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All the reviews on good reads don't say a thing about the writing style (so it must be good), it's a bunch of feminists saying they felt disgusted by all the rape and killing and general violence, practically the reason why I picked it up.

I cant get behind a book that has the main character raping girls in the first few pages.

No thanks, I am good.

I have read a lot of books with rape in them, but I have to say they were mostly with a female protagonist.

(rape with with a female lead is ok)

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I have a special hate fund dedicated to bronies and feminists.

I'll never understand why people need to sympathize with main characters, if I'm about to read a book that goes over medieval pillaging, i damn well expect rape and general mischieving to happen, antiheroes are proper cool.

Joe Abercrombie pulls it off very well on the First Law trilogy, the main character (Ninefingers) turns from general friendly guy to psychotic killer who has no issues smashing children in the face with a battle axe, and yet, I was left rooting for the guy - the most badass character I've encountered in literature.

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I enjoy reading autobiographies so any recommendations. I want to read scar tissue written by Anthony keidis lead singer of the red hot Chili Peppers.

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I never really got into English literature outside of required reading for school, until recently. I read a couple of novels here and there that used to belong to my sister, until she got married and moved away. I got into a phase a couple of years ago, where I was obsessed with Medieval Arabic poetry, which isn't as obscure as it sounds. It's far superior than the crap that is Arabic poetry today, despite the fact that I do find it hilariously entertaining. I like reading the idiotic ramblings of vain aristocrats, judging and laughing at them, I guess it's why I never had the balls to write any poetry myself.

I did however start writing short stories in my spare time about whacky and strange super heroes; A machete wielding Shawarma-man, that prepares delicious shawarmas by day, and slaughters dragons by night. Also a female ninja jeweler assassin that hunts immortal aliens that arrived on Earth during WWII and disguised themselves as Nazis that continue to terrify the world long after their humanly flesh disguises have begun to rot (a justification for combining zombies, nazis, and aliens in one evil menace), our heroin is part of a sacred order sworn to protect humanity using an arsenal of tools and weapons disguised as jewelry. I wrote these in English to improve my language skills, and if I do ever publish these, I want to get mass appeal.

Because English is my second language, I think the stories are not that good. An American friend from college has been suggesting books for me to pick up to help tell better stories and I just started reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, which is absolutely hilarious. It's not very helpful in writing about zombies and stuff but it's still a great read. Ignatius J. Reilly must be one of the oldest socially awkward slackers in modern pop-culture, he reminded me of a more moronic George Costanza. Any suggestion from you guys for getting started in fiction and fantasy would be most welcome.

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Prince of Thorns is very interesting so far, the main character is Jorg, a ruthless 13 year old who 'doesn't afraid of anything' (except maybe his father - the king) the narrative is first-person, which is refreshing, it allows us to fully understand the character, his motives and general evilness. Rape, death, treason, it's all very common. There are fantasy elements that so far fit well (I don't like exaggerations). The book is all about Jorg, and he makes for a great character - morality aside.

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a book about utopia and aliens called when everything changed by Edward Wolfe


' They said our society is like our schools. We worship all the wrong people. If a student in a school is intelligent and excels at intellectual accomplishments, he is lucky to make it through the day without being assaulted. We’re proud of our technology, but they said we treat the very people who invented it like outcasts. But, they pointed out, if another student can run quickly with a ball and accomplish a meaningless task like crossing a white line or depositing the ball through an elevated ring, we lift him up on a pedestal and offer him wealth and our adoration. Likewise, we ignore the greatest minds in the world who could have led us to becoming better people. In fact, many times, we kill them and then make a great show of our grief over losing them while never taking to heart the things they said or wrote which could have improved us all.

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And how much are those professions paid compared to a quarterback? How many kids do you see that idolize Lenny Schwartz, M.D.?

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Warren buffet, bill gates, allen greenspan, president clinton, president obama, judge judy, dr phill, dr drew, oprah winfrey, mark zuckerburg, wolf blitzer, carl icahn, steve jobs..

And those are just off the top of my head.

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It makes me so mad to read about athletes that sign multimillion-dollar contracts. Paid all that money just to play a children's game for a few years...

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What did Obama do? He's in the same boat as professional athletes, making money for no reason at all.

He is an eduated person making a lot of money. Not an athelete.

Also, I think he wrote a book or two. So he is an author.

He's not making bank being president.

It makes me so mad to read about athletes that sign multimillion-dollar contracts. Paid all that money just to play a children's game for a few years...

Those athletes have trained their entire life to perform at an elite level.

They spend more hours working on their craft than anyone.

Why shouldn't they get paid?

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It's a game. They don't contribute to society in the way that laborers, doctors, etc. do. The minute contribution that they do make, entertaining a crowd that mostly consists of simple-minded fools, certainly doesn't warrant their high pay.

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Also, all the greatest minds in the world are super rich, so...

That book is liberal cuntism.

It's a game. They don't contribute to society in the way that laborers, doctors, etc. do.

They provide aspiration. Also, they provide an example of what teamwork can accomplish.

They glorify physical activity which encourages kids to be physical and get fit.

Finally, the world would be a drab place without entertainment.

What do video game producers do? Or authors of fiction?

Certainly nothing more than an athlete.

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Video game producers and authors of fiction inspire creativity, and in many cases, compel their audiences to think for themselves. They provide the same entertainment that athletes do.

They provide aspiration.

You are right, though; athletes provide aspiration for me. I always choke on my puke when I think of how much they get paid to play a game.

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Those athletes have trained their entire life to perform at an elite level.

They spend more hours working on their craft than anyone.

Why shouldn't they get paid?

Because they're doing jack shit. I can spend my life becoming the world's greatest Frisbee thrower, doesn't mean I deserve to be paid for it.

And you don't need to train your whole life to be a professional athlete. A kid in average shape could start exercising his senior year of high school, play football in college, and be good enough to play in the NFL before he's even graduated.

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How does gta inspire creativity?

When I immerse myself in Liberty City, when I walk past the pedestrians mashing the keys of their phones, when I laugh at the satire that the Housers cooked up, when I relish the stress release that comes from mowing down mobsters and other evildoers, I sit in awe of the fact that I'm taking in nothing more than lines of code, created by human minds. I can only dream of creating a masterpiece like the Grand Theft Auto series.

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Those athletes have trained their entire life to perform at an elite level.

They spend more hours working on their craft than anyone.

Why shouldn't they get paid?

Because they're doing jack shit. I can spend my life becoming the world's greatest Frisbee thrower, doesn't mean I deserve to be paid for it.

And you don't need to train your whole life to be a professional athlete. A kid in average shape could start exercising his senior year of high school, play football in college, and be good enough to play in the NFL before he's even graduated.

Then why doesnt everyone do that and make millions???

At a base level, ignoring everything else I said about teamwork, ect, they provide entertainment. I value my entertainment. I value it higher than "jack shit" so they do something more than "jack shit", troll.

How does gta inspire creativity?

When I immerse myself in Liberty City, when I walk past the pedestrians mashing the keys of their phones, when I laugh at the satire that the Housers cooked up, when I relish the stress release that comes from mowing down mobsters and other evildoers, I sit in awe of the fact that I'm taking in nothing more than lines of code, created by human minds. I can only dream of creating a masterpiece like the Grand Theft Auto series.

Thats not creativity. Its admiration.

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