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I was worried John Snow might not make it a few times there...

For some reason I couldn't make it past the second book...

Maybe I'll just skip to the third one...

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not a bad episode TBH, kinda restored my faith in this long season of dialog... it put just about every storyline this season to the test, while leaving a couple more left to finish it out... i too got a little worried there north of the wall...

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Okay, that episode was fucking amazing. I couldn't breathe at times. I'm going to have to watch that again.

The show's story path has strayed quite far from the books, in certain ways with certain storylines...I never know what to expect anymore, which is rather delightful.

Seeing Tyrion and Daenerys together was an absolute thrill. And, the battle beyond the wall was much work to do a mob war scene in the mud and snow with furs and axes and zombies...that White King was spectacular.

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Jesus, i just watched the last 4 episodes back to back after not having the internet for weeks...

That eighth episode was pure cinema gold, i couldn't believe how good it looked...

And that ninth episode departure was epic.

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The Dornishman's Wife is such a legendary song in the books, it was cool to hear Bronn singing a bit of's mentioned about as often as The Bear and the Maiden Fair, and the Rains of Castamere...

(…now infamous for being the cue to begin the Red Wedding...)

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/Begin rant and meandering musings...

In general...the show has finally gone beyond what's been published in the books so far. But, the show already has some major differences from the books with certain storylines. So, I don't know what to secretly hope for because anything could be drastically different in the book that's about to come out. It's a bit freaky not knowing what direction they're going to take anymore.


More specifically...

We still need a hero or two to rally behind, someone that is fighting for the greater good, even if those around them aren't able to see beyond their own personal issues. We had two...and now they're gone.


-Jon Snow - overcame being an underdog bastard to become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Without him, who the fuck is going to watch the doorstep where the Others will come from? Also, he's a warg...we haven't seen Ghost...did his spirit enter his direwolf when his body was taken?


-Stannis Baratheon - is a cold bastard, but of all the self-styled kings in the War of the Five Kings, he had the most arguably legitimate claim to the Iron Throne (Renly was the youngest of the three Baratheon brothers, so not next in line)...he still stood a chance while his crazy witch's magic could worm its way where he couldn't reach. In the end the sacrifice she required was too much for him...

But he was the only one...the ONLY ONE...who know how serious the deal is with the White Walkers. All the rejection scrolls Jon Snow was reading before that little turd Ollie came think the people in Kings Landing, or in Mereen, or in Dorne, have a clue what's going on at the Wall? They don't give a flying fuck. Who is going to take up the mantle of war against the White Walkers? The Boltons? The Greyjoys? That sneering asswipe backstabber of the Night's Watch Ser Alliser Thorne? I just don't see it. Sansa and Theon? C'mon...


Without those two, how are we supposed to feel any hope for the plot ahead?

/end rant.

So yeah, the plot. I just don't get it.

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From what i remember in the books, Jon gets stabbed because he stood between The Watch, the Wildlings and the Boltons during a panicked struggle with the wildling's giant. But it was never clear whether or not he died, other than he didn't feel the fourth blade go in after collapsing face first into the snow...

It's a bit of a anticlimax to the end of the season, more so to hear that the actor that plays Jon Snow wont be back next season he claims...

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Thank you, library...Feast for Crows was out but Dragons was there. The first three books I practically know by heart.


I had sort of forgotten what happens to Jon in the books...the actor may be saying he's not coming back to shoot the next season (even if that changes, his contract must have an NDA built in)...but I'm convinced the character's not dead-dead, and will return in one form or another. What's throwing me off is the Stannis storyline getting ahead of the books.


Also, the actor who plays Cersei is covered in tattoos...they must've spent a long time in makeup to cover her up for the Walk of Atonement. (probably used a body double too).

And finally...the Walk of Atonement...was pitch perfect...the only thing that didn't ring true was how perfectly white and clean the streets were.


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Just so you know

we never see the axe actually hit stannis.. So maybe he is still alive...

Is Arya Starks wolf dead?


Post A Dance With Dragons

The book went a little differently towards the end, different events occurring in different orders, with different outcomes. At the end of A Dance with Dragons, Stannis survived the battle with the Boltons, and captured Theon Greyjoy along with Jeyne, (which is now Sansa instead in the TV series) after their escape over the walls of Winterfell.


There is a whole Theon chapter excerpt from the next book, The Winds of Winter at the end.

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i liked the ending just because it pissed everyone off... i bet RR is laughing all the way to the bank :lol:... i don't really care where this show is heading, i am just along for the ride... and i like how the people that read the books don't even know whats happening...


it just feels fresh to me, and for each tragedy, a new set of people emerge to root for, only to be struck down again lol... this is a bleek tale, which might just end when the world does... it's been spinning around in circles since season 1, no one has stepped up yet to claim the throne from the lannisters yet... no one has taken the absolute step forward, they've just been dancing around the fire and ice...

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Is Arya Starks wolf dead?

As I recall it, Arya's direwolf Nymeria was driven off into the wilds to spare her from Joffrey's wrath. Arya has periodic dreams of a giant she-wolf, hunting and running with a great pack of regular wolves, lethal and fearless of man and beast. The word 'warg' is never mentioned around her, so it's unclear whether she's heard tell of them, other than maybe mentioned in a bedtime story. Certainly not that it runs in the family.

The direwolves are symbolic of their human counterparts...Arya, like Nymeria, has been separated from her own kind...and is managing to survive by getting lethal.

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That's why GoT is so appealing. It isn't your classic starwars tale. No clear good or bad guy to root for, everyone has their good and bad side, and they all have their own agenda, which in most cases leads to death. The only real bad guy is the white walkers, but that's the bigger picture, which we don't really see that often.

Now the series has caught up to the books, it just got interesting for me, no more second guessing or picking apart the plot on the show frm the books.

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