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Bran's Raven's Sight was pretty interesting. It really does seem like they are pushing towards the story that everyone is kind if hoping for.

The idea that Ned isn't actually Jon Snow's Father, but in fact Ned's sister, Lyanna's child. And Ned protected him because he's half Targaryen, which means Jon Snow is Fire & Ice...

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i'm hearing rumors and fan theories about

tyrion being of the same bloodline now, thanks to his taming of the dragons in the latest... something about him being as bastard himself... i dunno, there's three dragons, and three possible people with the same bloodline...

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On those two points^...

Dup's comment is highly plausible - it would explain the family resemblance described in the books, Jon Snow is absolutely related to Ned Stark, but doesn't necessarily need to be his son. Before Arya ends up training with the Faceless Men in Braavos, she at one point is travelling with a group, including a boy about her age named Edric Dayne (Lord of Starfall), nephew of Ser Arthur Dayne, "the Sword of the Morning", who was part of Rhaegar Targaryen's Kingsguard. Edric tells Arya that he and Jon Snow are 'milk brothers', because they shared the same wet nurse, and that Jon's mother's name was Wylla. Granted, not the most reliable source, but we'll have to wait and see how they reveal Jon's true parentage. I rather think Maester Aemon might have mentioned something if Jon was related to the Targaryens, unless he was unaware that Jon was a relative. Or else they aren't part of the same house and Jon and Dany will end up ruling together, once the scourge of the Others is dealt with (it also depends if he still counts as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch). I somehow can't picture a happy ending to this series. :P


bOnEs' rumour reading would be a difficult sell, even if the show has strayed far away from the books and into unwritten territory - Lady Joanna died giving birth to Tyrion, and the love between her and Tywin was legendary, it's highly doubtful she would have had a lover on the side, or that Tywin would have meekly donned cuckold's horns without taking revenge. Tyrion is Lannister through and through.

That being said, the whole scene with the dragons felt unfinished, like something ended up on the cutting room floor - you'd think Tyrion would've entered with Missandei, not Varys, based on his questions to her in the throne room. They didn't really explain why Tyrion could just stroll in and talk to them like adults, when everyone else is terrified of becoming dragon snacks.


Up to now, what I know from the books helps to flesh out the details of what they show in the series, which only dabs the beautiful surface before moving on; without that backstory, it'll be curious trying to piece things together. Arya and Bran's stories are still generally following the books, the rest has moved beyond or is so different that it doesn't matter anymore. Still enjoying it though!

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the thoery suggests that

tywin was so in love with her that he was willing to keep the dwarf, not knowing she was sleeping around... i dunno, just a thought... he basically walked right in there, told a charming story, and the dragons didn't do anything... perhaps they're dormant because their queen is gone, or perhaps they know... tyrion did say that people consider dragons to be smarter than humans... or maybe the dragons used him to get free?? i dunno, they kinda just wandered back into the cave, sounded like they were eating the food everyone was concerned they wouldn't eat...


or maybe tyrion is such a bad ass that he can now add dragon whisperer to his resume :lol:

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More musings...

I don't buy it. Tyrion is a Lannister through and through. There's nothing in the books to suggest Joanna was straying, she and Tywin are always described being the loves of each other's lives. Plus in their medieval fantasy timeline, a House of great standing considers a malformed son to be a source of shame ("I've been on trial for being a dwarf my whole life.")...if he'd been a bastard to boot, I think they would have chucked baby Tyrion in a basket into the river without hesitation. Again, this is all my impressions from the books, and yes, I know the show has strayed from the books already, vastly in some cases...but this just doesn't jive.


They definitely skirted any explanation as to how Tyrion could nonchalantly meet Rhaegal and Viserion for the first time, without anything that smells like Dany or anyone the dragons are familiar with, and have a friendly chat with them without being injured. It must have something to do with how much he's read about dragons (a lot, compared to most) or something to do with them being chained in the dark for so long. Maybe their current refusal to eat made them approachable. The sounds we heard didn't sound like eating to me, it sounded only like they were crawling back into the the books they describe goats being brought to the door in wagons, and the dragons always breathe fire on meat before they eat it (whatever it is). They are smart, can be trained to some degree, and can be bound to a rider by magic, but they can't be fully tamed and are super dangerous, otherwise Dany would never have chained them up. Perhaps we'll learn more as the season progresses.

