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This isnt for fighting. its for discussion only

i own a 360 cause i prefer it not because i think its better but because i like it more. yes i know the ps3 has better procecing and grafics but i would die without my halo and gears of war.


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both are equal because by now natural selection would have chosen only one of them to survive as they are competing in the same environment but both of them survived so they are both fit anmd good. or maybe it needs more time for one of them to die out. x

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both are equal because by now natural selection would have chosen only one of them to survive as they are competing in the same environment but both of them survived so they are both fit anmd good. or maybe it needs more time for one of them to die out. x

That's probably the most intelligent post I've ever seen in any of these kinds of threads, and I don't see how anyone can disagree. Well done sir.

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Guest Marney-1

both are equal because by now natural selection would have chosen only one of them to survive as they are competing in the same environment but both of them survived so they are both fit anmd good. or maybe it needs more time for one of them to die out. x

That's probably the most intelligent post I've ever seen in any of these kinds of threads, and I don't see how anyone can disagree. Well done sir.

I'm shocked by the fact I have to agree with you there.

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both are equal because by now natural selection would have chosen only one of them to survive as they are competing in the same environment but both of them survived so they are both fit anmd good. or maybe it needs more time for one of them to die out. x

Sony are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. They just shut Liverpool studios (Formerly PSYGNOSIS) and were making a loss on the PS3 for a long time. Couple that with poor TV sales and by the end of the next generation they could be gone all together.

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If you want shooters, get an xbox. If you want a more wide variety of good exclusive titles, use an internet browser on your TV and play blu-rays, get a ps3.

...but actually, if you wanna play shooters, or any game for that matter, and mod the shit out of them so it feels like a whole new game....get a gaming PC.

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I owned a PS3 2 years before I bought my xbox and thought PS3 was the greatest ever. Now after owning an Xbox I honestly would not go back unless it was absolutely needed.

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This, again?

Own both, touched the Xbox all of 5 times, personal choice is PS3.

Thats what it is to everyone at the end of the day. Both have features the other doesn't. All about personal preference.

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I have both. I tend to play the PS3 more. I only use my 360 for the mass effect series, and for fallout and elder scrolls games (I learnt my lesson with Skyrim on PS3).

When I finally get a decent gaming PC, I probably won't touch either console again.

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I opted for the 360 over the PS3 when upgrading from my PS2 based on the games available at the time. I went next-gen for GTAIV and got my console a month or two before GTAIV was released. I'm very happy with the 360 (even after one life-shattering RROD that was easily warrantied), but I wish I had a PS3 back in the GTAIV days to play with everyone on the site back in the heyday of the site.

I've enjoyed the Halo series on the 360 which I had never played before owning a 360 and have enjoyed the DLC hookup on the Fallout games ahead of the PS3. It seems crazy, but I would have torn my eyes out waiting even longer for the Fallout 3 DLC, especially the Broken Steel DLC.

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I only have a PS3. But saying that, i can honestly say they're both as good as each other, they're current generation platforms that have been out a good few years together, and both have good reputations. The games are pretty much identical, as the developers want to maximize profit by multi-platforming all their titles, with the exception of one or two exclusives every two years or so. The PS3 does have the graphical edge over 360 from what I've seen, but we're all sensible enough to know that graphics do not make a great game.

I agree with DiO though, PC games will always be pushing the boundaries earlier than any console. Also they can be modded, and that's an extra layer of fun in it's self.

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Multiplayer = Xbox 360


Firstly, the community is much better. You still get a few kiddies screaming down the mic like a spacker. But the extra cash for online generally stops there parents buying live so you don't see as many of them.

It's also more reliable. I had live in 2008 and on my internet (think back then it was 5MB internet) and I rarely had issues. The few times I did my internet connection was just being poor. Similarly in 2008 a friend brought a PS3 over. It dropped connection during/after about 3 games of FIFA and Call of Duty 4, EVERY TIME. We'd then turn on the 360 and try online on that. No issues whatsoever. I think it was just at PSN's end and it may have been fixed but it was definitely a turn off. I didn't get a PS3 until the next year, and even then it only cost me a fiver because it wouldn't read games (Blu-ray movies were kosher) and somebody had beaten the shell with a katana.

Oh, and I much preferred the 360's controller. It doesn't feel as cheap and light and is much more precise with the analogs. The dualshock 3 analogs feel very loose and also get the issue where they wont center properly far more, (I've never seen an issue with the xbox controller not centering correctly, and I used to play 360 7 hours a day, daily.

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Multiplayer = Xbox 360


Firstly, the community is much better. You still get a few kiddies screaming down the mic like a spacker. But the extra cash for online generally stops there parents buying live so you don't see as many of them.

It's also more reliable. I had live in 2008 and on my internet (think back then it was 5MB internet) and I rarely had issues. The few times I did my internet connection was just being poor. Similarly in 2008 a friend brought a PS3 over. It dropped connection during/after about 3 games of FIFA and Call of Duty 4, EVERY TIME. We'd then turn on the 360 and try online on that. No issues whatsoever. I think it was just at PSN's end and it may have been fixed but it was definitely a turn off. I didn't get a PS3 until the next year, and even then it only cost me a fiver because it wouldn't read games (Blu-ray movies were kosher) and somebody had beaten the shell with a katana.

