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Two Great Pyraneese Koda is a bit of a husky mix and Chloe is pure bred.

Beautiful dogs

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Indeed they are. Chloe has the most wonderful temperament for a dog. Absolutely loves human attention reminds me of my last dog a Lab/Chow mix. Koda not so much he's ran away a couple of times the last time they caught him all the way up at Joe Albi Stadium which is almost 10 miles from his house. (GPS tracking chips.) Oh yeah. They shed like a beast. Originally Norwegian mountain dogs. Bred to be ...huge doesn't quite cover it. Ginormous. There we go. Koda loves to howl sing too. Lately we've had time to take the both of them out to my dads place out near Long lake just north of Spokane. Then we just find a dirt road and let em chase the car.

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Crawling up and down the length of my forearm and waving his fucking foreleg, as if to get my attention, was this little dude. He's a Paraphiddipus aurantius with a wonderful, sentient personality and curiosity, exquisite markings, and a ravenous appetite.

And some adorable eyes.



Edited by GunSmith
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great. that's a fucking pet. seriously, gunny. what the duck is wrong with you?

Yeah, he's a ducking pet. :mad: When you talk to him, he turns his eyes and body to face you. Never seen a bug so receptive and communicative.

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i lost my 1st mate today :salute:...


as some of you already know, complications had arose yesterday, and i had to put my cat down today  :(... while i was being ignorant of her current state for a few months, in hopes that it'll pass, it all quickly caught up to me yesterday when i finally took her to the vet... today's blood test results were super extremely high in white blood cells (he's never ever seen it that high before), which is not even close to good, usually typical of various cancers... her body was losing weight, while her stomach started to balloon... i could feel her bones instead of fur when petting her back... and she started spending more time sleeping in the litterbox instead of cardboard boxes... and just when i thought her litterbox phase was fading, i'd find her back in it a week later...


but it's all for the good... there's no reason to leave an animal suffering, it's not like they're gonna tell you they're not doing well... my cat pretty much was faking it, lol, acting playful one minute, then not seen for many many hours later, hiding... her yelps in the early morning, followed by puking, were the straw that finally made me take her in...


so anyways, yea... that's all there is to say about that... here's my favorite pic of her... i was actually in a lot of pain here, dealing with a painful cyst many years back... and she knew it, she kept coming over to comfort me, so i snapped this one...




RIP smokey :(... i've got a lifetime of your memories locked away in my vault...

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So sorry to read that, bOnEs. You can see the concern on her face in the second pic, you obviously gave her a lot of love to earn that devotion. How old was she?

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