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If the Xbox had the same exact controller has the PS does had probably have no issue playing it, apart from having to pay for the online network. I've had a Playstation ever since i traded my sega mega drive 2 in for one. I was half tempted to get an Xbox when i got the yellow light of death on my old original PS3 but realized that would of been a dumbfuck thing to do.

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I don't see the appeal in different colors. Just make them black, black goes with everything.

Black collects dust (especially that shit glossy black the original PS3 had). Much preferred the xbox 360 in that respect.

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I don't see the appeal in different colors. Just make them black, black goes with everything.

Black collects dust (especially that shit glossy black the original PS3 had). Much preferred the xbox 360 in that respect.

Everything collects dust, but with a PS3 you know when it's time to get the polish out, helpful really.

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PlayStation isn't lowering their price of the old slim even though they're coming out with this new one

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they might actually make a profit off the new slims since i assume manufacturing costs have been trimmed drastically over the years... and with the release of a new slim, it's got me wondering if there's still another 2 years left in this cycle... why release a new slimmer model if you're going to announce the PS4 in the 2013?? perhaps if they do, the price of the slim will drop drastically and they hope to grab a lot of leftover customers that never jumped on board...

sometimes i wonder what the hell sony is doing, but i love their products so i can't really complain... i just question their direction sometimes... as long as i get good games to play i am happy, but with all the talk of next gen, this kinda doesn't make sense to me...

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they might actually make a profit off the new slims since i assume manufacturing costs have been trimmed drastically over the years... and with the release of a new slim, it's got me wondering if there's still another 2 years left in this cycle... why release a new slimmer model if you're going to announce the PS4 in the 2013?? perhaps if they do, the price of the slim will drop drastically and they hope to grab a lot of leftover customers that never jumped on board...

sometimes i wonder what the hell sony is doing, but i love their products so i can't really complain... i just question their direction sometimes... as long as i get good games to play i am happy, but with all the talk of next gen, this kinda doesn't make sense to me...

Well they seem to know what they're doing, even after all the trouble they had they still have a big fan base and are functioning well. I respect Sony, although I prefer my xbox, I love my PS3 too.

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Sony all the way, reasons:

- Black Console is better than a crappy silver/white one ( yes I know they have Black ones now but it's too late )

- I have had a PS1, PS2, PS3 so I am more than used to the controller and know the button layout blind folded, and besides which I remember playing the original Xbox at a friends house and the contoller was like a lightwieght fat brick in the hands and felt very uncomfortable with a wierd button layout. The Xbox 360 was little better with the down pad and left joystick in the wrong place and not symetrical like the PS Controller. Xbox Fanboys bragging about the triggers being "so much better" are QDs, I don't see much difference in FPS games where I'm a master with my PS Controller. Also them whining about how the PS3 Dualshock controller hurts their puny hands after prolonged use, all I have to say on this matter is to harden the fuck up you weak little cunts. My hands never get tired even after gaming all day, but then again my hands aren't weak like a little girls from using a subpar controller. Love my DualShock a major reason I will buy a PS4 over a Xbox 720.

- Playstation not only has more exclusive games, in my opinion it has better exclusives than the Xbox. Ofcourse this excludes Halo which I have played on friends systems and is a great FPS, also I think Forza is a better alternative to Gran Turismo. I don't care about Gears, it doesn't look very interesting.

- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

- I love my free online and have no download speed problems with updates and such like other players complain about ( I have a great internet connection though, helps get the edge in FPS games aswell probably :D )

- I like Playstation's simple and easy to use media bar layout for it's home menu ( and without all the bullshit advertisement the casual/maintream gamer shitbox has )

- I like the Idea that the playstation cost more when it came out, and that it came out after the Xbox. This really tested the loyalty of the true Playstation Fanboys. And most in Australia, the US and POM Land gave into temptation and thus bought the subbar cheaper system. Getting what they paid for, and paying the price for not having patience, also most casual gamers here in Aus play the Xbox. The extra cost and longer wait meant that the playstation had more true gamers.

- My PS3 has Blu Ray and does not need multiple disks for the bigger games ( what a joke ), and I can play all my Blu Ray movies without an additional Blu Ray Player.

- There are less assholes in the playstation community even though we still have some ( but nowhere near as many as the Xbox )

When it comes down to it the Xbox 360 feels subpar and like a casual gaming machine to me. It doesn't look as sleek ( Console and Controller ) or feel as slick as a PS3. Just my Opinion. End Troll.

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- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

Are you trying to imply they're trying to create a monopoly?

The banner of liksang may be fallen but some remember.

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- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

Are you trying to imply they're trying to create a monopoly?

Definately, especially with cross-platform marketing.

I mean every time you see an add for Call of Duty on TV, which console do you see advertised at the end. It sure isn't the PS3.

I think this is just another factor in Microsoft's conerstone of the Casual Gaming market.

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- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

Are you trying to imply they're trying to create a monopoly?

Definately, especially with cross-platform marketing.

I mean every time you see an add for Call of Duty on TV, which console do you see advertised at the end. It sure isn't the PS3.

I think this is just another factor in Microsoft's conerstone of the Casual Gaming market.

Sony have done so much anti competitive (and downright shitty to consumers) shit it's unreal.

Lik Sang, Removal of Other OS, Geohot etc. The list goes on. They are NOT saints, and paying for your users to get DLC early or to have your brand advertised is hardly monopolistic. Monopolistic is when you use your power to force others out of business (Sony suing a fucking IMPORT business is a pretty damn big example of this) and don't mention the 1998 anti trust-microsoft trial. Its ridiculous that was ruled against Microsoft considering they bailed out Apple who were on the brink of bankruptcy.

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I own an xbox 360 and I love the ps3 because I used to own a ps2. I bet most people here owns/owned a ps2. Why can't we all get a long and be friends (gay smiley face) :)

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