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I've been very entertained lately reading Daniel Abraham's first book series The Long Price Quarter,I'm about done with the third one and waiting for the last one to arrive. If you enjoyed Game of Thrones, I'm sure you can find good in these series too, it's believable fantasy with plenty of twists and just surprisingly well written for a first book.

You can find more info here:


Secondly, I've been interested in reading more about Tesla, so I managed to get a cheap copy of Wizard: Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, what's there to say? Fucking Tesla was a genius.


If Evolution sounds about right for you, this book won't surprise you. Fact is, Richard has been very busy trying to preach Evolution to those who don't want to listen, so if you sympathize with Evolution, you might feel like the book isn't exactly directed towards you. Nonetheless, it's a good read and you will learn a bunch of things, and not just scientific stuff, actual tests on why our mind works the way it does and why an educated mind can't see Evolution. I'm rereading this one just now.

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Currently reading Greatest Show On Earth, like Cuda. And History of God by Karen Armstrong.

My library. Couple of boxing books, true crime, war etc. My football books are on loan somewhere.

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Good stuff! You enjoying it so far? If you like science reading, I would highly suggest Simon Singh's - Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe, it covers most of the universe theories and Simon Singh made it very interesting to keep on reading.


Books I keep at home:


Had to buy the furniture last week or so, I was piling them up on the floor before... and still have a lot of them at my parents house. Can't see shit, but it's basically a lot of novels, fantasy, research and portuguese history. And yeah, my phone takes the best photos.

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I only started it a couple of days ago, I'm around 50 pages in. Good read so far, interesting.

I'll buy the Big Bang when I'm finished with this one so thanks for the recommendation.

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Secondly, I've been interested in reading more about Tesla, so I managed to get a cheap copy of Wizard: Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, what's there to say? Fucking Tesla was a genius.


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I tend to sell my books after i've read them. Sometimes I wish I hadn't, there are some good books i'd like to read again.

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I've been on a Templar theme as a result of playing Assassin's Creed...the latest treasure I found from the library is The Knights Templar in the New World: How Henry Sinclair Brought the Grail to Acadia by William F. Mann. He rediscovered a Templar settlement in Nova Scotia through local archeologists and First Nations legends. It's pretty cool...obviously not many people support his theory that the Grail was smuggled to the New World for safety but it's making for an interesting read. We might be camping near that area later this summer, I'm going to see if we can visit the castle ruins while we're there.

I'm also still reading Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, which I signed out of the library in homage to him on the day his death was announced.

I think if I bought any more books, my man would kill me - I could start a library of my own.

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Should read more of his books, he's done loads.


Does that say "Book three of the long prick quartet"? :D

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I read Red Mars years ago. I should get the others from the library.

Has anyone here read The Year of the Flood? It's awesome.


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I read Red Mars years ago. I should get the others from the library.

Has anyone here read The Year of the Flood? It's awesome.


I think I've seen this cover at my dads place, gonna check for it soonish.

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I'm also re-reading this. Ray Bradbury just passed away recently. I read it years ago so although it feels familiar, it's like reading it for the first time again.


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Finally got a copy for the last book of The Long Price Quartet...


It's an hardcover, I hate hardcovers. But it was also the cheapest price I saw in months.

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Bill Bryson - A short history of nearly everything


If you enjoy science or generally just want to know shit, this book is brilliant. I cannot recommend it any further, it's one of my all-time favourite books!

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I'm reading Peacful Privates. I mean! Pieces of Privates I mean! Private Pieces I mean! Private Peacful. Yeh, that's the one. Great book, I hear it's popular in England..

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I'm reading some H.P. Lovecraft at the moment. Picked up the Nerconomicon to go with it, but every time I open the damn thing, I feel like a complete tool.

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