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This company produced Agent Orange and now supplies chemicals to food corporations today, correct?

For those not familiar, Agent Orange was a chemical used predominantly by the U.S. to defoliate crops and jungles in Vietnam. It turned out to be highly toxic. Here are some examples of the effects.




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As the former head of an evil corporate empire, I fully support all that the Monsanto Company does. Also, they've been funding my experiments for years. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't back them.

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As the former head of an evil corporate empire, I fully support all that the Monsanto Company does. Also, they've been funding my experiments for years. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't back them.

LMFAO!!! YOU CRACK ME UP SO MUCH.. this guy.. hes just so funny..

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I'm more inclined to never visit elephant journal again. It's less of a news site and more like one of those image-heavy chain emails. They should try using text since it loads faster and looks like you actually put some effort into something.

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Massacre's lab equipment is sponsored in part by Chef Boyardee. That red stuff on your Spaghettios only looks like tomato sauce.

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I can't see evidence for something being organic, so should I truly pay more to buy the same thing on sale down at Stop and Shop? What I'm saying is, you're (we're) not going to stop it, and this in no way inclines me to stop eating what I buy. You wanna be pure? Move out west, buy a ranch, get some cattle and pigs and chickens, and grow your own damn vegetables.

Some positive affects from GMOs include:

  • Better crop resistance to stress
  • More nutritious staple foods
  • More productive farm animals
  • More food from less land
  • GMOs might reduce the environmental impact of food production and industrial processes
  • Rehabilitation of damaged or less-fertile land
  • Bioremediation
  • Longer shelf lives
  • Biofuels
  • Investigation of diseases with genetic fingerprinting
  • Vaccines and medicines
  • Identification of allergenic genes

In a world of over 7 billion, where around 925 million, or 13.1% of the total population is starving, I say why the hell not. It helps increase production and crop yield while using less resources and land, which is good for places like those who need it the most.

Also, Gunny, after a long while of sitting food tends to taste like the can, I've noticed this with many things. Remember smell is also a huge part of taste. Blood tastes like iron too, cause our blood is made of iron. It's processed canned food, nostalgia aside, what do you really expect?

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My thing is:

1. These companies sell things to living people.

2. If these companies kill the people they sell too, they'll have less customers, less profit.

3. Your gonna die of something.

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My thing is:

1. These companies sell things to living people.

2. If these companies kill the people they sell too, they'll have less customers, less profit.

3. Your gonna die of something.

its a government plot to spread illness (similar to all of the medicines released then you see that "if you or a loved one" commercial.. )

this company doesnt need money, their set for life, this is what evil rich people do to dependent middle class/poor people....

yes, but why do something or consume something that you know may kill you? thats like playing russian roulette

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My thing is:

1. These companies sell things to living people.

2. If these companies kill the people they sell too, they'll have less customers, less profit.

3. Your gonna die of something.

its a government plot to spread illness (similar to all of the medicines released then you see that "if you or a loved one" commercial.. )

this company doesnt need money, their set for life, this is what evil rich people do to dependent middle class/poor people....

yes, but why do something or consume something that you know may kill you? thats like playing russian roulette

When you can provide substantial evidence that the government is trying to make us all sick, I'll listen to your argument.

Also, why cross the street when you can get hit by a car?

Why breathe if you can inhale deadly chemicals? Perhaps you walk into an old building and inhale asbestos.

Why do anything, I mean we only live to die right? Everyone and everything is out to get us.

Sure the media feeds us bullshit about politics and the government, but so do random conspiracy theorists on the internet. Take everything with a grain of salt, and instead of following one's bullshit, form your own opinions, do your own research, open your mind.

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I can't see evidence for something being organic, so should I truly pay more to buy the same thing on sale down at Stop and Shop? What I'm saying is, you're (we're) not going to stop it, and this in no way inclines me to stop eating what I buy. You wanna be pure? Move out west, buy a ranch, get some cattle and pigs and chickens, and grow your own damn vegetables.

Also, Gunny, after a long while of sitting food tends to taste like the can, I've noticed this with many things. Remember smell is also a huge part of taste. Blood tastes like iron too, cause our blood is made of iron. It's processed canned food, nostalgia aside, what do you really expect?

In my opinion, organic produce, dairy, and meat has always been superior to the equivalents that are processed with chemical and biological additives, in my experience. Taste that shit.

Also, I was feeding gtagrl's joke with my less witty comment. Regarding your inference, I recently discovered that that's not how SpaghettiOs acquire their metallic taste (I say this shit as if it matters). Campbell's loads that product up with iron and iron compounds to make it more nutritious.

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I think organic stuff is higher quality because its fresher (no preservatives precipitates this) and since they are charging more for it, you get the highest grades of the product your buying...

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