
WWE 13!

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Niko for me.

Never understood WWE games, always look like they are still years behind everyone else. Plus the actual WWE has gone downhill so fast. Will never be as good as the 'Attitude Era'.

That being said, no matter how old I get, I will always be Triple H in the shower.

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Leaning towards Niko on that one, given his background.

Agreed, even though "wrasslin' aint reel!!1!1"

One thing that always bugged me about the newer WWE games was the crappy commentators audio, how many times do I have to hear Jerry Lawler repeat the same thing over and over again.

Triple H was and still is a huge proud american. Kane was always my favourite character, that was before he removed his mask.

Sigh, I miss the attitude era, it was so epic. The atmosphere you get from those two entrances alone owns the entire current era of WWE, whatever the current era is called.

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Kane sans-mask looks like a giant retarded baby.

Also, seeing Gangrel takes me back. I miss The Brood. It was the only time Christian was ever bearable. Edge, however, stayed awesome through most of his career, with that whole Lita thing, then the Vicki Guerrero thing, being the lowest points. The Vicki thing was around the time I stopped watching.

Shit, Edge even made me a Randy Orton fan when they were a tag team. Dunno if Orton is still being a badass or not.

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Yah Vicky Gurrero was fucking annoying.

I do respect the fact tho that they gave her a job because Eddie died and she was able to take care of her family.

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the attitude days will never be beaten. favourite all time guy was is triple h though.!

I repeat; Triple H was and still is a huge proud american. He had no character, just like the generic muscle-clad egos they have today. That's why I liked the attitude era, there were so many larger than life, unbelievable characters. Sure you knew it wasn't real, but you just got immersed in it.

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I repeat; Triple H was and still is a huge proud american.

Never said I was a fan, just that I enjoy a good water spray in the shower.

Austin was my all time favorite. Watched an episode (more like 20 mins) of Raw a few months back. The 'family friendly' version is just awful. Will never be the beer drinking, swearing, blood flowing, do whatever you like WWF again, and it should be. Apparently head shots with chairs aren't even allowed now.

What is the world coming to when you cant hit a man in the head with a steel chair.

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Yah Vicky Gurrero was fucking annoying.

I do respect the fact tho that they gave her a job because Eddie died and she was able to take care of her family.

She's damn good at what she does. Ziggler wasn't getting any heat. Suddenly they put her out there with him and he gets the reaction they want. She's the most over heel in WWE atm.

I repeat; Triple H was and still is a huge proud american.

Austin was my all time favorite. Watched an episode (more like 20 mins) of Raw a few months back. The 'family friendly' version is just awful. Will never be the beer drinking, swearing, blood flowing, do whatever you like WWF again, and it should be. Apparently head shots with chairs aren't even allowed now.


TBH I like wrestling better when they aren't swinging shit around. ECW was a fucking travesty and they were supposedly "the best" at garbage wrestling. It's also stupidly fucking dangerous. I blame it for Chris Candido's death amongst others( public enemy went long before there time because of shitty "bleed from everywhere" garbage wrestling promotions like CZW, XPW and ECW)

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Never said I was a fan, just that I enjoy a good water spray in the shower.

Golden shower enthusiast, eh?

I can't believe I didn't see that coming.

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TBH I like wrestling better when they aren't swinging shit around. ECW was a fucking travesty and they were supposedly "the best" at garbage wrestling. It's also stupidly fucking dangerous. I blame it for Chris Candido's death amongst others( public enemy went long before there time because of shitty "bleed from everywhere" garbage wrestling promotions like CZW, XPW and ECW)

I always preferred hardcore wrestling, unless there was a match with technical wrestlers (Dean Malenko, and, to a lesser extent, Kurt Angle), or someone who could make a match look brutal without weapons.

No one I actually liked has died because of hardcore-related damage, so, meh. Genuinely surprised Raven isn't dead, either from hardcore matches or drugs.

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The Attitude Era stuff kind of has me interested. I might have to rent this. Haven't watched WWE in years but did recently discover TNA wresting, which is actually pretty damn good. If you liked alot of the old guys like The Dudleys, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Sting, etc. you might wanna check it out.

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Always hated Sting. Was a big Jeff Hardy fan back in the day, but I haven't seen him wrestle in ages. I assume he's going the way of Raven, with the drug use and whatnot.

