
Football (Soccer)

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Like a horror show you simply cannot take your eyes off...

Okay, some people had Germany to win this without Neymar and Thiago Silva-less Brazil, but this scoreline? There are a shitload of happy bookies all over the world right now. Schoolboy defending.

Quick edit: Best line from BBC commentator Steve Wilson to start the second half: "Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier...THUMPED."

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And look at how angry Neuer looked after conceding it.

7-1, bloody hell. Never thought I'd live to see the day a Brazilian team got thumped. I would say that the players might need a police escort to get out of Belo Horizonte tonight, but the police might be the first ones to beat them.

They are SO not going to want to play that third place match, and for reasons that go beyond the obvious...

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Most entertaining World Cup Semi-Final EVER!

I actually wanted Germany to get that flawless victory, as I could tell they wanted it too. They played in formation so well, left side, right side, and perfect opportunists, that it made Brazil dizzy, and they just fell apart. It was nothing to do with Neymar not being there (as i'm sure a lot of people will try to suggest), they were generally struggling with Germany's level of play. :clap:

Good Luck to the other team in the Final.

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If Holland win tonight, I honestly don't think they'll be daunted by the Germans. For me, Louis van Gaal has been the coach of the tournament so far. Hasn't been afraid to make changes when the situation has demanded it, and he'll relish taking on the Germans. And the historical animosity between the two nations would give that matchup some extra spice.

Not counting out Argentina though. They've been improving as the tournament progresses. Everyone talks about Messi, but for me, Mascherano has just been as essential, being the 'glue' holding down the midfield to enable the forwards to run riot. The passing of Alfredo di Stefano could also inspire them. Oh, and it's Argentina's Independence Day today as well. So no pressure to entertain a nation in celebratory mood.

I just want a good match tonight, Messi to sparkle, and Robben to do the same while behaving himself and staying on his feet.

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Brazil vs Germany... why I never bet on football, ever. I think I might have said that at least a dozen times in this topic now.

Hoping for a good game tonight.

jk, Sabella.


OH WOW, Sabella finally realized he has Enzo in his squad.

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I will seriously go on a killing rampage if Sabella becomes a world champion.

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I will seriously go on a killing rampage if Sabella becomes a world champion.

If you're going to do that, stay in Kent and stay the fuck away from Wales!!!!!!!!

What I wrote on Facebook in the immediate aftermath:

"For better or worse (mainly worse), it's a good job I'm that pro-England that I couldn't dream of supporting anyone else.

But for any other England fans who are going to pick a team to support on the day of the final, the choices of Argentina and Germany probably represent something of a nightmare scenario."

Will be very interesting to see how the betting goes for that one in this country.

Quick word about the game: it was definitely one of those "needed-a-goal" games. And it was a shame that both teams played not to lose as it went on. Obviously a place in the final is a big deal, but a lack of killer instinct really did neither team any good. I would have felt more comfortable about the Netherlands chances against Germany had they got through. But as it stands, Argentina really need to up their game. Again.

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As a fan of Brazilian football, I was gutted with yesterdays result but it was not a Brazil team that plays the way that Brazil teams traditionally play... the way Germany played reminded me of how Liverpool dismantled Arsenal or Spurs in the first half of their games last season...

The video below is how I will always remember Brazilian football and I hope that they go back to playing like that...

I am glad Argentina won today and I hope they win the final... I would normally go for the Dutch but I can't support a team with Robben in it...

I have never liked the Germans (see Schumacher v Battiston 1982, diving to win the WC in 1990, traditionally very boring...). Plus I am a big Messi fan and I think that winning a World Cup will shut the haters up.... Can't see the final being a "beautiful game" however...

cuda, why all the Sabella hate?

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Because Sabella is a shit manager with very little tactical integrity, I love Argentinian players, but it's their individual qualities that are carrying the team, the manager is just a well paid dick that sits there and does nothing. Football should be 50/50 players and manager. Yesterday was yet another Sabella day, with Lavezzi having to carry the team forward and hoping Enzo was in one of his creative days. I'm surprised the Dutch didn't manage to exploit Rojo's side, and how they weren't able to tire Lavezzi by half time (seriously, the dude spent 130 minutes sprinting all over the field, nice fucking stamina bro).

I want the players to win, but I don't want the manager to have WORLD CUP CHAMPION in his wikipedia page, it's blasphemous.

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I think Germany to win it. If Brazil finish first in their group, they will most likely have to play either netherlands or spain in first round of KOs. They've got a tough lineup. Can't see England getting out of the groups to be honest.

Still sticking by this, I'll be so pissed if Argentina win it, they've been awful. Germany have been the only big side who have played good football.

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