
Call of Duty

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So. . .

Does anyone else play MW3?

Or am I the only one around here. :(

I occasionally do, though not on your platform. It's great fun to await the violent, racist, homophobic, and often indecipherable hatemail messages that result from using the Javelin.

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I find that, strangely, when i'm using a sniper rifle and people say i'm camping, dah fuck you want me to do with one, run around and try killing some one at close range. <_<

What irritates me is as soon as you've had a half decent game, you get some kid wanting to add you as a friend, or wanting you to join their party. How bout. . . . . No.

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I can't understand that -- the people that get so frustrated when you use a rifle at long range annoy me terribly.

"Oh, hard-scope some more, tryhard!"

It would almost be worth plugging my microphone in to reply and educate them as to a rifle's purpose. Maybe not in so many words, of course, and maybe with a bit more vulgarity and aggressiveness than is necessary, but it might be worth it.

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CoD Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal

They added some cool stuff like women soldiers and destructible enviroments and an actual kill animation. I'll just get BF4 since this seems like an exact BF4 copy

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GTAV made $800million in pre-orders alone in the first day. The highest record was BO2 with 1billion in the first week, so it's safe to say GTAV will probably shit all over this record in coming days.

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They just announced Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and this motherfucker is like Cod, House of Cards, and Elysium mixed together.

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It's a shame they changed the title. The cover art I posted above was accurate at the time, but I guess they decided it wasn't time to be honest just yet.

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Is CoD Ghosts worth getting? I'm using pc.

I downloaded the demo today...it's the same mindless fun as any other CoD with improvements where needed. It doesn't feel repetitive or formulaic, but it has the generic FPS vibe. Worth getting, but not worth sixty dollars.

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