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Here in the UK, this is a bit of an american stereotypical breakfast, and one I've never tried until today.... If you haven't discovered pancakes with bacon & maple syrup yet, DISCOVER IT!

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If you think that's a treat, try some ham steaks next time you have pancakes n' syrup. You shan't regret it.

Aren't you jewish?

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it's a pretty common cheesecake now. do a search, and no doubt you'll find the recipe.

Thank you. Do you put an Otizian spin on it?

Aren't you jewish?

Only ethnically, my Antipodean comrade. Pretty sure ol' Yahweh can forgive a slab of ribs or a slice of ham here and there.

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I once offered pork rinds to a guy who's nick name was rabbi. Turns out he was orthodox. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense. I though it was just a nick name.

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Had some friends over last night for a belated Thanksgiving feast: roasted chicken, stuffing with apples, cranberry and summer savoury, gravy, potato wedges, cranberry sauce, red carrots in maple butter, lime and onion on red swiss chard, and freshly baked mutigrain bread. Dessert was pumpkin pie with spiced maple whipped cream. Every single ingredient came from local organic farms, including the pumpkin in the pie. Polished off a couple of growlers of brown ale and an oak barrel aged bitter, and a pinot noir at dinner. What a feast.

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it's a pretty common cheesecake now. do a search, and no doubt you'll find the recipe.

Thank you. Do you put an Otizian spin on it?

nah, was the restaurants recipe and that's what the customers wanted, so that what i made. And i like it this way too so didn't bother alerting it to make it my own. i made another kind too, but i can't remember what it was...not quite as yummy as the chocolate Bailey's one tho.

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Favorite honest-to-God Chinese dish? Not General Tso's or orange chicken, but the stuff you find in your nearest Chinatown. I have to go with lazi jiding. Got-dayum, there is nothing more satisfying.

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I had the misfortune of trying Mickey D's Mighty Wings just now. The only thing "mighty" about these bird appendages is when they leave your lower GI. Dry meat with an overly crunchy breading for a buck apiece? Fuck you too, McDonald's.

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I tried Burger King's strips of random unwanted parts of a chicken, recently, in buffalo sauce-coated form. I do not suggest trying them. Too much sauce, sauce of dreadful quality containing far too much vinegar. 1/10. would be 0/10, but it was technically food.

Also, their fish sandwich is much smaller than it used to be, and the breading has become chewy. I hate Burger King more every time I acknowledge it.

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