
The Food Topic

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The mark of true health is to find it easy to laugh something like that off, my dear. Hope you made another one.

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I've invented a godly food innovation. Fawafals. Falafel cooked in a waffle maker, with tzaziki/tahini syrup sauce.

Fuck yeah.

Holy fuck. Your mind is shitting out a gold mine and you're all out of Kaopectate.

Wanna go into business?

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Successfully made a shake today without spillage, honeydew and pineapple with a banana. Great flavors.

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fuck that you need a protein shake, if you dont get one and miss your anabolic window you can say bye bye to your gains

People really underestimate the human body...

In a period of 4 months I put on 15 pounds of muscle last year. Not a single protein shake was taken. I haven't lifted in a long time though, and I should start again.

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Here's a cheap version I got from /b/ a few years ago. It's not bad. I can't find my authentic version (an actual thousand year old recipe from the viking age).


Depending on how sweet the final product is, you may want to add additional honey to each serving. It's better if it's a little heavier and closer to beer. The wine-like version you get from festivals and whatnot is usually swill.

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Wow, looks and sounds delicious. If you rediscover your authentic recipe, poaster it here.

Also, do you reckon orange zest would hurt? Too much acid/oil may hurt the yeast, yes?

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Give it a try. Set some aside in a smaller container.

Also, once you have mead, you can make the White-Gold Tower, a mixed beverage from Skyrim. Combine mead 50-50 with heavy whipping cream (stir gently), and add lavender and dragon's tongue. Dragon's tongue, in Skyrim, is a flower. In the real world, it is a type of bean. The closest real-world equivalents of the flower that I know of are the snapdragon or the yellow orchid.

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