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Ha,Nice! I didn't think of starting as a stylist,started out in the basement to take care of the recordings right quick then moved up and just followed him for a bit to figure out his route and just poisoned him right as soon as he walked off the runway.I don't even know how I was able to get out alive.


Not the prettiest score but I'll take it considering it was my first go at an elusive.

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there's only really cameras on the 2nd floor, where they're running the sound and lights and stuff for the show... since he stays on the ground level, i didn't even bother with destroying evidence... and TBH, destroying evidence is only important if you're trying to do silent assassin... but at least you passed B)... if you would of gotten silent assassin, after doing the first one, you unlock the terminus jacket, which is from absolution... it's cool, it's torn up a bit and he has a bloody band aid over his barcode :D...




i wear it often...

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Yeah but the publisher that picks them up might want to take the game in a completely different direction. Maybe Rockstar will buy it!!!! Imagine a Rockstar Hitman game..... HOLY SHITE!!!!

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i was actually thinking that take2 would be interested... but where rockstar would come in for me would be kane & lynch... imagine the character swapping of GTAV with the stylish shooting of max payne :o... and the story of the duo is something right up rockstar's alley... then perhaps IO could help them with their AGENT game they've been working on for 10 years :lol:...


chances are season 2 is already mostly done... i can see EA picking them up for season 2, taking perhaps a bit of a loss to let them do the same thing that season 1 did, and then revamping the IP and coming at us big time... square enix did a piss poor job at marketing hitman, EA has no problem spending big to punch you in the face with it all day...


just PLEASE no ubisoft, please please please!! :(

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  On 4/23/2017 at 6:27 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

here's a couple more of my contracts... i see weev played the first one here, lol your ZERO score cracked me up lol :lol:...




I'm going back for that old bastard again...No sweat getting to him and taking him out,getting out was when it turned into a shitshow.:P



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anyone dabble in the professional mode?? i took em on this weekend, finished paris and bangkok... gonna prolly try to tackle sapienza soon... it's not as hard as it first seems, once you figure out the new camera system, and re-learning where the now scarce tools and disquises are, it starts to get easier with each challenge attempt... i wasn't really interested  in doing them when they first came out because of the rewards... but after really digging into contracts and stuff, and learning new and creative ways to distract and kill, i think a couple of the new unlocks now have some use, especially the napoleon blownaparte remote explosive :lol:...

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so i see a lot of new hitman fans in this community (damn good PSN sale right now lol)... i'd suggest how to tackle this week's new elusive target but y'all are rookies now... but for the guys like weev and bonson and broman, good luck!! this target changes, every restart is a new play... but i went in with no restart, or plan... once i figured out the target, i rolled the dice and let my instincts and knowledge take over to get dat silent assassin score!! B)...


watch the video if you want, i plan on taking a couple more shots at it with my other accounts... out of the 25 so far, this is the only one that will change who the target is... i'm used to new random paths and such, but now we don't know who is the target... cool stuff...




for the rest of you, play the damn story, and replay it and replay it and replay it... follow opportunities and intel, which open up new doors and creative ways to play this game, and more tools to take advantage of those ops... every map is a sandbox, it's up to you to bring the best toys B)...

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Got a new hit out on 3 people for whoever wants to tackle it..BOnes I know you been wanting me to put one in here lol


Contract ID: 2-10-9342529-86


Location: Hokkaido,Japan


Targets: Nails-Helicopter Pilot

              Nicholas Laurent-Chief Surgeon

              Jason Portman-VIP Patient

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First Ninja only/no loadout/no throw silent assassin the whole run from another video but I wanted to see how fast I could complete it.


My run of my contract "Security breach"



I'm really getting into this Sharing contracts...forgive me if im a little slow on the videos as im still getting used to recording my runs but im gonna try to push out these contract videos.

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nah, they'll be doing their 2nd challenge pack after the end to elusive targets, next week... last month you unlocked a ninja sword... not sure what this new unlock will be, but the challenge involves the plumbers in sapienza... i've been in full on contract mode ever since ETs bit the dust, i've played so many contracts from peeps on twitter and shit...


we were discussing setting up an iGTA contracts group, but when people start talking about it, they never follow thru on it... it'll prolly take me to set that up to get people on board... there's a few more people who aren't posting in this topic that have hitman now...

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hitman is getting a game of the year edition! and for us season pass people, or whom already own the game, for $20 more you get all the new content...




GOTY comes with 4 new missions taking place is revamped maps we've previously gotten to know... also, there's other changes as well, including bringing back the elusive targets for those who missed out on all the earlier ones... not sure how many people here still play this, but i still pop it in every now and then...

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wow, no one's posted since october?! well, the new patient zero campaign is fun, and the new outfits are fun too...


we're now on re-activated elusive target #3...


i've done 2 runs now ;)... the prince, he thinks he's gonna be the next pope, lolol ok good luck with that :lol:...


my favorite toy...




he wanted to fly, lols...



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took me a while to find time to squeeze this one in, like late tonight after crew night lol...


the setup was quite tedious :D...




but the payoff was oh so satisfying B)... my sensei would be proud, and so would my massage trainer :P...





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Contract Id: 2-02-8966706-86


The name should resemble an Igta murder contract.


Also,I'll work on your videos tonight bones as well  as mine to make up for not doing my hokkaido but this contract will be much more proper.just needed influence in how I wanna make my videos.



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Been getting back into Hitman lately. Been playing a lot of Blood Money and the new one. If you still play bones I’d be up for doing contracts with you.


Hitman 2 is looking really solid also. The Miami level looks awesome. Very excited. I am gonna miss the episodic method though. I liked getting one level a month and mastering that level till the next one came out.

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