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no midnight for me, i still have to finish ACIII first... plus, there's a bears/49ers game i gotta watch tonight, which doesn't usually end until midnight anyways...

i'll go pick it up tomorrow morning... perhaps i'll see if they still have GTA pre-order items available while i'm there...

:bones: <{iphucked this post!! }

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So I played a little bit this evening. Despite all the clues you're given in the challenges about sneaky ways of killing the targets (which half ruins the fun of finding them in the first place, but anyway) I still end up killing everyone. Seeing how many people you can stab in the throat with a screwdriver without being seen is too much fun. Only thing is it gives you negative score for killing civilians, so you feel a bit guilty afterwards.

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yea, i just finished the 1st real mission, the chinatown one that's been spoiled already by lo interactive themselves... i am staring at the challenge screen right now, and i kinda feel like replaying it because i stumbled my way through this the first time, but managed to knock out a few challenges... i saw 3 new kill possibilities pop up in just that playthrough alone... although, with all the food vendors, there's gotta be some poison lying around too, lol... perhaps i can find a chef away from the police... so make that 4... i shot them both in the back, lol... they spotted me sneak into their apartment to do drugs, and i popped a cop that came up there... took his outfit and casually walked to the exit...

but yea, i can tell i am gonna like this game a lot already :D...

EDIT: so i've made it through 5 levels, and i just feel like i've been winging it the entire time... i am somehow managing to slip in and out of cover, killing a guy here and there, and slipping into new disguises when i can... i was a fucking chimpmunk at one point, lol, and it did me no good as everyone was looking at me :lol:...

it's fun, but i foresee having to replay all those missions i just did because i didn't get very good scores and blew my cover a few times...

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I've clocked about 4 hours of the campaign now, and done a fair few missions.

So far I feel that the game is still a little too linear - well at least in contrast to Hitman 2. Without spoiling anything, the mission structure seems to be fairly simple and a little repetitive: sneak into an area (normally pretty linear); assassinate target(s) (here there are often more options, this is the non-linear experience I was looking forward to); and then sneak out of an area (again pretty linear). Maybe I haven't got far enough in the campaign to experience some more open maps, but I'll update this post once I'm further in.

The assassinations, gun play, weapon choice, and controls are all pretty solid. Unfortunately the cover system can get a little hammy at times, with 47 walking around corners instead of peaking, etc. Also, the disguise system is seriously bugged. It is almost easier to complete assignments in the standard suit than it is to put on disguises and get instantly spotted.

I haven't gotten round to playing contracts mode yet, which I'm very excited for, so I'll let ya'll know how that pans out.

For reference, I bought the game for £32.99 at HMV, so far it's looking like a good buy, but from what I have played (admittedly not enough to give a solid review just yet), I wouldn't want to pay much more than that.

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It seems like they were going for a more realistic approach with the disquise system this time around...... i do like the idea of how if your dressed up as a mechanic for example, only the mechanics will see through you if you get too close, but police officers won't since they arn't familiar with the mechanics faces..... I do feel like they see through your disquise wayyyy to easily..... It should be they only see through it if your running or looking straight in thier face.... not 30 feet away from them.....

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It seems like they were going for a more realistic approach with the disquise system this time around...... i do like the idea of how if your dressed up as a mechanic for example, only the mechanics will see through you if you get too close, but police officers won't since they arn't familiar with the mechanics faces..... I do feel like they see through your disquise wayyyy to easily..... It should be they only see through it if your running or looking straight in thier face.... not 30 feet away from them.....

Yea that's the problem with it. The concept is great, it's just the execution that's dumb.

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Overall, this game has some of the best missions out of any hitman game. Plus the game is beautiful! The close quarters combat is much improved. My only beef is with the disguise system.....

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they only spot you if you get within 10 feet or so... it's not that bad, you just have to be more careful or wait for patrols to move out the way... i am digging this game, i've replayed the first 2 missions over a dozen timeseach to unlock all the challenges, and the 3rd one a number of times too... it might put me behind on the storyline, but it's helping me perfect the art of assassinating...

i'm so good at it that bronson can't even figure out how to pass my contracts level :lol:...

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LOL fuck you bones :P

And side note.... for some reason you can't do challanges on easy difficulty (which im just doing for my first playthrough to get familiar with the maps) Which i don't understand. i hope all the disguise changes remain which brings me to another question... When you wanna get the trophy for completeing the game on professional difficulty, do you need to start a new game, or just go through each mission and beat each one on that difficulty?

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not sure, i'd image that if you beat each one individually it owuld count, but i don't know where they keep track of that sort of thing... also, you should of started with normal, that's what i did and it's not that hard at all...

try playing the chinatown mission a few more times to get used to the layout and the enemy paths... you'll discover the solution soon enough for my contract... the only hard part is not getting caught..

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i think I got it..... ive been playing king of chinatown for the last hour getting all the challanges..... i think I can beat your contract.

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Okay just got home.... time for a hitman all nighter :)

And bones for some rason i can't complete one of the challanges...... im doing it right but it say i still havnt completed it....

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Got a sweet kill playing blood money this guy was bench pressing so when he was about to get up I dropped the weight on his neck.

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i can't shave a split second off my time to score 1,000 more points to overtake your score... i have put the bomb so close to the crowd that i've been lucky it hasn't taken out civilians, and i stil can't do it... lol, tell me how you did it and i'll see if it was exactly how i intended it...

EDIT:: AAARRRGGGHHH, i am now 500 points shy :watchit:...

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Okay well first i grabbed the explosive that is on that little walkway next to the car. then I go up to the drug dealers apartment by distracting the guard guarding that area by sabotaging the fuse box. Then once in that apartment, I drop the explosive next to the table with the cocaine. After that i sneak back out by distracting the guard again..... but this time throw a bottle against the wall so he turns the other way and slip by.... then i stand by the exit and wait till both of them are in the apartment then KA-BOOM! then I exit right away.

Also note the way you see when they are both in the apartment is by using instinct.

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