
WWE 13!

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Yah I should check it out. Tried watching Raw the other day (current raw) and they were going on about some love scandal with Cena and a new tramp they have in there. Vicky Guerrero was scream "admit it" to the chick. After the 4th time she screamed the same fuckin thing I turned it off. And I was pirating too, so I wasnt even watching commercials and shit. Man that was fuckin lame. Too bad too, because the match before that was actually good with Some fuckin Ziggler guy and another dude Ive never heard of.



getting SvR 2011 right now. Comes with a emulator that is already configured. I saw a post on how to get these emulators working. Gotta "configure" it. The post was a fucking novel so immediately I was like, yah fuck that. But the description for this one said it was already configured for the game so wish me luck

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I'm enjoying all the CM Punk stuff, minus the three douchebags that keep running in and attacking random people.

Would really like to see the TLC match with Punk and Ryback on Sunday. There'll be a stream somewhere.

Edit: Just read that Ryback injured CM Punk on the last episode of Raw, and their match is now a six man tag, with Punk sidelined. Now I don't give a shit.

Also, very glad Punk passed Cena's record for championship reign. Cena never deserved that in the first place.

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Mmmhm Wrasstlin'

The last full episode of RAW that I watched was RAW 1000, I still watch ppvs though.. the good ones anyway.

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Yah I watched Raw 1000 as well. It wasn't that great at all. They should have busted out all the stops.

One thing I noticed about the older Raws, the top "superstars" wrestle way more than the modern ones these days.

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lol I expected you to show off some actual wrestling spots, you know, something athletic.

Silly me, I almost forgot wrasstlin' is 79% talk.

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lol I expected you to show off some actual wrestling spots, you know, something athletic.

Silly me, I almost forgot wrasstlin' is 79% talk.

Talking is important, it sells you on characters/storylines and gives you a reason to care about a match. If actual wrestling mattered that much, John Cena wouldn't be the top guy.

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the only good thing about raw is cm punk and paul heyman, the 3 new guys, could turn out to be good! there all good wrestlers.

some of the other guys like ziggler could be good if they gave him a chance, but hes facing cena at tlc, and will prob lose that money in the bank case he won lol. which is shit.

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Well I got SvR 2011 through my being awesome. Arrr!

Kind of sick of it already. I think someone mentioned it but the kind of fucked up the controls. you have to do an extra grapple before you can do one that has good impact.

This wouldnt be a problem cause it actually flows nicely but the computer fucker reverses TOO MUCH. I have it on hard and they fuck reverse all grapples so half the match im doing shitty little striking untill the guy is beat up enough. They reverse striking well enough too.

Another problem is I can reverse grapples fine, but I can barely reverse striking and the fucking computer barely grapples. Every match turns into a punching match.

In the old ones they would reverse grapples just as much I'd say, but since you have to do that extra grapple before the main one, it double the amount shit gets reversed.

Maybe its cause Im using a PC controller there is a lag for reversing, but many times I fucking swear I hit it at the right time and it didnt work.

and playing on normal is too easy. Theres no balance. I usually do win on hard, but it's just irritating when they fucking reverse everything. In the real life fake fighting, there isnt THAT many reversals.

Probably done with it. Didnt waste my money tho lol

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I dont think so. Its 2011 and the ps2 version. I think it has a lot to do with my controller. The last SvR I played I could handle on "legend" difficulty. It was about challenging as this one is on "hard" difficulty. But I played the old ones on "hard" most of the time.

Man that was a confusing lot of sentences. Has to do a lot with my controller tho. I remember reversing more back in 09


and yes, I made myself. hahaa you can see my name in the bottom marquee


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So, anyone have this? I tend to receive gift cards for Christmas, trying to narrow down the list of what might be worth the use of said gift card.


Minus two on respect.

Edit: actually, there are a lot of people on this site that watch wwe.


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you guys would be suprised how much of WWE is real, punch and kicking is doubt, but yea the shows are scripted but the story is fun and alot of humor is added to it, i loved shut your mouth and no doubt here comes the pain where you can go as far as outside of MSG to climbing the SD fist, SVR games will allways be a classic right along up there with GTA and COD, when it comes to THQ though, i hate then, i like SR for a week a realized i spent 60 bucks on a sandbox game that didnt really get my attention, and WWE games are good but too corny to play anymore, i broke every SVR disc i had and found SVR9 witch sucks ass. but like it or not THQ is a respected game developer company, anyways WWE went to shit in 2008 but i still sit on the couch every monday and watch raw, smack down is to boring, i dont want to watch waterfall mouth and a dude that pounds his chest saying "fella" on my friday night off, not entertaining.........not one bit.

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So, anyone have this? I tend to receive gift cards for Christmas, trying to narrow down the list of what might be worth the use of said gift card.


Minus two on respect.

Edit: actually, there are a lot of people on this site that watch wwe.


or used too at least.

common tho...attitude era was cool? *clings to past :(

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Didn't bother getting the face too close. Its a pain in the ass. But its not bad.

Why'd you get the PS2 version? You missed out on the one thing that made that game worth buying...

(Mute the videos)

The physics in SvR 11 put WWE'13's physics to shame.

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because from what I have read, xbox 360 or ps3 emulators more or less don't exist.

said they were gltichy as hell. Pretty sure a lot I looked at where just viruses.

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