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Diablo III

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Anyone plan on getting it? Looks pretty cool in my opinion, I'm gonna play the beta first and decide whether I'll buy it once it's out on the same day as Max Payne 3 (May 15). The beta's out for everyone now, but only for the weekend. So if you want to get it, I advise you do so now before it ends for the public.


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Some of the threads on blizzards forums are genius.

Total dipshits who think because WoW ran on the computers they use, diablo would "AND IT SHUD BCUZ I BOUGHT THE ANNYOOAL PASS DAT DIABLO TREE CAME WIF!"

Another awesome one is "I bought this laptop 2 years ago and this guy here built his computer 5 years ago that runs it and mine doesn't, therefore blizzard is in the wrong" The problem is the GFX card in it is a chipset from 2003 that wasn't exactly high end in 2003. The dipshit even had the audacity to claim that it ran Skyrim at playable fps when everything was on low, quickly debunked by a youtube video running at 3fps.

Blizzard babby's are the most entitled douchebags I have ever had the displeasure of reading their bullshit.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 2:05 PM, Indy said:

I wish I could run this game :(

I still play Diablo II...

My computer is a Quadcore with 6 GB RAM, but it has a shit graphics card. Do you reckon it's worth buying a high end card?

Depends on your other specs, if they're alright I guess so but if they're below average you might as well get a new computer.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 2:05 PM, Indy said:

I wish I could run this game :(

I still play Diablo II...

My computer is a Quadcore with 6 GB RAM, but it has a shit graphics card. Do you reckon it's worth buying a high end card?

What card? It's very lenient in terms of requirements, it just doesn't aim to play everything ever like WoW did to get as big audience as possible.

There's a list of cards and how supported they are.

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  On 4/22/2012 at 11:23 PM, Cyantist said:

Some of the threads on blizzards forums are genius.

Total dipshits who think because WoW ran on the computers they use, diablo would "AND IT SHUD BCUZ I BOUGHT THE ANNYOOAL PASS DAT DIABLO TREE CAME WIF!"

Another awesome one is "I bought this laptop 2 years ago and this guy here built his computer 5 years ago that runs it and mine doesn't, therefore blizzard is in the wrong" The problem is the GFX card in it is a chipset from 2003 that wasn't exactly high end in 2003. The dipshit even had the audacity to claim that it ran Skyrim at playable fps when everything was on low, quickly debunked by a youtube video running at 3fps.

Blizzard babby's are the most entitled douchebags I have ever had the displeasure of reading their bullshit.

Lol, my laptop struggles, but runs Skyrim at about 18 - 25fps with everything on low, and mods running to reduce textures of leaves, snow etectera. If there's a great amount of activity on screen it dips down to as low as 8fps and it makes my laptop uber hot as well, so I have stopped trying to play it. Diablo is somewhat less intensive than Skyrim though, to be fair.

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Never played Diablo before but I'm really looking forward to this. If it's as good as I'm thinking it'll be (and I've got some pretty Diablo fanboy/girly friends) then I'll probably get hold of the old ones too.

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I'm getting Diablo 3 tomorrow. I have a couple of friends who want to team up with me, and i haven't played a decent game like this in ages!

/edit i got diablo 3 today. Althoug i've not been able to even play it because of the server meltdown... But If you wanna catch me on multiplayer (at some point), here's my tag: DuPz0r#2529

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So the launch has apparently turned into one fucking huge fiasco. Fuck modern gaming and every goddamn suit making the calls based on charts and market studies, fuck them hard, I would totally tape myself torturing them with several gardening tools. I would prepare myself a three course meal and thoroughly enjoy my food as I re-watch the tapes, using one of these to scrape an eye out:


If I buy a game, I expect to fucking play it, not having server issues ON A GODDAMN SINGLE PLAYER MODE.

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Apparently there's an error 36 thing going about whereby if you trade a shield or something with a specific character using one specific class (can't remember which) it forces you out of the game. Think I might wait at least a few months before buying this.

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They should really know how many people are going to try to log in all at once! They have the pre-order numbers, it's not guess-work!

Anyway, i'm gonna wait until after exams to get this game. I jizz a little every time I think about it. Hopefully, the price will drop by then too.

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Trying it now, friend got it via that 1 year WoW deal, never plays it for some reason... so I pretty muchown the game. Anyway, I'm like level 7 or 8 and I'm enjoying it it so far, paying attention to the lore and shit. I made a Monk and have no clue what I'm doing, give me Monk tips pals.

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Gonna see if I can find the tag (I have no clue lol).


it's digz#2152

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