holy fuck Peter Dinklage is an amazing name for a midget. No way that shit is real, lol. Stage name.


"No one is going to confuse Peter Dinklage with a tall, dark and ruggedly handsome movie star, but for women, there's something admirable about a guy who has stuck to his guns and succeeded from playing by his own show-business rules. Considering he had to take on both dwarfism and a potentially joke-infested last name in "Dinklage" at birth, it's quite amazing how well-adjusted and grounded Peter Dinklage has become. Completely comfortable in his own skin, his confidence and success have transcended his physical shortcomings and made him something of a surprise sex symbol with a selection as one of the People's "Sexiest Men Alive" in 2006."

Tyrion Lannister is a key character, and they had to get him just right or the whole TV series would have felt false; he does a great job.

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