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The Dudleys, - Not together anymore, and suck when they're seperated

Jeff Hardy, - Junkie, can barely put on a decent match. I paid for BFG on PPV and Sting came out and squashed him because he was so fucked up he couldn't perform

Kurt Angle, - Out of his fucking mind. Always talking shit on twitter. Also seems to be picking up injuries and could be gone soon (which sucks, I like Kurt Angle).

Sting, - Lazy 2000's equivalent of Nash and Hogan back in the 90's, returned for big money for a "full time schedule" which consisted of four matches. Oh and the pseudo-joker angle he is/was running sucks. Return to the crow!

Sting will NEVER get better than this. The mysterious Crow character was the best.

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The Dudleys, - Not together anymore, and suck when they're seperated

Jeff Hardy, - Junkie, can barely put on a decent match. I paid for BFG on PPV and Sting came out and squashed him because he was so fucked up he couldn't perform

Kurt Angle, - Out of his fucking mind. Always talking shit on twitter. Also seems to be picking up injuries and could be gone soon (which sucks, I like Kurt Angle).

Sting, - Lazy 2000's equivalent of Nash and Hogan back in the 90's, returned for big money for a "full time schedule" which consisted of four matches. Oh and the pseudo-joker angle he is/was running sucks. Return to the crow!

Sting will NEVER get better than this. The mysterious Crow character was the best.

I don't know if you've watched TNA recently but Bubba Ray (now Bully Ray) is doing quite well by himself; he's decent on the mic, has lost a lot of weight and can pull of a monster heel quite well. His character is quite funny too, when he tries to bully people but ends up backing away from a fight and getting owned by smaller guys. Devon however I do not give a flying shoulderblocking honky about. Apparently Hardy is clean now, and it wan't at BFG that he was stoned out of his head, it was Victory Road. Angle is a decent enough wrestler, what he does out of the ring doesn't really bother me. Sting never interested me that much, but the guy is what... mid 50s now, of course he's not going to put on decent matches.

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Disagree with you on Bully Ray. I think he's trash on his own now and always has been.

Thanks for clearing it up though. It was Victory Road 2011 I bought and got THAT, and BFG 2011 I torrented and got Sting/Hogan. If it that match was on Impact I would seriously struggle to distinguish between whether I was watching TNA 2011 or WCW Thunder 1998.

Oh and Sting puts on [relatively] decent matches. He's just a bare faced liar by saying he was taking on a full schedule in March and by July had only done THREE matches. I'd be much happier if he went to WWE for wrestlemania next year and put on a hell of a match with Taker regardless of the finish, and while TNA are it get rid of the rest of the too old garbage that are stinking up the place.

That said, I'm pleased with AA being WHC. The champions in TNA aren't too bad right now.

AA - Yay

Devon - Nay

Daniels & Kaz - Yay

Zema Ion - Nay (although I think he's just a transition champ for now)

Whatever the fuck her name is - Nay, I'd rather Angelina Love or Velvet Sky had it, or ideally Awesome Kong.

Eric Young & ODB - Yay

I prefer WWE's a little more though

Punk - Not too stale, but I don't like where they're heading with him, the shitty "I want respect" heel is overplayed. I'm still happy though because he's entertaining

Sheamus - HATED the way he won but he's been pretty solid since.

Miz- Since his return he's been on fire. Glad he didnt go straight back to the main event picture.

Antonio Cesaro - Claudio fucking Castagnoli going straight into success? One of the few times I actually like somebody becoming a champion so soon.

R Truth & Kofi - I preferred Kofi and Bourne but these two aren't too bad. Much preferred to Primo & Epico.

Layla - Honestly, I wish Beth Phoenix was champion because she's the best diva in WWE atm, but I'm happy with her run, she's over as hell and has put on good matches.

Pitiful to see what TNA has become since the Asylum days [minus Jarrett stinking up the joint]. Gone from something I'd spend ages torrenting on my shit internet to something I'd only bother watching when friends are watching or I'm bored. I'm going to try get back into it.

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Why do you buy TNA PPVs when they are shown on Challenge? Faaaackin' noob.

£2 for a HD stream as its shown is more than worth it for me (depending on the quality of the event, Victory Road 2011 was NOT worth it.)

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I watched wrasslin in the "Ruthless Agrression" era. Wich I found to be better than the ECW ripoff, "The Attitude Era". The match quality was better. Anyone remeber when Lesnar pushed that one-legged kid down a fight of stairs LMAO. Those were the days. Don't watch anything that's not a big PPV anymore. Aside from YouTube videos.

Day of Reckoning was the shit.

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