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I don't have a single drop of Italian blood in me, but being from Long Island the Italian culture all around rubs off on ya.

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Something make me think Brian is a real old school Italian

He dissed my fuckin' pignoli. He's the ultimate mangiacake. Also, please do not associate Jersey Shore characters with "old-school Italians".

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Something make me think Brian is a real old school Italian

He dissed my fuckin' pignoli. He's the ultimate mangiacake. Also, please do not associate Jersey Shore characters with "old-school Italians".

Pine nuts have the weirdest fucking texture and taste like ass. Still better than water chestnuts.

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I hate water chestnuts with a burning passion, although I haven't had pine nuts in a long time so maybe I might like them now.

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Something make me think Brian is a real old school Italian

He dissed my fuckin' pignoli. He's the ultimate mangiacake. Also, please do not associate Jersey Shore characters with "old-school Italians".

Jersey Shore characters are old school italians so you can fuhgedaboudit!

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No, they are most certainly not. Compare a Jersey Shore character to my late grandmother. You'll find that the differences between them are very clear and numerous.

Also, this has nothing to do with food.

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Just made some pizza but I ate it before getting a pic :P

Pepperoni and ham with some mozzarella and tomato sauce, came out good.

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Just made lightly seasoned and pan-fried Halibut, with a baby plum tomato and scotch bonnet chili based sauce, and a side of fusilli and petit pois.

Dat fish with Dem spices!

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Tomato and scotch bonnet sauce. It's a home made sauce i make occasionally. It's simply; Baby Plum tomato boiled in a saucepan with a small amount of water and milk, a knob of butter, salt, pepper, finely chopped bonnets, with some lemon and basil. Boiled until the right consistency.

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And they say British food is bland.

Also, Scotch bonnet sauce? I'd very much like the recipe if you're willing to divulge it.

That's a misconception from people who go purposefully looking for the worst pictures/video they can.

A method I hope to try very soon.

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And they say British food is bland.

Also, Scotch bonnet sauce? I'd very much like the recipe if you're willing to divulge it.

That's a misconception from people who go purposefully looking for the worst pictures/video they can.

A method I hope to try very soon.


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Fresh fish being frozen is disgraceful. It's one thing if its processed food (i,e youngs birdseye etc) but to freeze fresh fish. What a fucking idiotic thing to do.

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Never understood the name "Ruby Tuesdays". Tuesday is the least significant day of the week. Though speaking of pretzel cheeseburgers, the assholes at my local Wendy's gave me a pretzel bun bacon cheeseburger WITHOUT the fucking pretzel bun. Cunts.

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Never understood the name "Ruby Tuesdays". Tuesday is the least significant day of the week. Though speaking of pretzel cheeseburgers, the assholes at my local Wendy's gave me a pretzel bun bacon cheeseburger WITHOUT the fucking pretzel bun. Cunts.

Thats pretty funny... Did you return it?

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