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Take that shock collar off of him. He can make his own choices in life.

I would honestly love to but it's the best choice at the moment, he has 1000sq feet to free roam but he does get off it now and then to roam the whole area. The reason he is on it is because about 12 years ago we owned a german shepherd and my neighbor and his nephew would step out back go on the hill and shoot at the dog with BB's and bows and arrows. It got to the point where the dog actually attacked them. My dad being a nice neighbor didn't press charges for animal cruelty, animal abuse, trespassing, ect. When I got my baby, he would bring out his poodle and him and the poodle will antagonize him, He's already threatened to shoot him, and all other bullshit. Honestly I'd love to let my dog have free pass on that piece of shit. Hes from the city and thinks all animals should be leashed and kept indoors and doesn't understand country life. I told him if he tried any funny shit to my dog, I personally would stomp the shit out of him.

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Take that shock collar off of him. He can make his own choices in life.

I would honestly love to but it's the best choice at the moment, he has 1000sq feet to free roam but he does get off it now and then to roam the whole area. The reason he is on it is because about 12 years ago we owned a german shepherd and my neighbor and his nephew would step out back go on the hill and shoot at the dog with BB's and bows and arrows. It got to the point where the dog actually attacked them. My dad being a nice neighbor didn't press charges for animal cruelty, animal abuse, trespassing, ect. When I got my baby, he would bring out his poodle and him and the poodle will antagonize him, He's already threatened to shoot him, and all other bullshit. Honestly I'd love to let my dog have free pass on that piece of shit. Hes from the city and thinks all animals should be leashed and kept indoors and doesn't understand country life. I told him if he tried any funny shit to my dog, I personally would stomp the shit out of him.

Don't take this shit, a bunch of pussies were running around with some springer airsoft POS and tried to shoot my dog not realizing I was in the garden, I hopped the fence, tripped the kid with the gun, stamped on the gun and smashed it and waterboarded the cunt with the hose pipe i was holding (i was watering the garden at the time).

I wish my dog was a German Shepherd or something and would have hopped the fence and taken his face off, I would have gladly hidden him briefly, claimed I had him put down and then brought him back under the guise of a "new dog"

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@Swoon - Does that poor dog have an shock collar? -_- tut tut..


Moogle has plenty of confusing nicknames already; Mooge, Moca, Mooglealay, Mog-lea... Which he replies to all.

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@Swoon - Does that poor dog have an shock collar? -_- tut tut..


Moogle has plenty of confusing nicknames already; Mooge, Moca, Mooglealay, Mog-lea... Which he replies to all.

I call my cat 'honky,' which he responds to with a slightly more ghetto meow.

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i call mine a bitch all the time, she loves it...

Lately I‘ve been calling my cat princess on account of the fact that he‘s perfectly capable of jumping on the counter himself yet sits on the floor and meows until someone lifts him there.

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This is Monty. he is a dachshund and a princess

I love Dachshunds, mine is a mix between a dachshund and a poodle.

I want me a long hair pure dachshund, or a wire hair, love those. I'd name him Kaiser...


"You know the Germans make great stuff".

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This is Monty. he is a dachshund and a princess

I love Dachshunds, mine is a mix between a dachshund and a poodle.

I want me a long hair pure dachshund, or a wire hair, love those. I'd name him Kaiser... time to beg my mom for another dog.


"You know the Germans make great stuff".

Monty's cross with a chihuahua.

Americans call them Chiweenies.

We call them mongrels

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mix between a dachshund and a poodle.

Please tell me the breed is called a schnoodle.


but yes, I will get a wired hair dachshund and name him kaiser cause they look like the have mustaches.

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