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Dat video... dat armor.

*Has someone mod that into New Vegas*

ahah that would be sick

but yah that video ruled. Totally post-apocalypse song

[mass effect pic]

I would totally fuck those chicks. I wonder if those bodysuits have quick access pockets to the vagina and asshole

Heres another ive bin listening too. Like how Opeth is to Death Metal, these guys are to power metal. Progressive. Got the funk at times. Fuckin awesome.

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11 hours. how the fuck

remember this I posted recently \/


just found out its that chick doing ALL the vocals. Figured there was a dude doing the deathy stuff.

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That sucks the big one about clivey

Bin listening to an obscene about of Gojira since seeing them.

I regret so much got getting a tour shirt. It was so fucking cool. They only had medium left and it probably wouldnt have fit me but I could have used it to patch a shirt or something. Godziltoid


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The singer from that band is the new singer in Kamelot

IDK how much even listened to Kamelot but they have a pretty die hard following

Speaking of progressive metal. Check this band from Tunisia. They're like nile but prog/power instead of death. And their actually brown lol

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i was going to post this ghost bc video

as a trollolol

but that sabbath is too heavy for me to ruin this post with that bullshit.

a link instead

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Eh, I'm not a fan of Ghost.

Speaking of trolling, surely Megadeth's new song is a joke.

Just fucking terrible. Sounds like something from Risk. I'm actually a fan of some of Megadeth's slower material (i love Youthanasia), so I went in with an open mind, too.

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the singer even sounds pretty similar lol. Must be the white doppleganger to the myrath singer. fuckin awesome stuff man

from the official death FB page


"""A little something to get you guys through the work week. Chuck's hand written lyrics to "Pull The Plug"!


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fuckin maiden is power metal and dumb fuck who hate power metal dont know maiden is powermetal and they all igggnit and shiii

should elaborate. lot of my friends rag on me for liking power metal but they listen to maiden.

and ya new aic is fucking really good. only heard the 2 songs with videos

failing right now with vidoes embedding

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