
American Football

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This isn't that pussy shit soccer. This is for the big boys here we will discuss football. Does anyone play. What are your favorite teams. Not that pussy ass soccer shit.

I play football and my favorite team in the NFL is the sandiego chargers. Notre dame is my favorite college

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Don't be A dick bro. Soccer doesn't suck, it's one of the best sports I've ever seen, and one of the funniest ones also. Soccer doesn't suck, the fans do. B)

I prefer Hockey though. Way more intense.

Rugby is for Men, American Football is for Big Boys, & Soccers for foreigners :D

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Soccer sucks, as does American football. All professional sports do, actually. Boxing is mildly entertaining, but that's it.

The point is, football is just as shit as soccer. And playing football doesn't make you a man. Children play it.

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Suppose I could have stuck a 'back on topic' in there, yeah. But I'm sure they'll know to stay on topic and not let the sport vs. sport thing go anywhere. If not, I've got a warn button. Rather do that than lock another topic.

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and we really could use some proper sports topics... there are other sports out there besides both versions of football...

to get back on topic, how do you guys think your team did during the draft?? i think the bears addressed all of their needs in the draft, grabbed a pass-rusher with the 1st pick, a potential future elite receiver to complement brandon marshall, and added about 4 guys to the secondary...

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I think san Diego's first round pick was good. They took Melvin Ingram I believe is his name I didn't pay attention to the rest of the draft

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this topic is fucked... thanks, i am gonna ruin your football topic when it gets bumped...


OK, I've only watched one Football game (other side of the pond Football), and I liked it, it was the Superbowl thing, and I know it was Tom Brady's team vs a guy that is supposedly a virgin, I can't remember his name, either way, they both did great. I couldn't watch the whole game, but that Brady guy looked very good.

And how can you say anyone gives Football (the real one) a bad name when the OP himself went full retard while opening the topic.

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To stay on topic I play football at south Putnam high school I will give other details later

Ya the giants kicked the patriots ass thankfuly

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this topic is fucked... thanks, i am gonna ruin your football topic when it gets bumped...


OK, I've only watched one Football game (other side of the pond Football), and I liked it, it was the Superbowl thing, and I know it was Tom Brady's team vs a guy that is supposedly a virgin, I can't remember his name, either way, they both did great. I couldn't watch the whole game, but that Brady guy looked very good.

And how can you say anyone gives Football (the real one) a bad name when the OP himself went full retard while opening the topic.

you might be the only civil person on this subject... every time there's an american football topic, it get ruined by fucks from europe who want to stroke their penis thinking about david beckham and the mighty white ball they kick around... i agree the OP didn't help, which is why i requested it to be closed...

but your topic all mentions REAL football... our football is real too...

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My team is badass

I only said not that pussy shit soccer so the euro fucks would stay out I never said which one is better I just wanted to discuss football here and only American football

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So what are your predictions on next season. I think sandiego will make the play-offs

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@ darkstroller - blah blah blah... keep strolling off-topic will ya??

SD is quite the conundrum... i still can't figure them out... they have one of the best QB's, and a D that shows flashes of greatness... yet, they struggle at times and can't seem to win in the playoffs... but a lot of that blame can go to your kicker... he's one of the most accurate kickers in NFL history, yet he's one of the worst playoff kickers ever... he can't handle the pressure of the big kick...

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Bones I think your bears need to upgrade their oline cutler got sacked alot last year

Ya they can't win when it matters

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that's because of mike martz's 7 back-step passing attack... all of mike martz's offenses lead the league in sacks allowed because the QB has to take 4 more steps backwards than most offenses... we're going to a more run-oriented attack this year, with big plays in the passing game opening up from that... we have the QB to do it and the WR's now...

plus, we lost two of our top offensive linemen last year, including our #1 pick from the last draft... so it's like we're adding two new linemen and eliminating the time it takes to make a pass... we should be aight...

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Ya its harder to protect the QB on a 7 step rather than a 3 or 5 step

Cuda made your type of football thread

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i am glad we're not longer tied to mike martz... we've got one of the best backs, a darn good QB and trio of capable receivers... i think we'll be alright... my bigger concern is on the defensive side... we're not getting any younger, and charles tillman can't be the only guy in the secondary...

i think the new drafts picks on that side should contribute...

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I think san Diego will get a 9-7 10-6 record

The bears also picked up Micheal bush he should do good

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Well from u saying Barcelona idk any type of Barcelona in America

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yea, i got a raider's fan that's pissed about that one... i feel bad for forte though, he still hasn't gotten paid, despite being one of the 5 best backs in the league... signing bush isn't helping his cause either... poor fella...

you guys got a nice stable of backs... matthews and tolbert... did matthews get hurt last year??

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Yes but Tolbert picked up the slack and im glad we resigned Hester

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