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Every second post could be a Dio video and I wouldn't care

I'm looking forward to the new Ihsahn album. I'm also looking very much forward to seeing Nile and The Faceless next month. I just recently got into The Faceless. Their latest album is pretty neato. Oh yeah, Analog, I've heard almost all of those albums you listed, and I enjoy them a lot, especially Blotted Science and Obscura.

Apparently, there are Slayer-branded sunglasses and ski goggles coming out. I was disappointed they didn't look like Kerry's here


Or here. So metal


If I could get those glasses in GTAO, I'd be so happy

Btw, if anyone uses Spotify regularly to listen to metal, let me know so I can follow your playlists.

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  On 10/17/2013 at 4:22 AM, Handsome B Wonderful said:

I'm looking forward to the new Ihsahn album. I'm also looking very much forward to seeing Nile and The Faceless next month. I just recently got into The Faceless. Their latest album is pretty neato. Oh yeah, Analog, I've heard almost all of those albums you listed, and I enjoy them a lot, especially Blotted Science and Obscura.

^Hahahahaha they all look shitfaced.

Certainly looking forward to new Ihsahn. Pretty stoked actually.

New Faceless was great, but didn't stick to me enough to listen to as much as I binged on Planetary Duality. It's still got some phenomenal guitar work on it. To me it sounds like Michael Keene listened to nothing but Opeth, Between the Buried and Me and Nine Inch Nails in the years prior.

You know what, I should listen to the album more. I only listened to it for about a month then moved on.

Yes, Obscura is definitely in my top 5 metal bands of this day and age. So epic, heavy, deep and diverse. I can never help but rave anytime they're mentioned.

Scored the two Blotted Science records on their site when they were just released on vinyl. Blood splattered vinyl and limited editions. Sounds great.

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Yes, you do. Cosmogenesis and Omnivium are the definitive Obscura. Retribution has a different lineup and is more black metal than anything. Good, but not my thing.

The two aforementioned albums will blow your fucking mind to bits and knock your socks off simultaneously.

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Another year, another top 10. I'll make this quick

10. Leprous - Coal

9. Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance

8. Suffocation - Pinnacle Of Bedlam

7. Ayreon - The Theory Of Everything

6. Ulcerate - Vermis

5. Ihsahn - Das Seelenbrechen

4. Deicide - In The Minds Of Evil

3. Soilwork - The Living Infinite

2. Carcass - Surgical Steel

1. Gorguts - Colored Sands

Worst album of 2013 Queensryche - Frequency Unknown. Bleugh

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What a loser I am. I've only hear three off of that list. Colored Sands is my number 1 for the year as well, and the new Revocation is number 2.

Surgical Steel and pinnacle fucking ruled.

I can't believe I haven't listened to the new Ihsahn or Deicide yet.

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  On 12/13/2013 at 12:22 AM, DiO said:


have yet to check out the new leprous


  On 12/13/2013 at 6:21 AM, TheAnalogKid2112 said:

I can't believe I haven't listened to the new Ihsahn or Deicide yet.


Das Seelenbrechen will take a few listens to get into, though.

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  On 12/13/2013 at 6:21 AM, TheAnalogKid2112 said:

What a loser I am. I've only hear three off of that list.

I recognize the name of like 8 of them, might have heard a song at some point. Only 3 I've actually listened to a good bit. Well, Ayreon ive heard a shit ton


we cant compete with the metal encyclopedia that is Handsome


new leprous is really awesome

too much falsetto vocals tho. dam good signer and its awesome how he can use his voice like an instrument but some it of seems to be filler.


looked up a new queensryche song

haha sounded very radio friendly.

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Goddamnit, analog. You got me back into Obscura, and now I have to listen to them everyday. Thesseling's bass on Cosmogenesis... there are no words.

Anyway, here is a pre-production sample from Christian Muenzner's second solo album, with Hannes Grossmann on drums.

Sadly, he has a disease that affects his technique. Not that it seems to make him any less awesome.

