Ku Zi Mu

How Did You Get Your Username?

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well no matter.still like koalas.appreciate the lesson(im not 1 of those people that finds not learning''cool''

You should take some interest in it, otherwise you'll be fucked later in life. Even if it's just learning about what you care about it won't just be learning.

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well no matter.still like koalas.appreciate the lesson(im not 1 of those people that finds not learning''cool''

Good for you, kid. Learning and using what you learn are the two best things you can do with your time on Earth, which is very limited as it is. Make the most of it!

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Some bint I was talking to on the net years and years ago called me it one time, she would ask what have you been up to today? I would say playing Xbox and she called me xboxeddy and I liked the name, on a side note I almost changed my middle name to xboxeddy until my wife put the kibosh on that idea. My old name was unshavenrico, but that's a whole other story

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Eddy, do you shave your Rico?

Nope my rico is completely unshaven ;)

And trust me the story does not live up to the name, when I got my first live account I thought I could have the name rico as in the r.i.c.o act however someone already had the name rico (like that wasn't gonna be the case right) Xbox live suggested unshavenrico I hadn't shaved for like 2 days so thought it was like fate. Told you the story was wank splash.

I did manage to change my middle name all be it not to xboxeddy but changed it to excelsior... Onwards and upwards baby!

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The real story there is why the fuck Live suggested you add 'unshaven.' :huh:

Late, but...

MS spies on their customers, man. They know a lot more than you think.

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I have a recurring nightmare where I unscrew one of my nipples and eat it, so I tend to avoid sleep until I pass out which is why I'm always tired. I play videogames to stay up so Dozy Gamer sums it up rather nicely.

Ok so maybe the recurring nightmare bit isn't true but I did have that dream once and woke up frightened and confused, fortunately both my nipples were intact. I could probably start a whole blog about all my weird dreams.

You can find me on Destructoid as DozyGamer too.

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I have a recurring nightmare where I unscrew one of my nipples and eat it, so I tend to avoid sleep until I pass out which is why I'm always tired. I play videogames to stay up so Dozy Gamer sums it up rather nicely.

Ok so maybe the recurring nightmare bit isn't true but I did have that dream once and woke up frightened and confused, fortunately both my nipples were intact. I could probably start a whole blog about all my weird dreams.

You can find me on Destructoid as DozyGamer too.

That's actually a pretty cool story.

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