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Growing some fresh herbs and some other stuff again this year.


Namely, wanted to give jalapeños a go. I plan to make pickled jalapeños as well as some home made hot sauce with them, but what are some other uses?

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I've made jalapeno jelly before, it's fantastic on burgers and more. A friend gave me a pile of hot red peppers from their garden last summer, so I dehydrated them and crushed them up with a mortar and pestle and added it to the spice jar collection, a hefty pinch is great in pasta sauce and other dishes. Never tried drying jalapenos but if you end up with too many, that would be worth trying too. 


I'll see if I can find the jelly recipe I used and add the link here, it worked really well. 

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On 5/18/2018 at 0:13 PM, gtagrl said:

I've made jalapeno jelly before, it's fantastic on burgers and more. A friend gave me a pile of hot red peppers from their garden last summer, so I dehydrated them and crushed them up with a mortar and pestle and added it to the spice jar collection, a hefty pinch is great in pasta sauce and other dishes. Never tried drying jalapenos but if you end up with too many, that would be worth trying too. 


I'll see if I can find the jelly recipe I used and add the link here, it worked really well. 


That would be great if you could. I'm a big fan of pepper jelly but never had jalapeno jelly.



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This is what I had printed in my recipe binder. (Y) I'm sure there are plenty of others if you searched, the photos on it look odd, I recall a lovely all-green finished jelly...I can vouch for the recipe at least. Protip: get the smallest jars for this kind of jelly. Surplus makes for excellent gifts! 


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4 hours ago, gtagrl said:

This is what I had printed in my recipe binder. (Y) I'm sure there are plenty of others if you searched, the photos on it look odd, I recall a lovely all-green finished jelly...I can vouch for the recipe at least. Protip: get the smallest jars for this kind of jelly. Surplus makes for excellent gifts! 


I'll be sure to give this a go in a few weeks once the peppers come in! Thanks 

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It's double vanilla, I use pure extract and vanilla bean in both the cake and buttercream, you can see little flecks in it. :drool:


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GTAgirl should send us all cupcakes... if that cunt sherri can do it with berries im sure the renowned GTAgirl can do it with cupcakes. I tried wicked good cupcakes, but they tasted like dried out ass in a glass.






I want birthday cake flavor, please.

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Speak for yourself, Q. That's a single serving imo. :drool:



I've been stuck on Chinese recipes for a while. Here's Chongqing chicken, which is just stir-fried with garlic in chili and pricklyash-infused oil. Ahh, my anus puckers fondly at the memory.



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5 hours ago, Qdeathstar said:

damn, whose getting married?  A thats not a “personal consumption” amount; it’s clearly trafficking.


These have been practice for an upcoming wedding in fact, I am doing the largest order I've ever done for good friends who are getting married this summer.


^^^The chocolate/vanilla minis were for a retirement party, ^^the full-sized vanilla were for a bachelorette party, and the ^mini blues were for a baby shower. My tablet's camera didn't capture the tint very accurately, but it did come out pastel BLUE and not greenish, which as I learned during my research, is one of the tricky parts of tinting frosting blue. The more you know! :sorcerer: 


/Me nerding out over buttercream: I'm glad the blue worked out, because I usually never use artificial colours in my baking. In the past, I've successfully used raspberries to make tulip-pink buttercream, and blueberries to make a lovely pale lavender, I cook down a few berries to concentrate them and then strain out the solids and cool the remaining liquid. One time, I used liquid colour drops to try for a candy-orange and it came out this fleshy hot pink - very unappetizing. I ended up turning it into chocolate frosting to hide the bad colour. :P For this baby blue, I used gel colouring made for frosting and fondant, and it definitely is easier to work with, you just have to be careful and go slowly. Plus the gel doesn't fuck up the consistency like liquid colouring does, so it still pipes beautifully. 


I'm still trying to figure out a good price list so that my ingredients and materials are covered, plus a bit of extra for my time. People seem to really like them, even people that don't normally like sweets, so that's a great sign. I don't want the trouble of setting up a counter at farmers markets but will gladly do small batch custom orders on the side. 

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Broiled chicken shawarma, plated up with fresh pita, tomato, onion, and pickled veggies. Pepper sauce, tahini and garlic paste fo' drizzle. :drool: 


No leftovers. ?

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