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No you dumb fuck, its not.

Companies arent set for life, they go out of business every day.

Sex and Candy.

i didnt say "companies", i said THIS company.. what do you think is more? them profiting from people who buy products, or them being paid by the gov (who owns money) for doing dirty work? this is the company that has done things like building combat for wars, they not worrying about small change

I think organic stuff is higher quality because its fresher, and since they are charging more for it, you get the highest grades of the product your buying...

also this company is getting rid of all organic foods (you obviously dont know their power and wealth), just read the link i posted..

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I used to builded a combat when I was a kid, it was a lot of fun.

also this company is getting rid of all organic foods (you obviously dont know their power and wealth), just read the link i posted..

Death, doing away with organic foods would facilitate a monopoly, which is illegal (as I'm sure you know). Don't believe everything you read, huh? No matter how many colorful images it's surrounded by.

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No you dumb fuck, its not.

Companies arent set for life, they go out of business every day.

Sex and Candy.

i didnt say "companies", i said THIS company.. what do you think is more? them profiting from people who buy products, or them being paid by the gov (who owns money) for doing dirty work? this is the company that has done things like building combat for wars, they not worrying about small change

I think organic stuff is higher quality because its fresher, and since they are charging more for it, you get the highest grades of the product your buying...

also this company is getting rid of all organic foods (you obviously dont know their power and wealth), just read the link i posted..

Where did you get your doctorate degree in "knowing a lot about how the world works" because i'd like to get a degree in "knowing just enough to perform a heart transplant"

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My thing is:

1. These companies sell things to living people.

2. If these companies kill the people they sell too, they'll have less customers, less profit.

3. Your gonna die of something.

its a government plot to spread illness (similar to all of the medicines released then you see that "if you or a loved one" commercial.. )

this company doesnt need money, their set for life, this is what evil rich people do to dependent middle class/poor people....

yes, but why do something or consume something that you know may kill you? thats like playing russian roulette

When you can provide substantial evidence that the government is trying to make us all sick, I'll listen to your argument.

Also, why cross the street when you can get hit by a car?

Why breathe if you can inhale deadly chemicals? Perhaps you walk into an old building and inhale asbestos.

Why do anything, I mean we only live to die right? Everyone and everything is out to get us.

Sure the media feeds us bullshit about politics and the government, but so do random conspiracy theorists on the internet. Take everything with a grain of salt, and instead of following one's bullshit, form your own opinions, do your own research, open your mind.

omg -_- this comment is beyond ignorant.. obama is the leader of the government right?

i can post plenty more if you really want me to..

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I used to builded a combat when I was a kid, it was a lot of fun.

also this company is getting rid of all organic foods (you obviously dont know their power and wealth), just read the link i posted..

Death, doing away with organic foods would facilitate a monopoly, which is illegal (as I'm sure you know). Don't believe everything you read, huh? No matter how many colorful images it's surrounded by.

but if the government and lawmakers are doing it, who will punish them?

i think that since i actually posted proof, this thread should be moved back. You know i always admit when i post a misplaced thread.

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Death, can i make a website, and write on it that anal sex followed by oral sex prevents cancer? And then you can go on here and debate with us about how ass to mouth is healthy.

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i think that since i actually posted proof, this thread should be moved back. You know i always admit when i post a misplaced thread.

Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all?

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Death, what is your opinion of the alleged Illuminati? Set aside everything regarding the current subject, it has nothing to do with it (for the time being), I just want to know what you think about it/them.

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i think that since i actually posted proof, this thread should be moved back. You know i always admit when i post a misplaced thread.

Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all?


you gotta be the biiggest dumbass on this site, really, next to fact atleast.. youre too naive and dont realize who your government really is..

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Death, what is your opinion of the alleged Illuminati? Set aside everything regarding the current subject, it has nothing to do with it, I just want to know what you think about it/them.

Illuminati? idk, but i think thats somethin people get confused with Freemasonry (which had the same symbolism before), i read a whole book about it but as far as i know illuminati really is a conspiracy

Death, how exactly would the government benefit from depopulation?

thats a good question which i cant answer.. i have no proof of them wanting to do that, only proof of what has actually been happening..

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i think that since i actually posted proof, this thread should be moved back. You know i always admit when i post a misplaced thread.

Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all?


you gotta be the biiggest dumbass on this site, really, next to fact atleast.. youre too naive and dont realize who your government really is..

Guys that must be it, I'm a dumb ass for wanting to know the exact source someone used on their claim. Shame on me!

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Also, death

Death, can i make a website, and write on it that anal sex followed by oral sex prevents cancer? And then you can go on here and debate with us about how ass to mouth is healthy.

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i think that since i actually posted proof, this thread should be moved back. You know i always admit when i post a misplaced thread.

Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all?


you gotta be the biiggest dumbass on this site, really, next to fact atleast.. youre too naive and dont realize who your government really is..

Guys that must be it, I'm a dumb ass for wanting to know the exact source someone used on their claim. Shame on me!

no your a dumbass for not realizing that i actually did post sources

Also, death

Death, can i make a website, and write on it that anal sex followed by oral sex prevents cancer? And then you can go on here and debate with us about how ass to mouth is healthy.

the mouth is the dirtiest part of the human body, not the anus

but no it aint healthy lol

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For fucks sake, are you really this retarded, Death? You're making claims of the government wanting to kill us off, I don't give two shits about Monsanto itself.

For a source, this article sure has a lot of opinion and a lot less fact. The picture has no source of its own, no clue as to who made it, where they got their information from on companies that we should not buy from. It even says MAY CONTAIN GMOs.

I have realized you are obviously too dumb to see what we are trying to get across. Please just leave the country or live underground for the rest of your life if you're that worried. While you're at it go get a job and buy your own groceries, because it doesn't seem to bother you when your parents are making dinner. What do you think they use, after all? Supermarket produce, meats, and processed goods. Get over it.

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Okay so the med commercials that i mentioned.. they always always always end up killing people or fucking up the rest of their lives.. you think the government dont test that more than good enough? they know what they doing brian, they really do, its been goin on for years.. why do you think so many of the cops are that corrupt and racistend up getting promoted (like the ones that beat rodney king)? cause they ran by the government..

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Okay so the med commercials that i mentioned.. they always always always end up killing people or fucking up the rest of their lives.. you think the government dont test that more than good enough? they know what they doing brian, they really do, its been goin on for years.. why do you think so many of the cops are that corrupt and racistend up getting promoted (like the ones that beat rodney king)? cause they ran by the government..

Do a search for "Clinical Trial". Everyone is bound to have side reactions, we aren't all the same. That's why at the end of commercials they state all side affects anyway, because they're required to so people have prior knowledge before looking into being prescribed the medicine.

Also, there are corrupt cops. I don't know what "racistend" means but whatever, you tell yourself what you want. There are also corrupt bankers, stock brokers, soldiers, politicians, fire fighters, EMT's and EMS, teachers, and so on.

Still not grasping your failing point.

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