
American Football

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I think that you can still get people playing hard, trying to make the team...

Also, i guess aint working boners, ill send you a pm.

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I'd say that discussion of spoiled whores is off-topic in this particular topic but, after all, we are talking about grown men that are given millions of dollars to play a children's game.

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Really getting tired of the so called 'experts' bullshit. I know that I may have bias towards the Lions, but for these 'experts' to call the Lions the 26th or 27th best team in the NFL is stupid. The Lions are a better team now than they were one year ago today, when the 'experts' called us a top 10 team on the rise. The fucking idiots always make their predictions based on the previous year's record. They hear about the bad o line, assume automatically the defense sucks, and look at the 4-12 misleading record, then automatically write us off as a 5 win team.

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Rankings and polls in the NFL just plain don't matter. In college, if you're not top ten, you're not getting into the NC. In the NFL, it doesn't matter what anyone ranks the teams--as long as you can manage a winning--or sometimes even a .500--season, your team has a chance at a superbowl

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Yeah, I get that it doesn't matter, but when the talent on the roster is top half in the NFL and they were some injuries and bad ST plays from competing for a playoff spot last year and improved almost everywhere for this year, it's just irritating to see 'experts' call the fucking Jets and Cardinals a better team.

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Hmmm..... Aaron Hernandez, AND Riley Cooper played at Florida. At the same time. With Tebow. I think we've found the Greatest Common Factor, guys. Eliminate Tebow, eliminate crime in the NFL. But not till after this season, I plan on drafting Tebow at every position in my fantasy team.

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I'd say that discussion of spoiled whores is off-topic in this particular topic but, after all, we are talking about grown men that are given millions of dollars to play a children's game.

I dont know any children than can throw a football 50 yards or kick a 50 yard fieldgoal. Go troll someplace else, or watch soccer, you miserable proud american. :mellow:

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Just stating facts, Qd. I hadn't known that you were so passionate about the issue. My apologies for any offense I may have caused you.

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Are the players not grown men? Are they not paid millions to engage in what can fairly be called child's play? I've stated facts.

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I just find it hard to believe that grown men are paid like kings to play a game when there are many other, more worthwhile expenditures of that money waiting elsewhere in the world.

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I agree but that's economics for you. No average person believes that these people, as good as they are, deserve that kind of money but people keep going to games and buying merchandise and team management gets lynched if they don't put out good teams. Sadly, it's our fault.

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My whole football team is getting free tickets from the colts for the 24th against the browns. We are also getting a stake dinner from them today.

The 24th we get to practice their also and hold the flag before the game.

Notre Dame made the NC and started unranked @ostrichboy.

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