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The Conspiracy/Paranormal Topic

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The video was definitely put together very well. You can tell it was a film project, anything like that, still fills you with an uneasy feeling though.

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grifter is an old joke where two people talk about a spooky video that doesn't actually exist to bewilder nubs


The Grifter is an Internet urban legend about a horrifying and disturbing video which psychologically traumatizes the viewer. Grifter threads are often considered to be a trolling technique by the original poster to spark debates about the video’s existence."

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Not paranormal, but definetely spooky. Found this on 4chan. Apparently people have tried to find this show on a few boards and even tried reddit but no luck. it's about these girls being locked in a room with no doors and eventually going crazy and committing suicide blah blah read the god damn picture. Anyway.. I don't expect anyone here to know or even find it, but I feel like I should share because I thought it was interesting. There's apparently some info about it on some other 4chan related websites, but I am very very lazy and do not care enough to look for myself. The idea of a show like this actually existing is not surprising, but the idea of something so blatantly disturbing not being known by many people (at least to us English speakers) is crazy. I've seen some really really fucked up anime, but if this show actually exists, then it definetely takes the cake.


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What a ridiculous premise. Anyone with a shred of sense would propose cannibalism, the cattle decided via fist fight. Step one, of course, would be to rip a sink out and bash a hole in the wall with it, but, if that didn't work out, then it's time to eat someone.


Also, starvation is relatively painless. Their suicide methods would be excruciating.

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What a ridiculous premise. Anyone with a shred of sense would propose cannibalism, the cattle decided via fist fight. Step one, of course, would be to rip a sink out and bash a hole in the wall with it, but, if that didn't work out, then it's time to eat someone.


Also, starvation is relatively painless. Their suicide methods would be excruciating.

If there aren't any doors, then what makes you think there would be a sink? Now that I think about it, how the hell did they get in there without any doors? I'm starting to think maybe it's a psychological thing rather then them actually being inside a doorless bathroom. Also I think they already tried bashing a hole in the wall.... With their heads... The cannibalism thing is probably a good idea expect for the fact that you would eventually run out of food and end up starving to death.. Again, but this time she would be all alone.

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If there aren't any doors, then what makes you think there would be a sink? Now that I think about it, how the hell did they get in there without any doors? I'm starting to think maybe it's a psychological thing rather then them actually being inside a doorless bathroom. Also I think they already tried bashing a hole in the wall.... With their heads... The cannibalism thing is probably a good idea expect for the fact that you would eventually run out of food and end up starving to death.. Again, but this time she would be all alone.



Other than the presence of a sink being implied by the fact that it's a bathroom? It explicitly states that there is a sink.

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