Guest Marney-1

What's next from Rockstar Games?

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As a guy who REALLY enjoys simulators (probably my favorite genre) I would like to see a simulator with Rockstar's spin on it.

Perhaps Trailer Park Simulator 2014? I'd buy it for $40, so long as that shitty social club/games for windows DRM isn't on it.

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I think they'll be updating their RAGE engine, or if we're lucky, creating a new game engine for the next gen. Judging by jump in graphics quality (isn't a massive amount), i expect they could probably stick with RAGE, but they may have a major facelift, as in RAGE 2.0. Last time they made a smaller game to test the waters, which was that tennis game. I'd expect they'd start with a smaller game on next gen systems, to show of the power of the graphics engine, to get people excited about future titles.

If i were to take a guess, i'd expect them to try something new first for next gen. Maybe a multiplayer only experience?

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Well being how rockstar usually releases a game every year, after gta v is out for awhile I think they are gonna announce that Agent will be out next. I just have a huge hunch strictly because we haven't heard anything about it at allow except for take two updating the patent for the logo or whatever.

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If by "soon", you mean 6 months to a year after V releases, then yes.

Announcing something I could thing in November or something.. People aren't going to not buy gta so they can play gta with horses

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RDR 2 (or the next Red Dead game) would be good, but it's hard to imaging how they could expand and make the gameplay better from RDR. You have to consider that RDR was all about the end of the 'Wild West' so it had all/most? weapons and other stuff etc. The next RDR may not even be a cowboy styled game, it may include cars and be in the 20s.

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Set it during the American war that was going on around 1776 and call it "Red Dead Revolution".

I think the Cowboy thing is set in stone though, two games set in that style era and it'd be odd to take it out of it.

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What was the premise behind the first RDR?

I don't know, I never played it, we had a shonky copy for Xbox that crashed halfway through the first level, I know its Cowboys though.

Here's the cliffs of the wikipedia article


-Wild west

-Find gold and make two special revolvers

-bro gets taken by goddamn mexicans

- mexican army sends guy to kill a guy, they're successful

-his kid finds gun

-becomes bounty hunter

onwards from there.

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I enjoyed Revolver very much. The story was about revenge, gold, crooked politicians, stealing from injuns, and a good ole shoot out competition. But it was not an open world game. It had a very linear story line that had Red Harlow tracking down his parents killers. You get to play as four other characters as well. Wish they'd release it on xbox live.

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Based on that info I'd find it hard to believe that R* would stray from the cowboy theme for RDR3. The Civil War idea would be cool but I think it would just miss the era RDR has evoked.

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Who knows, Rockstar may be able to find a way to effectively combine the two elements into an enjoyable game.

In the peak months of the American Civil War, as a bloody conflict rages on between a desperate Confederacy and a powerful Union, (protagonist name) seeks to find a better life for himself and his young family. A Rebel soldier, not willing to fight for the slave-owning rights of his secessionist home state, he deserts his unit, packs up and heads west to California to escape the conflict back East. As he travels, his former commanding officer, a ruthless Southerner with a cold heart and a fondness for devastating total-war techniques, sends leagues of bounty hunters and less-than-honorable Confederate military units after (protagonist name) in a savage attempt to avenge Dixie against the treason she's endured. To reach California with his family and his sanity intact, (protagonist name) will need to employ all of his cunning, military training and discipline, and love for his family as he defends himself and his loved ones by any means he deems necessary; be it remaining incognito and using stealth to slip by bounty hunters or tearing through highly-trained battalions of Rebel soldiers with an array of classic American weaponry. As he journeys to his promised land, he will tread on the soil of a truly wild West.

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i could actually see a game set quite a few years prior to redemption, in the setting we've all heard before with bill's gang... but i'd actually like to play a bill williamson, before he goes crazy and turns on marston...

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I don't know about playing as Bill himself. But to experience all the glory of good-ol'-fashioned Wild West debauchery without having Marston's conscience to hamper you would be fun. Train robberies, bank heists, and coach hold-ups -- it'd be like GTA V, only 115 years in the past.

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I think a combo Gunny. I quite liked the concept of choosing whether to be the good guy or the bad guy but I also like the idea of the bad ol' days with robberies, kidnappings, etc.

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If i were to take a guess, i'd expect them to try something new first for next gen. Maybe a multiplayer only experience?

It's still a possibility. GTAO may well carry over to PS4. Also, something Lezlie Benzies said to CVG got me thinking this even more...

"A dream of ours is, when you finish the game, you press a button, and it's made a film of your game. Maybe one day. It depends on lots of things... ...It's all doable"

That just seemed like a hint towards the PS share button...

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It's definitely something I could see staying around and being updated with every new GTA (with DLC between, of course). Our Online characters seem to have a story of their own to go through, and I would rather that character's journey continue to the setting of the next game. In single player, the new characters are obviously important, it's a completely new story. Online, however, I feel like our characters should persist.

This topic is pretty much wrapped up until October 1st.

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