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i've been playing hitman go off and on for a few weeks now... it's a fun puzzle game... also, the new hitman was teased... just a pic and an article... it's still got a long ways to go yet...

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Yup. I like Hitman Go. And they say just the interior of that level is bigger then any Level in Absolution.... That's crazy.

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Yes i have. It's not the best.

The only good thing about Absolution is the gameplay and graphics.... Everything else is better in blood money.

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Level design and story. Every level in previous hitman games was completely open to explore and you had one or more targets to assassinate.

There were multiple ways to do it and plenty of opportunities to exploit.

Absolution was very linear whereas Blood Money was far more open and required quite a lot of strategy and planning.

Personally I enjoyed Contracts, it was a lot darker and Blood Money featured a mission where one of the targets was a member of the Bahraini Royal family who was a terrorist. I found it to be insulting.

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story, QD... but absolution had a good story too, it just didn't take you thru a bunch of exotic locations... that's probably everyone's biggest gripe, being stuck in the midwest :lol:... i thought absolution was pretty wide open for level design, you just had to be creative in exploring to keep it from feeling so linear... and really, other hitman's felt pretty linear too... it's not like all the levels were completely open, there's restrictions in where you can go without meeting certain requirements... there is a path to follow...

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Okay my excitment for this game just lowered.

Fucking contracts that only last a limited time???? So much for replayability. And what if you're gone somewhere for a week.... you just miss two contcontracts just because.... you were gone......

They want us to actually felel like actual hitmen.... a little too much. This is retarded.

I'm so very disappointed.

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not sure i follow... so is this kind of like that destiny bullshit people were talking about where you literally have to play this every week in order to see the new content? i mean i'll still play this game, but i won't be that upset if i miss out on some contracts just because i couldn't plan my life around their game...


as long as it kinda becomes a decent flow of contracts, then it won't bother me all that much if i miss a few... it sounds like this hitman wants to be the only hitman for many many years... i like that... an ever evolving universe, similar to GTAO...

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But the other thing is even if you catch the limited contract you only have ONE playthrough..... so if you fuck up.... that's it. That takes away from one of the biggest Hitman selling points. Trial and error to preform the perfect assassination.

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Fucking tell me about it.

No one asked for this. They say they've been listening to the fans..... obviously not.

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Already pre-ordered the full game. 3 more days till we get to play the first mission.

At first I hated the idea of episodic content but then I started thinking and realized I can spend the whole month on one level, master it, then go on to the next one next month.

I am all for it now. Anyone else got it pre-ordered or are you just gonna wait for the physical release later this year?

Edited by Bronson

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yea i ordered this... i was on the fence about the episodic thing, but after playing the beta, and reading a few previews and things you need to know articles, i am sold... plus it gives me the chance to not have to go all in and play this for a month and then never really play it again... instead, every month all year, i'll have a new area to explore and create contracts at... it'll keep bringing me back...


to me it feels like you spend a few days in paris, completing your contract... then go on vacation (play other games) until headquarters has a new mission for you... it'll kinda feel bond-like :D... it might actually make me feel like an assassin...


i'm excited, it comes out friday, so i know what i'll be doing thursday night B)...


EDIT: side note: PS4 players get the sarajevo six contracts pack as well... it's 6 additional contracts, with each one taking place in each new area released... it's not all at once, just when each new episode comes out, an additional contract from this pack will be available ;)...

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Yeah you nailed it prefectly. And all the core Hitman aspects are back that were taken out in Absolution.

Pre load out selection where you pick everything you take into the level. That's the big one for me. I'm so excited for this. I'll post my impressions of it here in a few days. I wanna hear your impressions too bones.

Also bones, did you pre-order the whole game or just the into pack?

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oh i bought the whole thing... i'm ready for my intel each month B)...


i made a bad ass vine using GTAV that probably only you would appreciate ;)...


it's agent 47 in los santos B)...


EDIT: fyi, i liked absolution... the linear parts are what killed it for the hardcore, but i loved the environment :wub:...

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Absolution was great. The environments looked gorgeous.

This is a very similar concept to destiny and the division btw...

As long as you don't have to pay a ton for new content, i might be on board.

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