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ya dude that was rad

some youtube finds of my own

might have posted this before. spacey metal

pretty dam certian ive posted this band before. listened to this song tho. mad funny shit. right up the alley of tenacious d

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^Good shit. The first song reminds me a bit of Intervals. Speaking of which, Dio/Gtagrl, hopefully you may have heard of them, seeing as they are Canadian and such.

And speaking of instrumental space-prog bands, here's Halcyon from Straya.

Sidenote: I don't get all the hate Supercollider is getting. Sure, it's not thrash, but Megadeth haven't been a thrash band in over 20 years. I think it shits on Thirteen. I like the Sabbath influences, the solos are good, and I actually like Dave's lower vocals, plus I'd rather hear his preachy lyrics than his "der demmycrat gubberment took ur jerbs and ur liberties" shit. The production is the best they've had since The System Has Failed Imo. My only complaints are Ellefson's bass isn't prominent enough, and Broderick doesn't have enough long arse fuck off solos. Give that man his time to shine, Mustaine.

My verdict - 7/10. Not perfect, but a solid heavy metal album. If you're a fan of Youthansia like I am, it's as close to a follow up to that as you're going to get. Just go into it thinking it's in the youth/cryptic/risk/system vein and you won't be disappointed. Go into thinking it's another Rust In Peace and you're going to have a bad time.

Edit: Dio, and anyone else who's interested, why not travel to the homoerotic funpark that is tumblr and read part 1 of my blog about bad metal albums. Do it, or I'll masterbate in front of a baby.

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So I know I'm probably threading on very dangerous waters here, I'm not really the biggest Metal fan out there, it's like... sometimes I feel like it, sometimes I need to get myself pumped for heavy squats (come at me bro), but generally - it's not really my style.

With that said, once upon a time in sunny England I drunkenly stumbled into a metal concert and there was this very bad band playing there: Bring me the Horizon. I had consumed enough beer that day to not give a shit about anything or anyone around me, but even in this state I could not seem to enjoy listening to these toothpick looking motherfuckers, all they did was scream and I could not find ONE bangable lady fan.

Still, ever so often I youtube these guys, call it morbid curiosity. They seem to have released a new album recently... and I'm just fucking shocked, this actually sounds decent to me, the vocalist no longer uses pig talk to communicate, it's not as heavy as I remember it, it's like, listenable and shit.

Considering the abominations I saw at that concert, I'm sure they have pissed off a lot of their fans, it literally has nothing to do with that I listened all dem years ago.

It's not something I can listen to all day, but this shit gets me pumped.

peace out you viking loving proud americans.

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/ sounds like a scremo band wanted to appeal to a wider audience by going somewhat electric.

most here dont like scremo/emo/hardcore. I see what you mean by it being less terrible.

  On 6/5/2013 at 6:04 PM, Handsome B Wonderful said:


[videos and other shit/super collider]

listened to a bit of a song from super collider. and ur right man megadeath hasent been thrash for time. Ill probably like it.

and yah i loved Youthansia.

ill check out ur blog thinger too

"Which is to say, I’m fucking right about this shit. "

I lul'd

so the new black sabbath

they couldnt be bothered to show up for a video shoot it seems. not a bad vid still. song is pretty dam good too. Listening to it tho I'd probably LOVE the song if Ozzy could give more power in his vocals like in the old days. The chorus just seems like it could use more power

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I'm really liking the new Black Sabbath album. Some great riffs, and Ozzy sounds mostly decent. God Is Dead is probably his weakest performance. I'd say it's Ozzy's best vocals since No More Tears, and the best Ozzy Black Sabbath album since Sabotage.

I almost jizzed when Zeitgeist started. It's like Planet Caravan part 2. My favourite song on the album.

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Not since No more Tears man. Ozzmosis was awesome

I even liked Down to earch

Black rain was OK but then scream was poop

but yah Zeitgiest is actually a pretty cool song

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  On 6/11/2013 at 11:50 PM, DiO said:


/ sounds like a scremo band wanted to appeal to a wider audience by going somewhat electric.

That's cool, if I had to define myself it would be "screaming emo" anyway.

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I gotta be honest, I'm not loving the new Sabbath. Ozzy just sounds too processed. It also doesn't help that when they played live, Ozzy looked like a demented old lady stumbling about her hospital ward looking for her teeth.

I'm a Megadeth fan, but I didn't listen to 13 and I have no intention of listening to the new album. I cry for Chris Broderick.

I listened to Ghost BC after hearing great things, and I thought it was a joke. What the fuck. I actually think the costumes are cool...but the music is so boring.

Alan Averill from Primordial's Doom band. Pretty good.

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New Megadeth to me sounded terribly generic.

not like...terrible..

but just...yah so what.

and same issue with new sabbath. What made Ozzy and Mustaine special is in their high vocals their voice was retadedly distinctive. And on Dave's side almost sounded like a cartoon character singing.

