
American Football

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who is all currently in the league? i can't tell who is who with the names right now...

I accepted your request. Waiting on further instructions from the Cap'n.

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Baltimore Ravens....nuff said.
I doubt they even break .500. The defense is gonna be mediocre and Flacco is still barely a top half QB. Baltimore will be in a dogfight for third place with Cleveland.
does anyone else want to join the fantasy football league or what?? 5 teams doesn't make for an interesting league, i thought we'd have more participants than this...
I could get a friend or two to join. Don't know if 'outsiders' should be acceptable, but I believe it is better than a 5 team league.
Yeah...I don't think so. Our defense was almost mediocre last season. Flacco will have the chance to prove how good of a QB he is this season. Our new hands players will help him out. You sound like another person who relies on Sports media. These are the same people that said the Ravens wouldn't make it to the SB, much less win it twice.

If I relied on sports media, then I would call the Ravens a playoff team and Flacco an elite QB. I believe that they had a nice draft and offseason for the future, but the moves they made will not make a positive difference until a couple years from now. I see a defense currently that outside Webb, Suggs, and Ngata is inexperienced and is going to struggle even more than last year. I see an offense that has the best running back duo in the league, but a barely top half QB with only two legitimate targets, who are both above average, but not elite. Oh and as a side note, that 'mediocre defense' from last year carried the team in the playoffs.

how the fuck did they carry them to the playoffs? You didn't watch our whole season.

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Baltimore Ravens....nuff said.
I doubt they even break .500. The defense is gonna be mediocre and Flacco is still barely a top half QB. Baltimore will be in a dogfight for third place with Cleveland.
does anyone else want to join the fantasy football league or what?? 5 teams doesn't make for an interesting league, i thought we'd have more participants than this...
I could get a friend or two to join. Don't know if 'outsiders' should be acceptable, but I believe it is better than a 5 team league.
Yeah...I don't think so. Our defense was almost mediocre last season. Flacco will have the chance to prove how good of a QB he is this season. Our new hands players will help him out. You sound like another person who relies on Sports media. These are the same people that said the Ravens wouldn't make it to the SB, much less win it twice.
If I relied on sports media, then I would call the Ravens a playoff team and Flacco an elite QB. I believe that they had a nice draft and offseason for the future, but the moves they made will not make a positive difference until a couple years from now. I see a defense currently that outside Webb, Suggs, and Ngata is inexperienced and is going to struggle even more than last year. I see an offense that has the best running back duo in the league, but a barely top half QB with only two legitimate targets, who are both above average, but not elite. Oh and as a side note, that 'mediocre defense' from last year carried the team in the playoffs.
how the fuck did they carry them to the playoffs? You didn't watch our whole season.

Carried them IN the playoffs. Read clearly before you respond.

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Rice is gettin up there in age for running backs, and Pierce has shown a ton of potential, especially in the playoffs when I would say he was better than Rice. Maybe Pierce won't split time 50/50, but he will be more than just a change of pace back.

So who do you like?No the fuck they didn't CARRY them into the playoffs. You need to learn how to watch games.

And what team do you cheer for?

The defense dominated both Indy and New England, and sealed the Denver and SF game, so I would say they carried them. And what fuckin team do you think I cheer for? (hint- see the profile pic)

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Just make sure you 2 clowns are here during the season, and we will see who sucks.

If you actually watched our playoff run, you would see that the Pats were in scoring position 3 times, even with the 2nd half shutout. It was our offense that came through with points. So the defense didn't have to start with the Pats having good field position. The Colts weren't that great come playoff time. SO that was a freebie for the defense. The Defense actually played their best game against the Broncos. Peyton Manning is Peyton Manning. For them to get a sack, and 2 INT's off of him, was great. We had beat the Pats before. I wasn't too concerned.

Just don't hide when the season is going on. We will see who is the wannabe ESPN Analyst when it's all said and done.

Rice is gettin up there in age for running backs, and Pierce has shown a ton of potential, especially in the playoffs when I would say he was better than Rice. Maybe Pierce won't split time 50/50, but he will be more than just a change of pace back.

So who do you like?No the fuck they didn't CARRY them into the playoffs. You need to learn how to watch games.

And what team do you cheer for?

The defense dominated both Indy and New England, and sealed the Denver and SF game, so I would say they carried them. And what fuckin team do you think I cheer for? (hint- see the profile pic)

Worry about your team...The Lions? I bet our record will be better than theirs.

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^^This guy lol.... Calm down. We don't take things too seriously here. And besides, not everyone has to be a fan of the team that you root for.... And that's coming from a Huskers and Chargers (kill me now) fan living in Texas

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^^This guy lol.... Calm down. We don't take things too seriously here. And besides, not everyone has to be a fan of the team that you root for.... And that's coming from a Huskers and Chargers (kill me now) fan living in Texas

I'm not a fan of other teams either, but I'm not going to say they suck just because I hate them. I have either Denver or the 49ers to win the SB, but I don't see why we don't make the playoffs.

I don't take anything else seriously on here like I told people in chat. However I did make an exception with sports. That's just the way I am about it. I could care less if you guys call me names about video game topics or whatever.

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Just make sure you 2 clowns are here during the season, and we will see who sucks.

