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Tried some NY pizza and some traditional italian pizza

Two stalls just opened up at a local marketplace near me and business is fierce, I heard some Italian guy who could just barely speak a lick of English shit talking " asjklhdkasj guy know NATHING about peetzuh", so naturally I was curious and decided to try out both. Firstly, both WERE traditional places. Server @ Italian place had a thick, thick accent and the chef couldn't speak a single bit of english, server talked to me about his upbringing back in Italy and I believed it. New York place had a guy who really had a evident Jersey accent (think thick guido accent, without him being a guido).

Firstly, ingredients at the italian place were much better. cheese was much richer and meat was very flavour-ful? also I saw them make it and they didn't use that really shit garlic spray like the NY place did. Pizza base was also thinner which I think I preferred, a thick base isn't everything. The NY place was thicker and the ingredients didn't taste as rich. Italian place was slightly more expensive but the taste was 10 billion times better.

As for why an Italian and an American would move here to open businesses is beyond me, I doubt the money is rolling in, especially when generic pizza people are used to can be had from any of the 9 billion asian stalls and is cheaper.

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You can't get a traditional New York pizza without going to New York...

Plus if he didn't live in New York than it ain't New York pizza (imagine a thick Brooklyn accent, despite me having only a mild Long Island accent :P)


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You can't get a traditional New York pizza without going to New York...

Plus if he didn't live in New York than it ain't New York pizza (imagine a thick Brooklyn accent, despite me having only a mild Long Island accent :P)


New Jersey and New York are close, I figured he may be from NJ original but the place bragged about having "traditional new york pizza" and I HAVE heard NY Pizza is the most overrated thing in the world sooo...

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You guys don't know shit about food, every time I'm in the UK I lose weight because your food is either:

- Disgusting

- Tastes like cardboard

Who the fuck deep fries MARS BARS??

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Ketchup and brown sauce. On eggs.

I adore you Brits, but you guys have some intensely fucked-up culinary habits.

I'm perplexed. What other sauce could you possible have with eggs?

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I can't dry-shaft food, I need to drown it in a fuck ton of sauce or gravy.

Does anybody else dip slices of bread into the yolk? I can't be the only one.

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You aren't the only one.

I'm perplexed. What other sauce could you possible have with eggs?

Isn't that delightfully golden puddle of cholesterol in the middle enough moisture?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of ketchup on my scrambled eggs, but I've yet to experiment with it on a fried chicken fetus. HP Brown Sauce is hard to come by in the States, but I'm willing to try it on my next fried-egg adventure.

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