They both have no voice in its obvious in the effortless vocals in the new shit. Like the new Sabbath more than the new megadeth. still feels like it would be a great album with younger ozzy on it. Time to pack it in dudes.

random new song postings.

Ripping git and power vocals. Cheesey as fuck too. Whoo, real vocals. Dude will probably stop singing when he is 65.

Also, proggy progness with rippage and what not


FUCK embedding vids. doesnt work anymore.

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^ This. When I first heard 13, I was quite drunk, so I really enjoyed it. Hearing it while sober was a totally different experience. I stand by my opinion that it's a good album, but only because iommi and butler showed up. I actually find brad wilk's drumming more annoying than ozzy's vocals. So many good drummers out there, and they chose him.

Oh yeah, in case you guys didn't know, Paul Bostaph is the replacement for Dave Lombardo in Slayer...

IGTA5 metal playlist

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ahah yah forgot ward wasnt there.

wasnt too focused on the drumming. ill give the album another chance later. its not bad. probably should have just did a tour playing the classics

IDK if this band has been posted. a lot like some of the proggy instrumental stuff on the last page

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I might as well give a shoutout to a decent Aussie band for once.

Alarum are really good, although they haven't released much. They sound a bit like Cynic, Coroner, and Atheist. I'd label them tech death-thrash.

From their second album, Eventuality, which is really good.

The sound is shit in that video.

This is from their latest album, which isn't as good imo.

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Forgot about this topic. Quality metal is on the uprise so I'm reviving it.

This is what I've been digging/discovered in my absence.

New shit..

Revocation - "Teratogenesis" 2012

Revocation - "Revocation" 2013

Gorguts - "Colored Sands" 2013

Suffocation - "Pinnacle of Bedlam" 2013

Jeff Loomis - "Plains of Oblivion" 2012

Nile - "At the Gates of Sethu" 2012

Beyond Creation - "The Aura" 2011

Spawn of Possession - "Incurso" 2012

Obscura - "Omnivium" - 2012

Blotted Science - "The Animation of EtomologyEP" 2011

Carcass - "Surgical Steel" 2013

Defeated Sanity - "Passages into Deformity" 2013

What do you guys think of these records? I highly recommend everyone to check them out if you haven't.

Not new but killer..

Disavowed - "Stagnated Existence" 2007

Opeth - "Deliverance" 2002

Coroner - "Punishment for Decadence" 1988

Death - "Individual Thought Patterns" 1993

Cryptopsy - "Blasphemy Made Flesh" 1994

Good times..

Iron Maiden & Megadeth at the Mandalay Bay on Sept. 12th

Black Sabbath on Sept 1st.

Nile at the LVCS

Opeth & Mastodon at House of Blues

Obscura in Hollywood

Children of Bodom & Revocation at House of Blues

13 Primus shows.. Vegas, Tempe, Oakland, San Francisco, Denver, Tucson, Bakersfield, and Ventura..

Tool at the Pearl

Anthrax, Exodus, High on Fire, and Municipal Waste at House of Blues

System of a Down at the Pearl

Summer Slaughter 2012- Cannibal Corpse, BTBAM(alright), The Faceless, Goatwhore, Exhumed

Messuggah & Animals as Leaders at House of Blues

Death to All in LA

BTBAM and Animals as Leaders.. seems i always go to AAL shows just to see them and a meh headliner.

Las Vegas Death Fest a couple months ago.. Origin, Putrid Pile and Defeated Sanity were the highlights. Was to drunk to remember the rest.

  On 3/26/2012 at 1:49 AM, Handsome B Wonderful said:

DEATH Tribute Dates Announced

The drums will be handled by Gene Hoglan ("Individual Thought Patterns", "Symbolic") and Sean Reinert ("Human"). On bass will be Steve DiGiorgio ("Human", "Individual Thought Patterns") and Scott Clendenin ("The Sound Of Perseverance"). Guitar duties will be shared by Paul Masvidal ("Human"), Shannon Hamm ("The Sound of Perseverance") and Bobby Koelble ("Symbolic").

Death to All 2012 tour dates:

June 23 - House of Blues – West Hollywood, CA

  On 4/1/2012 at 12:48 AM, GTAVIFAN1 said:

apparently the anallovingkid2112 is going to that.

That show fucking ruled. Gorguts opening was almost as epic as the show itself. What an adventure in L.A. Voice of the Soul live was definitely the highlight.

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Dream come true seeing Maiden, man. Wanted that since I was a kid first discovering metal with Powerslave. Couldn't have been happier. Bruce has way too much energy for a dude his age.

Despite Megadeth's past two shit albums, they still don't disappoint live. Being an opener, it was pretty much a greatest hits set with only one new song thrown in there. Very satisfying.

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  On 10/2/2013 at 5:42 AM, DiO said:


vegas living prick

You'd hate me if you knew how much I bitch about no good metal playing Vegas. It's probably every couple months or less that we get a good one. But I still love living here for the big ones.

Vital Remains are playing Saturday. That should be a great one.

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Do these guys still count? Carcass from England. I love this album.

When I lived there, they were huge....

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