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Sure it's been established that I don't like metal (few exceptions) but I found this funny.


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Listened to the new Judas Priest. Meh.

Bad news, analog. Hannes Grossmann and Christian Muenzner have left Obscura. Hannes didn't like the direction of the new music (apparently it was similar to Cosmogenesis), and Christian felt he couldn't perform Obscura material live without worsening his hand condition. I'd like to suggest Muhammed Suicmez as new guitarist. :luis:

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Yeah, I was pretty bummed about that news until I heard about their new project, Alkaloid. It has Hannes, Christian, and Linus of Obscura and Danny Tunker along with a dude I haven't heard of. The way I see it, it's like we have two Obscuras now. Steffen has always been the only consistent member of Obscura do he'll keep the vision going.

I'm looking forward to seeing what these creative bastards have in store.

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Am I the only person left alive who thinks Machine Head are awful? I don't understand the appeal. They jumped to every shitty trend they could, and now that thrash is back, they make shitty thrash and everyone raves.

Dio, that photo is the best. Combines dogs and Immortal, two of my favourite things.

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Am I the only person left alive who thinks Machine Head are awful? I don't understand the appeal. They jumped to every shitty trend they could, and now that thrash is back, they make shitty thrash and everyone raves.

I think they've always been complete trash. Biggest bandwagoners ever. From a poor man's Pantera to a poor man's limp bizkit to a poor man's Trivium. And even Vio-lence was lame. I wouldn't be surprised if they jump onto the djent bandwagon with their next album. Rob Flynn is a childish 46 year old douche.

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