Oh, and I much preferred the 360's controller. It doesn't feel as cheap and light and is much more precise with the analogs. The dualshock 3 analogs feel very loose and also get the issue where they wont center properly far more, (I've never seen an issue with the xbox controller not centering correctly, and I used to play 360 7 hours a day, daily.

ya i enjoy the online comunity better aswell on the 360

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Multiplayer = Xbox 360


Firstly, the community is much better. You still get a few kiddies screaming down the mic like a spacker. But the extra cash for online generally stops there parents buying live so you don't see as many of them.

It's also more reliable. I had live in 2008 and on my internet (think back then it was 5MB internet) and I rarely had issues. The few times I did my internet connection was just being poor. Similarly in 2008 a friend brought a PS3 over. It dropped connection during/after about 3 games of FIFA and Call of Duty 4, EVERY TIME. We'd then turn on the 360 and try online on that. No issues whatsoever. I think it was just at PSN's end and it may have been fixed but it was definitely a turn off. I didn't get a PS3 until the next year, and even then it only cost me a fiver because it wouldn't read games (Blu-ray movies were kosher) and somebody had beaten the shell with a katana.

Oh, and I much preferred the 360's controller. It doesn't feel as cheap and light and is much more precise with the analogs. The dualshock 3 analogs feel very loose and also get the issue where they wont center properly far more, (I've never seen an issue with the xbox controller not centering correctly, and I used to play 360 7 hours a day, daily.

You say this like its a fact. Its opinion and personal experience.

I rarely meet a screaming kid online, and I feel the community is great. You cannot say that community is better on Xbox. It's different people, different experiences so you cannot compare.

I have rarely had connection issues on PS3. Again, not a fact that Xbox is better for that side of things as well. You bought a beat up PS3 and base your opinions off that?

I prefer the PS controller.

All of what you just said is your opinion. You stated it like it's all fact when its all about PERSONAL OPINION AND EXPERIENCES.

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Multiplayer = Xbox 360


Firstly, the community is much better. You still get a few kiddies screaming down the mic like a spacker. But the extra cash for online generally stops there parents buying live so you don't see as many of them.

It's also more reliable. I had live in 2008 and on my internet (think back then it was 5MB internet) and I rarely had issues. The few times I did my internet connection was just being poor. Similarly in 2008 a friend brought a PS3 over. It dropped connection during/after about 3 games of FIFA and Call of Duty 4, EVERY TIME. We'd then turn on the 360 and try online on that. No issues whatsoever. I think it was just at PSN's end and it may have been fixed but it was definitely a turn off. I didn't get a PS3 until the next year, and even then it only cost me a fiver because it wouldn't read games (Blu-ray movies were kosher) and somebody had beaten the shell with a katana.

Oh, and I much preferred the 360's controller. It doesn't feel as cheap and light and is much more precise with the analogs. The dualshock 3 analogs feel very loose and also get the issue where they wont center properly far more, (I've never seen an issue with the xbox controller not centering correctly, and I used to play 360 7 hours a day, daily.

You say this like its a fact. Its opinion and personal experience.

I rarely meet a screaming kid online, and I feel the community is great. You cannot say that community is better on Xbox. It's different people, different experiences so you cannot compare.

I have rarely had connection issues on PS3. Again, not a fact that Xbox is better for that side of things as well. You bought a beat up PS3 and base your opinions off that?

I prefer the PS controller.

All of what you just said is your opinion. You stated it like it's all fact when its all about PERSONAL OPINION AND EXPERIENCES.

If you're confused, I'm sure you can find a Firefox extension that automatically adds "IMO" or "IME" to the end of every sentence of forum posts. The nature of posting under a password protected account makes it pretty obvious that the content of said post is going to come from that person's opinions and past experiences.

Just a suggestion, as the rest of us can get by perfectly well without it.

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You say this like its a fact. Its opinion and personal experience.

All of what you just said is your opinion. You stated it like it's all fact when its all about PERSONAL OPINION AND EXPERIENCES.

No shit. I never stated anywhere it was 100% fact.

I rarely meet a screaming kid online, and I feel the community is great. You cannot say that community is better on Xbox. It's different people, different experiences so you cannot compare.

Of course you can compare something if its different. Lets say Xbox was full of spackers and PSN had pro gamers, would you still not compare it and say "I think PSN is better"?

I have rarely had connection issues on PS3. Again, not a fact that Xbox is better for that side of things as well. You bought a beat up PS3 and base your opinions off that?

I prefer the PS controller.

I bought a beat up PS3 long after my issues with the online solely to play blu-rays. Pro tip: "because it wouldn't read games (Blu-ray movies were kosher)" would certainly imply I only bought it to watch movies.

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