There, now I've had a proper GoT nerdgasm sploosh. Who's got a mop?

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It's funny really, because in some ways the TV series is ahead of the books. But even now on the new season, things that should have happened books ago are only starting to be aired.

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nice score, dup! B)...


sunday's episode was good... a lot happened finally...


khaleesi is back! that was a pretty bad ass scene burning all the dothraki leaders...


i think tormund found love at first sight when brienne came riding thru the gates at castle black :wub::lol:...


jon snow and sansa FINALLY reunite... i was expecting, in game of thrones fashion, that snow would leave before she got there lol...


i am not sure how mereen is gonna pan out... i think tyrion just made it worse... we'll see...

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Daenerys still has great tits! Lol

And indeed Tormund totally wants to get that beard soaking wet.

I agree, it was great to see at least one pair of Starks reunite, you never expect any kind of happy moments any more!

Tyrion will surely start some shit on that side of the hemisphere. And Cersi will surely cause a cival war in Kings Landing which will be a good watch.

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I blubbered with joy when...

Sansa and Jon saw each other. None of the remaining Starks have reunited yet in the books - it was such a lovely moment. I was sort of hoping it would be Arya and Jon, but then the books and show too different now.


I'm also happy for Brienne, she's finally going to meet people that respect her for being a fighter instead of telling her how inapprops she is all the time. Fuck, she's TALL...
(I would totally ride that red beard into soaking oblivion, too...but then I like beards.)


That High Sparrow is dangerous as fuck. Enough time spent around his honeyed words, and he starts to sound plausibly sane. Then you see that Septa's pinched face and you realize how nutbar they really are.


So, Dany will lead a Dothraki army back to Mereen and they'll overthrow the Sons of the Harpy...There'll be a civil war in King's Landing, and another civil war over Winterfell when Littlefinger's Vale troops join Jon and Sansa's wilding and northmen army...then what? Will Dany ever make it to King's Landing with her dragons, and how will the other Lannisters react when Tyrion is with her? What about the Others and the White King? Martin's going to need yet another book to wrap this all up.



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that's a good point about meereen, i didn't think about that one since she's now on the other side of the continent... i don't think she's gonna like what he's done with the slavers tho, so she might end up sending tyrion packing IMO


am soooo fucking bored of the high sparrow story in kings landing... the cersie's trial by combat is coming up soon tho, i can't wait to see the outcome of that B)

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am soooo fucking bored of the high sparrow story in kings landing... the cersie's trial by combat is coming up soon tho, i can't wait to see the outcome of that B)

I think it's just a regular trial

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she keeps talking about her trial by combat... perhaps they deny her that option, which would be a nice twist, because the new mountain is scary as fuck... she does have to go thru the regular trial, but in the end, to beg for mercy, she can choose a champion... lol good luck to whomever faces mountain :lol:

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They do mention a trial for Cersei, but if it's run by the church and the High Sparrow, not sure if it would follow the same rules as the trial managed by the small council...


That being said, if it came down to trial by combat - I'd pay good caps to see the Mountain go up against Septa Unella.

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i just had a thought about what happened at castle black;


i get the strangest feeling that letter sent to jon snow from ramsey, is in fact, from littlefinger :o... he's trying to stack the north in favor of the starks, because of his odd relationship with sansa... and being a guy with many ears, i am sure he caught wind about snow and of course winterfell... so perhaps in order to force castle black and the wildlings to take back winterfell, he sold out the younger stark's location to someone with the boltons in order to force snow to take action... and when he shows up with his army, they can rightfully claim the north again... or all die a bloody death because this series seems to enjoy making the villains outlast the good guys lol...


just a theory, i am sure i'm completely wrong :P...

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Holy shit that was a fresh episode, not knowing what to expect! White Walker Origin story and Willy's Hold the Door Story in one go! Two for one! Still trying to get my head around the time travelox...

That walker scene was nothing short of epic. Crawling down the cave hole like a bunch of killer bugs or some shit. I think i need to watch that episode again later in the week.

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