If you actually watched our playoff run, you would see that the Pats were in scoring position 3 times, even with the 2nd half shutout. It was our offense that came through with points. So the defense didn't have to start with the Pats having good field position. The Colts weren't that great come playoff time. SO that was a freebie for the defense. The Defense actually played their best game against the Broncos. Peyton Manning is Peyton Manning. For them to get a sack, and 2 INT's off of him, was great. We had beat the Pats before. I wasn't too concerned.

Just don't hide when the season is going on. We will see who is the wannabe ESPN Analyst when it's all said and done.

Rice is gettin up there in age for running backs, and Pierce has shown a ton of potential, especially in the playoffs when I would say he was better than Rice. Maybe Pierce won't split time 50/50, but he will be more than just a change of pace back.
So who do you like?No the fuck they didn't CARRY them into the playoffs. You need to learn how to watch games. And what team do you cheer for?
The defense dominated both Indy and New England, and sealed the Denver and SF game, so I would say they carried them. And what fuckin team do you think I cheer for? (hint- see the profile pic)
Worry about your team...The Lions? I bet our record will be better than theirs.

Debatable. Depends on if the o line and secondary can be adequate. I don't believe that more than 2 games separates them in any scenario. I do believe that the Lions are a more talented team when healthy, though.

On a different note, you should join the ff league. We need ppl.

Ravens will either be 12 - 4 or 4 - 12

7-9 or 8-8. Flacco will be okay and the run game should fair well, but that defense outside Suggs, Webb, and Ngata is bad. In other words, not good enough to contend, not bad enough for a top 5 pick.

Maybe one day the Browns will win. (insert "okay" face)
Welcome to thee forums. And maybe one day, poor Browns fan.

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Maybe one day the Browns will win. (insert "okay" face)

If they played in the Special Olympics, then maybe. But for now? Not a fuckin' chance, buddy. Are you unfortunate enough to be a fellow Clevelander, by any chance?

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I was going to disagree with you Gunny and say that the talent level of the Browns says different and they could win 8 games, but then I remembered: It is Cleveland, an every Cleveland team will always lose.

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So I have spent the past day fulfilling my vision of the perfect team on Madden, from the starting QB to the third string left guard with create-a-player. Then I proceeded to create a playbook to fit exactly what I wanted my team to be. I do believe that I have no life. Here is the basics of my team:


-A true pro offense, based on long drives and ball control.

-QB with high awareness, good short and medium accuracy. Not a strong arm.

-2 man rotation at running back. #1 is a powerful runner with good speed, much like Marshawn Lynch. #2 is a big play speed guy for 3rd down. Good receiver, descent pass blocker, great moves.

-Fullback with the ability to do a bit of everything. Block, run in short yardage situations, and catch a few balls out of the backfield.

-#1 Receiver is a possession/ red zone guy, similar to Anquan Boldin. #2 is a tall, skinny route runner with quick feet and great hands. #3 is lightning fast, tall, with mediocre hands but big play ability. #4 is undersized, quick, run good routes, a poor man's Wes Welker.

-#1 TE is a security blanket with great hands and a good ability to block. #2 is a poor blocker, but fast and can stretch the field on vertical routes. #3 is a great blocker, essentially an extra lineman. Specializes in goal line/ short yardage situations.

-Franchise left tackle that pass blacks as good as anyone and no slouch in the run game, either.

-Left guard is weak link on the line. Can pass and run block descently, but not a standout anywhere.

-Center with high awareness, and is above average in pass and run game.

-Right guard specializes in run game, has good athleticism and acceleration.

-Right tackle has superb run blocking strength and overall strength, also above average is pass blocking.


- 3-4 defense, built around a strong secondary

-LE is an ok pass rusher, but specializes in stopping the run

-RE is a defensive tackle converted to defensive end, mostly just takes up space and clears rush lanes for the outside linebacker.

-DT's are space eaters with superb strength, but slow with a lack of pass rush moves.

-Strong OLB is a dominant pass rusher with superb athleticism, does not have good coverage skills or awareness.

-Weak OLB does everything well. Descent pass rusher, and has great zone/ man coverage skills for a linebacker and awareness.

- ILB #1 is a physical specimen that does well in man coverage and tough to mismatch. Has great lateral quickness and gets to the back to stop the run very well. ILB #2 can also run the field well, but specializes in zone (and man) coverage. Does not defend the run as well as an average starting linebacker.

-CB #1 is a speedy shutdown corner in man coverage. CB #2 is big, physical, and specializes in run support. CB #3+4 are typical nicklebacks with above average zone skills and speed.

-SS is a playmaker, with good ability in run support and zone coverage. He is also pretty good in man coverage for a safety.

-FS is the best player on the defense, who often plays centerfield. Speed and zone coverage are top notch. Has a potential for 10 interceptions. Capable in run support, but not his specialty. Can also be used sparingly on offense at receiver.

-Kicker has top level leg strength, with leg accuracy also up there with the best at his position.

-Punter has high awareness and accuracy to pin offenses deep, with average leg strength.

-Return men used are the third string receiver and starting free safety.

The offensive playbook is quite shallow and play action heavy. Passing game has the basic pass plays that are found in every playbook, and the running game is based heavily on inside the tackle, under center runs with multiple backs. Running backs are heavily involved in passing game.

The defensive playbook is based mainly on man to man coverage schemes, specifically 2 Man Under and Cover 1 Robber. Base Cover 2 is also used often in the playbook, but Cover 3 and other deep zones are used sparingly.

And yes, I have no life, am quite creative, mild OCD, and have an mild obsession with the game of football.

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