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*Ejaculates everywhere*


*Repeatedly tries to shove handful of cash into monitor*

Day one purchase, no exceptions. Collector's Edition? I'll buy it. All stores are sold out? I will kill anyone to get a copy.

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I don't know who Shadow the Hedgehog is, but he's not fit to pick brain and skull fragments out of Deadpool's boots.

Have you never heard of/played Sonic the Hedgehog? Shadow is a more badass version of Sonic


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Fair enough, Shadow was only created in 2001. Currently, Knuckles is no longer the antagonist, but Sonic's friend.

Anyway enough about that, don't want to derail another Deadpool topic

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I don't see how that's any kind of problem. I found it funny, personally. It's very Deadpool to mock things like the irrelevance of achievements/trophies.

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Reminds me of Duke Nukem.

Exactly, and that isn't a good thing. It's funny in a way that is LOL FUNNAY XD that would make some tard who likes fart jokes and the never aging "get back in the kitchen" jokes laugh hard. The game play is good, but let down because Enemy AI is retarded and frankly I found the game was too easy; up to a certain point where it got ridiculously hard and then went back to being easy. Honestly the use of the word "fuck" alone in this game is comparable to making Dante from the new and edgy-proved DMC feel like a christian church girl. Game lacks replay value too. Humor was piss poor, rest of game was aight. 6/10 at a stretch. Not overwhelmed by this at all.

No doubt 13 year olds worldwide who just learned about how xD KOOL DUDEBRO from tumblr are settling down right now to play this game with a bag of doritos and mountain dew.

The entire tumblr tag is a case study for eugenics btw, a GAMER GRRRRL who looks past the sexism because she's a kool gamer girl

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