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All the "you know nothing" variations just didn't read well. I do like that one though Dupz, I might have to invest in that.

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Well, George R.R. Martin announced that he's failed to meet multiple deadlines to get The Winds of Winter out before HBO's sixth season of Game of Thrones...

That's going to change things up a bit. To be honest, if it didn't happen with tWoW it would have happened with a Dream of Spring. One does not just write a GoT epic this far into the story in one year, that's not how that shit goes down!

I think this is where we see them diverge. More excuses to watch and read!

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Read that today too, Martin makes it clear the show and books are diverging and there will be differences, so some items on the show will be book spoilers and other plotlines not. It's a shame, imo they rushed through the books and made one season per novel, each book provides tonnes of TV fodder, they easily could've done two seasons per book and taken their time with it, even starting as of Season 3 when it was clear they had an audience. 


He said for once the tables will be turned, and those following the show will be ahead of those reading the books...I'm rereading Dance of Dragons now for the lulz. 

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I always thought this would be the case. He won't finish the books imo. Too much money in the TV show. Plus he's already said he's told the producers how it ends. I really think he's given up on finishing the books but he's still contracted to do so. He's just gunna milk it till he shuffles off this mortal coil.

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I always thought this would be the case. He won't finish the books imo. Too much money in the TV show. Plus he's already said he's told the producers how it ends. I really think he's given up on finishing the books but he's still contracted to do so. He's just gunna milk it till he shuffles off this mortal coil.

books are a lot of work compared to the royalties from they TV deal...

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The TV show, while an excellent adaptation, has proved to be a derailing distraction for the author. Five books, at around 900 pages each, of dense storylines and insane character lists, would be enough fodder for 10 seasons of TV if they had planned it better from the start. Then they could've left Martin alone to write. Without him, there is no story. He isn't a romance novelist that can crank out a book every couple of months, ffs.

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three recently released worthless trailers tell you who is fighting for westeros and their homelands this season...some are already ready for the fight, and the others have no choice... but are these the only three families fighting??


starks, lannisters, and the targayrens...


one or two go down... bring it on!!! this season better hit it's stride... it's time to see where this battle goes... no more this and that, it's time for holy shit! and holy fucking that!! this epic tale has been building up to something big... and it'd better happen this season, or the ones north of the wall consume this world...


 IMO lol of course,.. but i love GoT and want to discuss more with the fellow bookens who have no idea whats about to happen :lol:..

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Melisandre clunge shot :drool:

I'd still go there. I have an unhealthy thing for red heads. Unhealthy because they, generally speaking are unbelievably vindictive and slightly insane but also fucking awesome in bed.

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Melisandre clunge shot  :drool:

I'd still go there. I have an unhealthy thing for red heads. Unhealthy because they, generally speaking are unbelievably vindictive and slightly insane but also fucking awesome in bed.



she's still the hottest babe on game of thrones, even without the necklace :drool::fap:...

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Melisandre clunge shot  :drool:

I'd still go there. I have an unhealthy thing for red heads. Unhealthy because they, generally speaking are unbelievably vindictive and slightly insane but also fucking awesome in bed.


she's still the hottest babe on game of thrones, especially without the necklace :drool::fap:...


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saw it coming a mile away... lol they weren't fooling anyone... but not much else happened, really... i find the bolton and greyjoy stories rather boring, so it didn't interest me all that much to see probably half the show dedicated to them... they'll need to do something to make those more interesting, i'm pretty much bored of ramsey... we need to see more of the stark family, they didn't get a lot of airtime...


let's hope they can kick it up a bit, i know they're setting the season's stories, but i don't want to have to wait until the last few to see some good action...

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