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On an unrelated note, this is very clearly set in the same universe as Assassin's Creed. Who wants to wager a guess on when we'll see an outright crossover?

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I picked up the game today, and my first impressions are basically the same as Dup's. The cars handle very poorly (I liken them to driving 'Saint's row' cars in a Need For Speed open world game), and this is made worse by the dumbass A.I traffic. I must say, though, that the 2 motorbikes I've ridden are much easier to control, and they will be my mode of transport for the foreseeable future.

I like that you can listen to music outside of a vehicle, but sadly, the music sucks monkey dick.

Graphics wise, only the lighting effects in wet weather stand out for me. Considering I have the PS4 version I was expecting much more. Black Flag looked better.

I haven't experienced much of the story and combat, but hopefully they are redeeming features

Anyways, here are some pics I took with the PS4




Exciting, no?


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AC has been on the flop since AC 2 in my opinion. The yearly release of Ezio's story felt more like DLC's or episodes to finish off the story they started. If they start doing that with Watch_Dogs, then don't expect a true current generation game, as it's all developed with last generation tech. Not saying the tech makes the game good or bad, but it wont justify paying an extra $£€10-15 for the same game as ps360.

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This video perfectly sums up my main issue with Watch_Dogs. There's a massive open world, but there's no real reason to explore it, as practically everything is open to you from the start of the game. While this doesn't make the game bad by any means, it is a bit disappointing.
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A friend of mine has already lent me it, so that's a telling sign that watch dogs has no replayability.

I'll probably play through the story and see what the whole arc is about.

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i just got this yesterday but still i am too busy to play it now but i will play it whether it is shit or not.

i wonder if the driving is like Driver San Fransisco , proboly.

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I am enjoying this game. You get used to the horrid car handling after a while.

My only issue is that it was implied I'd be able to play the game in whatever style I wanted, but was immediately forced into shootouts, car chases, explosions, and tons of other high profile shit that obliterated any stealth options.

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The only way to play stealthy is to headshot a person, let the other person see and wait until they come and headshot them. Move on and repeat. I beat the game mainly hacking and playing stealthy. The ending did not make sense at all. The story and hints and the end were really good though.

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This is how i got the WKZ TV truck i drove around in parker square by the stateum in a box truck trying to get to come out so then i saw vans pop up after an hour i got mad and stole a taco van the hit a cop car and tryed to loose them in the area by the cemetary then i went on to the block er that was allready up smashed in to it then i got out just to get sniped by the helicopter when i respawnd the tv truck drove by and i got it.

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I check for a new unannounced GTA V DLC update every Tuesday, but if there's nothing new I'll get give the watch dogs DLC a go.

I like the idea of playing as T-Bone since he wasn't a complete douche like Peirce.

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Bought this game. The story was quite dull, I'm not really attached to Aiden as much as I am with other sandbox game protagonists. Really great graphics though, had some nice parkour which ran really smooth, no melee combat though that was disappointing. Driving felt weird. Nevertheless the game does have the best graphics seen for an open world game. I just want more action-thrilled gameplay!

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Watch Dogs 2 was announced earlier this week, officially premiered today. Didn't bother with a link before, because it was a live broadcast. Now here's this.


I just realized that I haven't posted a YouTube video in a year and forgot how to do it. Fuck it.


It looks like they actually learned from people's gripes with the first game, and the new game is basically the best parts of Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed. The graphics are gorgeous, and everything is very stylized. I like it.



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