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anyone REALLY familiar with A Thousand Words in GTA4?

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i'm playing through GTA4 for the 15th (i think) time, and was just browsing the in-game net today when i noticed a picture on A Thousand Words that looks really out of place. There's a guy in the new pics section who is REALLY better rendered than any of the others, His name is Trotter, and he lives in Los Santos.


Has he always been there?

oh, and hi! apologies for such a crap first post :D

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Guest Marney-1

Shittest post ever. Let's all google 'A Thousand Words' and get scammed.

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Guest Marney-1
  On 6/16/2012 at 5:38 PM, snaredrum said:

thanks for the warm welcome. it was a genuine question.

Welcome to

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  On 6/16/2012 at 5:52 PM, ViceMan said:

Yes, it has always been there. I doubt he'll appear in GTA V to be honest.

that's cool, thanks. i was just really surprised to see someone so well rendered - the others on the same page look crap in comparison.

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Interesting find. It is weird how it's almost a photo rather than a render, but it's almost certainly not GTA V related. There's no way Rockstar would have developed characters for GTA 5 while they were still developing GTA 4. Welcome to the site though :)

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If his bio says he was more involved with crime then it might've been a hint, but as it is he's just a random QD.

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