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Epic Moments

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Guest Marney-1

I could never be nervous around anyone that short. Except maybe Wolverine.

I had a mate like Joe Pesci's character, he was so crazy he killed himself. Always reminds me of him. :D

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And I can't believe nobody has mentioned the most epic scene of all time! I know it might seem cliché to say it, but it's as powerful now as it was the first time I saw it!

I once heard this with Push it to the limit dubbed over it. Brilliant song, could never imagine seeing that scene again without it (I always end up humming it)

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Technically a TV show I suppose.

I absolutely adore this man.

Back on track.

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Scarface.... Meh.

you suck... also, this thread is really getting hard to load with all the youtube clips per page... speaking of which;

i wish i could find a clip that has the two minutes prior to the events above... i don't care what anyone says, war of the worlds is one of my favorite movies...

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i wish i could find a clip that has the two minutes prior to the events above... i don't care what anyone says, war of the worlds is one of my favorite movies...

I agree, I love that movie. And that scene was intense.

Two of the most amazing single camera takes, each from the same film. Bear in mind they all happen in one continuous tracking shot without cuts:

If you've seen or read about the film, you will understand the gravity and importance of this scene:

video embedding fail. You'll have to watch them on youtube.

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Eastern Promises. Fantastic gangster film, I like how no guns appeared in the film,

just knifes. Bloody and brutal.

Plus Viggo's dangly bits :D

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Eastern Promises. Fantastic gangster film, I like how no guns appeared in the film,

just knifes. Bloody and brutal.

Plus Viggo's dangly bits :D

Was trying to remember the name to this film to post a clip of it yesterday.

Meh, have this instead:

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