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Screw this! I'm playing San Andreas again

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If you never played it on XBOX, with component cables, what are you waiting for? It looks fantastic for such and an old game. V won't be out for ages anyway.

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Even by 2004 standards (fuck, it's been nearly 8 years already) the graphics in SA are shit.

Since this forum is for GTA 5 discussion I shall move this topic to its rightful home.

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Guest Marney-1

I wouldn't mind playing through San Andreas again but my PS2 looks crap on a HDTV.

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like i said when i dusted off the PS2 to finally play the hitman trilogy i had for years, san andreas popped out of the tray and i damn near played that instead :lol:... i am gonna give grove street families another run at some point this year...

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The first time I played SA after getting my HDTV, I was able to see shit I'd never noticed before. Like the T-shirt icon for clothing stores is a ringer tee, and that the label on the safehouse disc icon has stripes. The previous TV was crap by comparison.

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i find the games of my youth to be blurry in HD... it seems like it was more clear in SD, but then again i grew up on that... once i drastically adjusted the picture settings with sharp picture/color/brightness on hitman, i was able to capture more clarity and actually make out the darkened palette... i will see if those settings carry into san an, but it's hard to bring out good graphics from last gen on new gen TV's...

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my last HDTV burned up in a month. Then I got a little tv. Now I got a big tv but it's not HD.

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if theres ever a game with graphics that aged horrible it's the first Deus Ex. People reinstall it all the time and just become familiar with the first hour or so because the graphics are terrible in retrospect.

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I can't play my PS2 games anymore, as my 60GB PS3 had multiple strokes before i decided to cash in on a slim. I do however have the PC version which, imo, is still pretty decent to look at, just, not by today's standards. I've completed SA on PC more times than i can remember over the years. Plus there's plenty of mods to keep it interesting, even now...

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I'll always remember the day me and my mates all went to buy SA. I don't know if we were at college... or supposed to be at college, but we all went down Lakeside (the local shitehole around here) and bought it from a GAME shop (we were only 17 but whatever, we didn't get questioned) and got the bus home. I got indoors, rushed upstairs, shut my bedroom door and that was it. I think the first think I did was look at the map, i'd already seen it on the official site but to have it there in my hands, to get a sense of the scale. I remember I spent a few hours in game fucking around on a BMX exploring the map and finding weapons, not knowing the full extent of what lay ahead of me. I was so enamoured with the countryside I think I forgot there was more of the map to unlock.

Good times.

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Yes, playing it again now isn't the same. I want to experience it all anew once again, wide-eyed and wide-anused.

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Screw waiting for V. And play it on your 360, it works great. I can't believe you guys call yourselvs GTA fans.

And what are you smoking Duff? Yea on PS2 the graphics were crap but try it again on the 360 with an HDTV I think you'll feel differently

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  On 7/8/2012 at 7:03 PM, Vance said:

Screw waiting for V. And play it on your 360, it works great. I can't believe you guys call yourselvs GTA fans.

And what are you smoking Duff? Yea on PS2 the graphics were crap but try it again on the 360 with an HDTV I think you'll feel differently

Most games look better when they are upscaled and have stronger anti-aliasing. That wasn't really the point I was trying to make.

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  On 7/8/2012 at 7:03 PM, Vance said:

Screw waiting for V. And play it on your 360, it works great. I can't believe you guys call yourselvs GTA fans.

And what are you smoking Duff? Yea on PS2 the graphics were crap but try it again on the 360 with an HDTV I think you'll feel differently

Actually it's the other way around, how can you call yourself a GTA fan when your bitching that Rockstar is taking forever. Shit doesn't happen overnight.

Quality over Quantity.

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San Andreas is a timeless classic, like pong, or Pac Man. its just a house hould name. The gameplay is still top notch even by todays standards, thats why people still play it. in terms of GTAs, the games before SA were ok, but they still have their problems. and GTA 4 sucks. honestly. if it wasnt the newest and the best looking GTA out right now, i wouldnt own it. GTA SA is just awesome.

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