
Sons of Anarchy

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Perhaps I could take a finger for every spoiler tag you posted.

*Counts spoiler tags*

D-O, you owe me seven fingers. I think you owe me some Breaking Bad fingers too.

Since this, I'll clarify what I mean by "take a finger". Severed fingers, please. Not fingers inserted into certain orifices

I see you mentioned Oz too. Good show. Rape, butt-sex, Fecal play, cum shots, cross-dressers and the famous pissing in a bucket scene.

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I think the fecal play is a pretty famous scene too haa

Sieg Heil, baby! Sieg fuckin' heil!

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My jaw dropped when

Otto bit off his tongue and threw it. That shit caught me off guard, Otto is one tough motherfucker. I mean damn, just to prove a point he will stab people in the throat and mutilate himself.

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Still waiting for the next season, my guess will be september.

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I'm watching it, but I think the show is just dragging now, should have ended a couple of seasons ago.

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Missed the most recent stuff this season. It's probably on my DVR somewhere, neglected due to GTA V. The first episode was good, though, and Dave Navarro was an unexpected guest spot.

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I'm watching it, but I think the show is just dragging now, should have ended a couple of seasons ago.

idk, some decent fucked up shit is still happening. bidness as usual

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