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  On 3/13/2014 at 1:14 PM, Handsome B Wonderful said:

Goddamnit, analog. You got me back into Obscura, and now I have to listen to them everyday. Thesseling's bass on Cosmogenesis... there are no words.

Anyway, here is a pre-production sample from Christian Muenzner's second solo album, with Hannes Grossmann on drums.

Sadly, he has a disease that affects his technique. Not that it seems to make him any less awesome.

You're welcome. There was a solid two years where I listened to Cosmogenesis and Omnivium at least once a day each. I still listen to them very frequently (Septuagint>Vortex Omnivium is often my wake-up work commute soundtrack) but nothing beats when you first get into something this glorious.

Curious why you only mentioned the bass on Cosmogenesis. You listened to the follow up?? Septuagint and Celestial Spheres bass solos take a shit all over Orbital Elements, and the bass on every song is so clean and more tasteful, as I feel A lot of Cosmogenesis was full of very obnoxious basslines. That's not to say I don't fucking love every second of that record, but he complemented the compositions way better on Omnivium.

thanks so much for posting that video! I knew he was in production of the new record but didn't know there were any videos. I fucking love Timewarp and am stoked to hear how he improves upon it. He hadn't even realized he was dealing with focal dystonia during the production of Timewarp even though it was affecting him, so it will be interesting to hear how he's adapted his style.

Hannes Grossmann recently released his solo record as well, and I'm fucking pissed I haven't been able to snag a copy yet.

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I fucking love The Melvins. I got to briefly meet the band on a little pitch and putt golf course in Los Angeles before I moved away. Great guys. Anyhoo, here's one of there best songs, and guitarist/singer Buzz Osbourne talking about it.

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  On 3/13/2014 at 9:16 PM, TheAnalogKid2112 said:

Curious why you only mentioned the bass on Cosmogenesis. You listened to the follow up?? Septuagint and Celestial Spheres bass solos take a shit all over Orbital Elements, and the bass on every song is so clean and more tasteful, as I feel A lot of Cosmogenesis was full of very obnoxious basslines. That's not to say I don't fucking love every second of that record, but he complemented the compositions way better on Omnivium.

Jeroen Thesseling didn't play on Omnivium. T'was Linus Klausnitzer :scooter:

I actually prefer the bass on Omnivium as well. Like you said, it fits in with Obscura's style better. Having said that, I'm a big Jeroen Thesseling fan. He has a very similar style to Steve Digiorgio. I first heard him (as most people would have) on "Spheres" by Pestilence, which is a flawed but underrated album.

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  On 3/19/2014 at 4:52 AM, Handsome B Wonderful said:
  On 3/13/2014 at 9:16 PM, TheAnalogKid2112 said:

Curious why you only mentioned the bass on Cosmogenesis. You listened to the follow up?? Septuagint and Celestial Spheres bass solos take a shit all over Orbital Elements, and the bass on every song is so clean and more tasteful, as I feel A lot of Cosmogenesis was full of very obnoxious basslines. That's not to say I don't fucking love every second of that record, but he complemented the compositions way better on Omnivium.

Jeroen Thesseling didn't play on Omnivium. T'was Linus Klausnitzer :scooter:

I actually prefer the bass on Omnivium as well. Like you said, it fits in with Obscura's style better. Having said that, I'm a big Jeroen Thesseling fan. He has a very similar style to Steve Digiorgio. I first heard him (as most people would have) on "Spheres" by Pestilence, which is a flawed but underrated album.

Nope, it was Thesseling that recorded the bass on Omnivium. Linus toured with them in support of the record, though. So stoked I got to catch the L.A. stop on that tour. It was a phenomenal show, despite being at the Key Club which has awful acoustics.

The dudes were really fucking nice when I met them at that show. Surprisingly so. I was afraid I was going to break Christian's hand when I shook it. That guy is tiny and mad skinny haha.

You're right about "Spheres". So much good but just enough to complain about. lol

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